class %template.htmlcolor
extends %CSP.StudioTemplateSuper
parameter CSPFILE = "F:\705\dev\databases\sys\csp\templates\HTMLColor.csp";
If this page was compiled from a .csp file, then this parameter contains the
filename used for compilation.
parameter CSPURL = "/isc/studio/templates/HTMLColor.csp";
This parameter is used to make sure that if multiple
CSP applications are mapped to the same namespace that the CSP engine can correctly
identify which class corresponds with which URL. If 'LockCSPName' is true (the default, defined
in the CSP application) then you can only access this page if the url exactly matches
this 'CSPURL'. You can set this parameter to "" if you wish to disable this check for
this class. This check is applied for all CSP urls (cls/csp/zen).
If this page was compiled from a .csp file, then this parameter is automatically set to contain the
url of this file used for compilation.
parameter DOMAIN = "%TemplateMessages";
The default domain for csp:text, span and div tags. This parameter is
used to specify the subset of localized messages to be used on this page.
parameter FileTimestamp = "62754,64990";
classmethod DrawStyle()
classmethod DrawTitle(pTitle As %String)
classmethod OnPage()
as %Status
Event handler for PAGE event: this is invoked in order to
generate the content of a csp page.
classmethod OnPageBODY()
as %Boolean
classmethod OnPageCSPROOT()
as %Boolean
classmethod OnPageHEAD()
as %Boolean
classmethod OnPageHTML()
as %Boolean