class %ZEN.Template.ObjectGatewayWizard.DotNetHome
extends %ZEN.Template.ObjectGatewayWizard.Template
Studio Template.
Wizard to help you import a DLL assembly file from .NET and create a set of corresponding classes.
This is a Zen Page class.
parameter HELPID = "BGNT_makeproxies_wizard";
DOCBOOK Topic Id that offers help for this template.
parameter PAGETITLE = ".NET Gateway Wizard";
Display title of this page
parameter TEMPLATEDESCRIPTION = "Import DLL assembly from .NET";
Short description of the template to show in Studio.
If DOMAIN is defined this will be localized.
parameter TEMPLATENAME = ".NET Gateway Wizard";
Name of the template to show in Studio.
If DOMAIN is defined this will be localized.
parameter TEMPLATETITLE = ".NET Gateway Wizard";
Title of the template to show in the template window.
property lastTab
as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Tab number when Finish is clicked. This dictate which tab to return to when Back is clicked from the Done page.
method %OnAfterCreatePage()
as %Status
This callback is called after the server-side page
object and all of its children are created.
Subclasses can override this to add, remove, or modify
items within the page object model, or to provide values
for controls.
classmethod CheckGateway(pServer, pPort)
as %Boolean
[ ZenMethod ]
Check if server and port is running and responsive
classmethod FileExists(filename)
as %Boolean
[ ZenMethod ]
Check if file user entered exists.
method SetSelected(selectedRows As %String, FileName As %String, Host As %String, Port As %String, Classpaths As %String, Excludes As %String)
as %Boolean
[ ZenMethod ]
Set the selected rows into %session data for the result page
Save all relevant values.
method canFinish()
[ Language = javascript ]
Return true if this template can Finish (i.e., enable
the Finish button).
method canGoBack()
[ Language = javascript ]
Return true if this template can go to the previous page (i.e., enable
the Back button).
This is implemented by subclasses.
method canGoNext()
[ Language = javascript ]
Return true if this template can go to the next page (i.e., enable
the Next button).
method doBrowse()
[ Language = javascript ]
Launching a file selector window.
method finishTemplate()
[ Language = javascript ]
User clicked the Finish button. Start Import.
method formValidationHandler()
[ Language = javascript ]
Validation handler for form built-into template.
method hasMultiplePages()
[ Language = javascript ]
Return true if this template has more than one "page".
This will display Back and Next buttons.
This is implemented by subclasses.
method hasSelected()
[ Language = javascript ]
Return true if at least one selection is made.
method loadTable()
as %Boolean
[ Language = javascript ]
If file exists, load table based on the jar file entered.
method nextPage()
[ Language = javascript ]
Go to the next page of the template (if there is one).
method onPopupAction(popupName, action, value)
[ Language = javascript ]
Returning from file select OR qualifers dialog and setting the value into the appropriate field.
The id of the field that needs to be updated is saved in "dialogClicked".
method onstartHandler()
[ Language = javascript ]
This is called when the template is first displayed;
This provides a chance to set focus etc.
method previousPage()
[ Language = javascript ]
Go to the previous page of the template (if there is one).
This is implemented by subclasses.
method rowChecked(table)
[ Language = javascript ]
User checked a checkbox in a row in the table. Show the location and update Finish button.