class %ZEN.Report.reportGenerator
extends %RegisteredObject
classmethod Generate(className As %String, reportName As %String, queryClass As %String, queryName As %String, sortandgroup As %Boolean, GroupOption As %String, SortOption As %String, SortBy As %String, UniqueId)
as %Status
Generate a ZEN Report
className - name that generated ZEN Report will have, for instance pkgname.GeneratedReport
reportName - name of ZEN Report, root element of generated XML
queryClass - name of class for which report is generated
queryName - name of query for which report is generated
sortandgroup - if 1, we sort and group and next four parameters used, otherwise we don't sort and group
GroupOption - name of option that determines grouping
SortOption - name of option that determined sorting of detail records
SortBy - name of support internal - set by SortOption, a good value for this is "SortBy" if no column in query named "SortBy"
UniqueId - default sorting field of query, one can set this outside query, will be used to sort report columns if one group in report/columns within group if several groups within report
classmethod GenerateForSQL(className As %String, reportName As %String, sql As %String, sortandgroup As %Boolean, GroupOption As %String, SortOption As %String, SortBy As %String, UniqueId)
as %Status
Generate a ZEN Report
className - name that generated ZEN Report will have, for instance pkgname.GeneratedReport
reportName - name of ZEN Report, root element of generated XML
sql - sql used in report generation
sortandgroup - if 1, we sort and group and next four parameters used, otherwise we don't sort and group
GroupOption - name of option that determines grouping
SortOption - name of option that determined sorting of detail records
SortBy - name of support internal - set by SortOption, a good value for this is "SortBy" if no column in query named "SortBy"
UniqueId - default sorting field of query, one can set this outside query, will be used to sort report columns if one group in report/columns within group if several groups within report