class %ZEN.Report.Display.timeline
extends %ZEN.Report.Display.childrenNode
property BackgroundColor
as %ZEN.Datatype.string(XMLNAME="background-color") [ InitialExpression = "'white'" ];
background-color: when we graph episodes - the background color
property CurrentDate
as %ZEN.Datatype.string(XMLNAME="current-date");
current-date is by default date of generation of report and indicated by a downward pointing arrow.
property EndDate
as %ZEN.Datatype.string(XMLNAME="static-end-date");
static-end-date can be used to override automatic calculation of end date from data
property EndDateNodeSet
as %ZEN.Datatype.string(XMLNAME="end-date-node-set");
end-date-node-set is the xpath expression for end-dates. It corresponds to start dates and episode types through predicate [position()=$pos]
property EpisodeTypeNodeSet
as %ZEN.Datatype.string(XMLNAME="episode-type-node-set");
episode-type-node-set is the xpath expression for episode-types. It corresponds to start dates and end dates through predicate [position()=$pos]
property GeneratedTypeCode
as %ZEN.Datatype.string(XMLNAME="generated-type-code");
generated-type-code is a string or integer that indicates when an episode is generated
property GeneratedTypeColor
as %ZEN.Datatype.string(XMLNAME="generated-type-color") [ InitialExpression = "'gray'" ];
generated-type-color is the color with which generated episodes will be drawn
property IntervalHeight
as %ZEN.Datatype.string(XMLNAME="interval-height");
interval-height is the height of episode ticks and xaxis ticks
property IntervalType
as %ZEN.Datatype.string(VALUELIST=",'year','quarter','month','day'",XMLNAME="interval-type");
interval-type is the type of interval with which we are dealing, year, quarter, month or day
property MaxHeight
as %ZEN.Datatype.integer(XMLNAME="max-height") [ InitialExpression = 5 ];
max-height specifies the maximum height of the episode graph. Unseen episodes will be indicated with an up-arrow.
property MinimumIntervalWidth
as %ZEN.Datatype.string(XMLNAME="minimum-interval-width");
minimum-interval-width is the width of an interval in the timeline. An interval can be a day, a month, a quarter or a year
This is in mm - milimeters
It is an xpath expression so specified as "'10mm'" for instance
property NumberOfIntervals
as %ZEN.Datatype.integer(XMLNAME="number-of-intervals");
number-of-intervals can be used to override automatic calculation from data
property OffColor
as %ZEN.Datatype.string(XMLNAME="off-color") [ InitialExpression = "'white'" ];
off-color: In the xaxis label, the color of intervals when they are "off"
property OnColor
as %ZEN.Datatype.string(XMLNAME="on-color") [ InitialExpression = "'gray'" ];
on-color: In the xaxis label, the color of intervals when they are "on"
property PlottingColor
as %ZEN.Datatype.string(XMLNAME="plotting-color") [ InitialExpression = "'black'" ];
plotting-color: when we graph episodes - the foreground color
property StartDate
as %ZEN.Datatype.string(XMLNAME="static-start-date");
static-start-date can be used to override automatic calculation of start date from data
property StartDateNodeSet
as %ZEN.Datatype.string(XMLNAME="start-date-node-set");
start-date-node-set is the xpath expression for start-dates. It corresponds to end dates and episode types through predicate [position()=$pos]
property field
as %ZEN.Datatype.string(XMLPROJECTION="NONE");
property group
as %ZEN.Datatype.string(XMLPROJECTION="NONE");
property removeEmpty
as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean(XMLPROJECTION="NONE") [ InitialExpression = 0 ];