class %iKnow.UI.MatchingResults
extends %iKnow.UI.AbstractSourceViewer
This is a sample User Interface built on top of the iKnow query APIs, displaying the results
of the iKnow Smart Matching API by highlighting matched entities (bold, colored), CRCs (italic)
and paths (underlined). Select a source from the dropdown list to see all matched elements in
the box below. Clicking any highlighted entity will bring up a detail overview of the
matched elements.
This is a Zen Page class.
parameter PAGENAME = "iKnow Matching Results";
Optional. This is the display name used for this page.
If not provided, the class name is used.
method DrawColorPicker(pTable As %ZEN.Component.tablePane, pName As %String, pSeed As %String)
as %Status
method DrawElementLiteral(pTable As %ZEN.Component.tablePane, pName As %String, pSeed As %String)
as %Status
method DrawElementRole(pTable As %ZEN.Component.tablePane, pName As %String, pSeed As %String)
as %Status
method DrawInfo(seed As %ZEN.Datatype.string)
as %Status
method DrawResult(seed As %ZEN.Datatype.string)
as %Status
method GetInfoPaneText()
as %String
Returns the text to be displayed in infoPane. To be overridden by the subclass using it.
method GetNextMatchForEO(forward As %String)
as %Integer
[ ZenMethod ]
classmethod MakeEntityLink(entity As %String)
as %String
method MatchVirtualSource()
as %Status
[ ZenMethod ]
method OnUpdateDomain(domainId As %Integer)
as %Status
This method can be overridden at the subclass level to take any additional server-side
actions when the domain is changed.
method OnUpdateSource(sourceId As %Integer)
as %Status
Server-side method subclasses can override to take additional actions upon a change in the
current source.
method SelectColor(pDictId As %Integer, pColor As %String)
as %Status
[ ZenMethod ]
method SetHighlights(pDictionaries, pTargets)
as %Status
[ ZenMethod ]
method UpdateDMO(dmoId As %Integer)
as %Status
[ ZenMethod ]
method UpdateEntOccId(entOccId As %Integer)
as %Status
[ ZenMethod ]
method clickEntOccClient(entOccId)
[ Language = javascript ]
method displayMatchClient(dmo)
[ Language = javascript ]
method nextMatch()
[ Language = javascript ]
method onProcessInputClient()
[ Language = javascript ]
method onUpdateSourceClient()
[ Language = javascript ]
Client-side method subclasses can override to take additional actions upon a change in the
current source.
method prevMatch()
[ Language = javascript ]
method selectColorClient(pDictId, pColor)
[ Language = javascript ]
method updateHighlights()
[ Language = javascript ]