class %ZEN.Template.AddInWizard.Template
extends %ZEN.Template.ObjectGatewayWizard.Template
Template for Misc Add-In Wizards (originally these wizards were written under /csp/studio/templates in CSP).
This is a Zen Page class.
parameter DOMAIN = "%TemplateMessages";
Domain used for localization.
property isExit
as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
After user clicks the Finish button, the caption of button Finish becomes Exit,and isExit becomes 1.
If btnFinish is clicked when isExit = 1 then we exit out of the wizard.
method ZStripW(string As %String)
as %String
[ Language = javascript ]
Strip surrounding white spaces off of a given string. Equivalent of $ZStrip(string,"<>W")
method resetMsg()
[ Language = javascript ]
Clear message on top of page.
method showMsg(msg)
[ Language = javascript ]
Display message on top of page.