class %iKnow.Matching.DictionaryWSAPI
extends %SOAP.WebService, %iKnow.Queries.AbstractWSAPI
This is an automatically generated class, offering a functionally equivalent set of methods and queries as %iKnow.Matching.DictionaryAPI, exposed as WebMethod methods.
See the classdocs for %iKnow.Matching.DictionaryAPI for more information.
parameter NAMESPACE = "";
NAMESPACE - Should be an unique URI
Override this parameter in the subclass with the unique namespace URI
of your organization.
Override this parameter in the subclass.
parameter SERVICENAME = "iKnow.Matching.DictionaryWSAPI";
SERVICENAME - Should be the name of the service for which this is a proxy.
Override this parameter in the subclass.
When USECLASSNAMESPACES = 1, then the WSDL of the Web service reflects the namespaces
defined for the referenced classes by the NAMESPACE parameters of those classes.
The default, for compatibility with previous versions, is that
the NAMESPACE parameters of the referenced classes are ignored when creating the WSDL.
If USECLASSNAMESPACES has no value, then the default value from ^ISCSOAP("USECLASSNAMESPACES") is used.
classmethod CreateDictionary(domainId As %Integer, name As %String, description As %String = "", defaultLanguage As %String = "en", defaultProfileId As %Integer = "")
as %Library.Integer
[ WebMethod ]
Creates a Dictionary and returns its ID.
classmethod CreateDictionaryFormat(domainId As %Integer, formatClass As %String, formatParams As %ListOfDataTypes = "")
as %Library.Integer
[ WebMethod ]
Creates a Dictionary Format instance of the supplied formatClass and returns its ID.
classmethod CreateDictionaryItem(domainId As %Integer, dictId As %Integer, name As %String, URI As %String, defaultLanguage As %String = "en")
as %Library.Integer
[ WebMethod ]
Creates a Dictionary Item and returns its ID.
classmethod CreateDictionaryItemAndTerm(domainId As %Integer, dictId As %Integer, name As %String, URI As %String, language As %String = "en")
as %Library.Integer
[ WebMethod ]
Shorthand method for creating a Dictionary Item and Term using the Items name. Returns the Items ID.
classmethod CreateDictionaryTerm(domainId As %Integer, dictItemId As %Integer, string As %String, language As %String = "en", isProcessed As %Boolean = 0)
as %Library.Integer
[ WebMethod ]
Creates a Dictionary Term and returns its ID.
If isProcessed is 1 (default 0), the term will be marked as processed upon creation
and no Dictionary Elements will be created. This parameter is for internal use only.
classmethod CreateDictionaryTermFormat(domainId As %Integer, dictItemId As %Integer, formatClass As %String, formatParams As %ListOfDataTypes = "")
as %Library.Integer
[ WebMethod ]
Creates a Dictionary Term composed of a single Dictionary Format and returns the Terms ID.
classmethod DropAllDictionaryData(domainId As %Integer)
as %Boolean
[ WebMethod ]
classmethod DropDictionary(domainId As %Integer, dictId As %Integer)
as %Boolean
[ WebMethod ]
Deletes a Dictionary and all related items, terms, elements and matches.
classmethod DropDictionaryItem(domainId As %Integer, dictItemId As %Integer)
as %Boolean
[ WebMethod ]
Deletes a Dictionary Item with all related terms, elements and matches.
classmethod DropDictionaryTerm(domainId As %Integer, dictTermId As %String)
as %Boolean
[ WebMethod ]
Drops a single Dictionary Term and its matching results
classmethod GetDictionaries(domainId As %Integer, page As %Integer = 1, pageSize As %Integer = 10)
as %XML.DataSet
[ WebMethod ]
Returns a list of all Dictionaries in this domain.
classmethod GetDictionaryId(domainId As %Integer, name As %String)
as %Library.Integer
[ WebMethod ]
Looks up the Dictionary ID corresponding to the supplied Dictionary name.
classmethod GetDictionaryItemIdByURI(domainId As %Integer, URI As %String)
as %Library.Integer
[ WebMethod ]
Looks up the Dictionary Item ID corresponding to the supplied Dictionary Item URI.
classmethod GetDictionaryItems(domainId As %Integer, dictId As %Integer, page As %Integer = 1, pageSize As %Integer = 10)
as %XML.DataSet
[ WebMethod ]
Returns a list of all Dictionary Items for the given Dictionary ID.
classmethod GetDictionaryItemsAndTerms(domainId As %Integer, dictId As %Integer, page As %Integer = 1, pageSize As %Integer = 10)
as %XML.DataSet
[ WebMethod ]
Returns a list of all Dictionary Items and their Terms for the given Dictionary ID.
classmethod GetDictionaryTermsByItem(domainId As %Integer, dictItemId As %Integer, page As %Integer = 1, pageSize As %Integer = 10)
as %XML.DataSet
[ WebMethod ]
Returns a list of all the Dictionary Terms for the given Dictionary Item ID.