class %iKnow.Utils.MaintenanceAPI
extends %iKnow.Queries.AbstractAPI
This API groups a number of utility and maintenance operations and queries.
parameter GetBlackListElementsRT = "entUniId:%Integer,entity:%String";
parameter GetBlackListsRT = "blackListId:%Integer,name:%String,description:%String";
classmethod AddEntityToBlackList(domainId As %Integer, blackListId As %Integer, entUniId As %Integer)
as %Status
Adds an existing entity (by ID) to a BlackList
classmethod AddStringToBlackList(domainId As %Integer, blackListId As %Integer, string As %String)
as %Status
Adds a string to a BlackList, adding it as an entity if it didn't exist in the domain before.
classmethod BlacklistContainsElement(domainId As %Integer, blackListId As %Integer, entUniId As %Integer)
as %Integer
classmethod CreateBlackList(domainId As %Integer, name As %String, description As %String = "", Output sc As %Status = $$$OK)
as %Integer
Create a new BlackList entry with the given name and description
classmethod DropBlackList(domainId As %Integer, blackListId As %Integer)
as %Status
Drops a BlackList (entities part of the list will not be deleted from the domain)
classmethod GetBlackListElements(ByRef result, domainId As %Integer, blackListId As %Integer)
as %Status
Retrieves a list of all the strings in the specified BlackList
classmethod GetBlackListId(domainId As %Integer, name As %String, Output sc As %Status = $$$OK)
as %Integer
Finds the BlackList ID corresponding to the supplied name.
classmethod GetBlackLists(ByRef result, domainId As %Integer)
as %Status
Retrieves a list of all the BlackLists registered in this domain.
classmethod RemoveEntityFromBlackList(domainId As %Integer, blackListId As %Integer, entUniId As %Integer)
as %Status
Removes an entity (by ID) from a BlackList (but not from the domain)
classmethod RemoveStringFromBlackList(domainId As %Integer, blackListId As %Integer, string As %String)
as %Status
Removes a string from a BlackList (but not from the domain)