class %ZEN.SVGComponent.lightBar
extends meter
SVG light bar meter.
This displays a value within a representation of a LED light bar.
This control looks best when its width is half of its height.
Override viewBoxWidth for this component.
property highLampColor
as %ZEN.Datatype.color [ InitialExpression = "url(#glow-red)" ];
Fill color used for high indicator lamp.
property lowLampColor
as %ZEN.Datatype.color [ InitialExpression = "url(#glow-red)" ];
Fill color used for low indicator lamp.
property outerBodyStyle
Optional. Style applied to outer region.
method renderMeter()
[ Language = javascript ]
Render the inner SVG contents of this component.
method setProperty(property, value, value2)
[ Language = javascript ]
Set the value of a named property.
method updateLamps(animate)
[ Language = javascript ]
Internal method: update lamps