persistent class %iKnow.LB.Languagebase
extends %Persistent
method AddToHash(string As %String)
Adds a value to this Knowledgebase's hash. The ultimate hash value is dependent
on the sequence of values passed to this function.
classmethod ClearAll()
Clears all language bases and their corresponding entries
method EntryCount()
as %Integer
classmethod GetByName(name As %String)
as Languagebase
Retrieves the Languagebase with the given name, returning "" if not found.
method GetEntry(key As %String)
as Entry
Returns the AbstractEntry of this Languagebase corresponding to the key
method GetEntryRaw(key As %String)
as %List
Returns the raw (serialized, $list) version of the entry corresponding to the key
method GetHash()
as %String
Returns a hash based on the content of this Knowledgebase
method GetName()
as %String
Returns the name of the Languagebase
classmethod Load(name As %String, fileName As %String, obfuscate As %Boolean = 1)
as Languagebase
classmethod LoadDir(dir As %String, forcemulticompile As %Boolean = 0, obfuscate As %Boolean = 1)
as %Status
method NextEntry(key As %String = "")
as %String
Returns the key for the next entry after that corresponding to the given key.
Returns the empty string if none remain.
index (NameIndex on Name) [Unique];