class %ZEN.Template.AddInWizard.SOAPWizard
extends %ZEN.Template.AddInWizard.Template
Studio Template.
The SOAP Wizard reads a WSDL (Web Services Description Language) document and creates one or more SOAP client or service classes.
Each SOAP Client class contains one or more methods that, when invoked, remotely call the corresponding Web Method of the Web Service.
Each SOAP Service class contains one or more methods that may be remotely invoked.
This is a Zen Page class.
parameter HELPID = "GSOAP_soapwizard";
DOCBOOK Topic Id that offers help for this template.
parameter PAGETITLE = "SOAP Wizard";
Display title of this page
parameter TEMPLATEDESCRIPTION = "creates one or more SOAP client or service classes from a WSDL document.";
Short description of the template to show in Studio.
If DOMAIN is defined this will be localized.
parameter TEMPLATENAME = "SOAP Wizard";
Name of the template to show in Studio.
If DOMAIN is defined this will be localized.
parameter TEMPLATETITLE = "SOAP Wizard";
Title of the template to show in the template window.
parameter TEMPLATETYPE = "cls";
Comma separated list of 'CSP', 'CSR', 'MAC', 'INT', 'INC',
'BAS', 'CLS' to say what type of code this template
generates; CSP, CSR, Routine, or Class code.
You can also specify '*' for all types.
method %OnAfterCreatePage()
as %Status
This callback is called after the server-side page
object and all of its children are created.
Subclasses can override this to add, remove, or modify
items within the page object model, or to provide values
for controls.
classmethod %OnPreHTTP()
as %Boolean
Zen page notification of an HTTP request. This method can be overwritten
by subclasses.
This is called before the standard Zen pre-HTTP processing occurs.
method %OnTemplateAction()
as %Status
This method is called when the template is complete. Any
output to the principal device is returned to the Studio.
(1) adding classes to the project;
(2) classes may be opened if Studio's option "Open file to added project" is checked.
classmethod DrawNS(proxy As %ZEN.proxyObject)
as %Status
Draw page 3, namespaces
classmethod DrawPageTitle(pSeed As %String)
as %Status
classmethod FileExists(filename)
as %Boolean
[ ZenMethod ]
Check if file exists
classmethod GetRecentList(filetype)
as %String
[ ZenMethod ]
Get recent list for URLs or Files. filetype = "FILE" or "URL".
classmethod GetSRC(filetype As %String, url As %String)
as %String
[ ZenMethod ]
Given the url or file, load the file.
Save the url or file to ^ISC.SOAPClientWizard.
classmethod GetStatus(tab)
as %ZEN.proxyObject
[ ZenMethod ]
tab = 3: NS - when DrawNS is finished, Status is "Done".
classmethod PreProcess(proxy As %ZEN.proxyObject)
as %String
[ ZenMethod ]
For page 3, do preprocess to find out whether it is multiple
classmethod SaveLast(filetype, url)
[ ZenMethod ]
FileType is either "FILE" or "URL".
method canFinish()
[ Language = javascript ]
Return true if this template can Finish (i.e., enable
the Finish button).
method canGoBack()
[ Language = javascript ]
Return true if this template can go to the previous page (i.e., enable
the Back button).
This is implemented by subclasses.
method canGoNext()
[ Language = javascript ]
Return true if this template can go to the next page (i.e., enable
the Next button).
method changeBusOp(ischecked)
[ Language = javascript ]
User clicked "Create Business Operation". If it's checked default Class Type to Serial; Else default to Registered.
method changeClient(ischecked)
[ Language = javascript ]
User clicked "Create Client for Web Service"
method changePersistent(flag)
[ Language = javascript ]
method changedFileType(thisObj)
[ Language = javascript ]
User changed file type. Change label. Show filename and browse button if type is FILE.
method doBrowse()
[ Language = javascript ]
Launching a file selector window.
method drawDone(tab)
[ Language = javascript ]
This method is fired up after onDrawContent is finished. Hide progress message and display error if exists.
method getPackages()
[ Language = javascript ]
Validate and return packages string. If a package name is empty, display message and return 0.
method hasMultiplePages()
[ Language = javascript ]
Return true if this template has more than one "page".
This will display Back and Next buttons.
This is implemented by subclasses.
method nextPage()
[ Language = javascript ]
Go to the next page of the template (if there is one).
method onPopupAction(popupName, action, value)
[ Language = javascript ]
Returning from file select OR qualifers dialog and setting the value into the appropriate field.
The id of the field that needs to be updated is saved in "dialogClicked".
method onresizeHandler()
[ Language = javascript ]
This client event, if present, is fired when the page is resized.
method onstartHandler()
[ Language = javascript ]
This is called when the template is first displayed;
This provides a chance to load the last filetype, etc.
method outputDone()
[ Language = javascript ]
class loading finished. Enable Finish button and hide progress message.
method previousPage()
[ Language = javascript ]
Go to the previous page of the template (if there is one).
This is implemented by subclasses.
method resetMsg()
[ Language = javascript ]
Clear message on top of page.
method showMsg(msg)
[ Language = javascript ]
Display message on top of page.
method updateFile(file)
[ Language = javascript ]
Load the recently used file into textbox
method updateURL(url)
[ Language = javascript ]
Load the recently used url into textbox