Class Reference
  [USER] >  [%ZEN] >  [Report] >  [Display] >  [COSChart] >  [cxyChart]
Private  Storage  

class %ZEN.Report.Display.COSChart.cxyChart extends cchart


Parameters Properties Methods Queries Indices ForeignKeys Triggers
2 1 5


%dataSeries %hzMaxStep %labelPad %legendRight
%marginBottom %marginLeft %marginRight %marginTop
%maxScrollLeft %plotBottom %plotBottomOut %plotHeight
%plotLeft %plotLeftOut %plotRight %plotRightOut
%plotTop %plotTopOut %plotWidth %rplotRight
%rplotRightOut %rplotWidth %seriesColors %xAxisLabelH
%xAxisTitle %xAxisTitleH %xBaseValue %xGridType
%xLabelAngle %xLabelStyle %xLabelUnits %xMajorGrid
%xMajorGridStyle %xMajorUnits %xMaxValue %xMinValue
%xMinorGrid %xMinorGridStyle %xMinorUnits %xRange
%yAxisForSeries %yAxisTitle %yBaseValue %yGridType
%yLabelAngle %yLabelStyle %yLabelUnits %yMajorGrid
%yMajorGridStyle %yMajorUnits %yMaxValue %yMinValue
%yMinorGrid %yMinorGridStyle %yMinorUnits %yRange
appearance autoScaleText axisLineStyle axisTitleStyle
backgroundStyle bandLeft bandLeftStyle bandLower
bandLowerStyle bandRight bandRightStyle bandUpper
bandUpperStyle blockContainerProperty borderRadius borderStyle
caption chartPivot class colcount
colspan composite crosstabDataGroup crosstabFooterFormatNumber
crosstabFooterGroup crosstabHeaderDataField crosstabHeaderGroup crosstabHeaderMatchField
crosstabRowGroup currYAxis field foblock
gridStyle group grouppath hasFooter
hasHeader height htmlstyle id
ifexpression ifxpath includeBlockContainer includeColIfExpression
includeColIfXPath includeColUnlessExpression includeColUnlessXPath independentXSeries
labelStyle labelsVisible legendHeight legendLabelStyle
legendStyle legendTitle legendVisible legendWidth
legendX legendY linefeedTreatment marginBottom
marginLeft marginRight marginTop markerScale
markerShapes markerStyle markersVisible multipleTitleStyle
ongetData ongetLabelX ongetLabelY ongetSeriesName
onrenderData plotAreaStyle plotEdgeStyle plotStyle
plotToEdge removeEmpty rowspan scrollButtonStyle
selectedItem selectedItemStyle selectedSeries selectstylecond
selectstylelist seriesColorScheme seriesColors seriesColorsOverride
seriesCount seriesNames seriesNumber seriesSize
seriesYAxes showMultiples stripeStyle stripesVisible
style stylecall styleparamNames styleparams
svgGroup tag template textSize
title titleBoxStyle titleStyle titleX
titleY tooLongText topLevel truncate
truncationHeight truncationWidth unlessexpression valueLabelStyle
valueLabelsVisible width withinSmallmultiple xAxis
xmlnamespace xmlnamespaceprefix xpath xslfostyle
yAxis yAxisList

%%OIDGet %AddToSaveSet %ApplyClass %ApplyLevelParameters
%BeginGroup %ClassIsLatestVersion %ClassName %ConstructClone
%DeclareLevelParameters %DispatchClassMethod %DispatchGetModified %DispatchGetProperty
%DispatchMethod %DispatchSetModified %DispatchSetMultidimProperty %DispatchSetProperty
%DrawCellFO %DrawCellFO1 %DrawCellToHTML %DrawCellToHTML1
%DrawFooterFO %DrawFooterToHTML %DrawHeaderFO %DrawHeaderToHTML
%DrawSort %DrawToHTML %DrawToXSLFO %EndGroup
%EndLevel %Extends %FooterWidth %GetAbsoluteURL
%GetParameter %HeaderWidth %IsA %IsModified
%New %NormalizeObject %ObjectModified %OldWidth
%OriginalNamespace %PackageName %QuoteValue %QuoteValueEmbedded
%QuoteValueL10N %RemoveFromSaveSet %SerializeObject %SetModified
%StyleHTML %StyleXSLFO %ValidateObject %Width
ApplyClass CSPLinkToFileLink CountSpaces DoDocForHTML
GetBBox GetDocForXSLFO HTMLStyle OutputId
Test XMLDTD XMLExport XMLExportToStream
XMLExportToString XMLNew XMLSchema XMLSchemaNamespace
XMLSchemaType XSLFOStyle adjustChartTitle calcVertex
calculateAxisConstraints calculateXAxisHeight calculateXAxisTitleHeight calculateYAxisWidth
computeEffectiveExtents computeScale computeStyle computeXFontSize
computeYFontSize createMarker createSVGTextNode createXLabelNode
embedStyle findDataRange getChartTitle getColorSchemeArray
getComputedFontSize getComputedTextLength getLegendLabels getMarkerShape
getNumericAbbreviation getPelToPixelHRatio getPelToPixelVRatio getPlotX
getPlotY getRangeGroupForSeries getSeriesColor getSeriesCount
getSeriesData getSeriesNames getSeriesSVGGroup getSeriesSize
getSeriesType getStyleArray getTextWidth getXAxis
getXAxisTitle getXAxisType getXLabelText getYAxis
getYAxisCount getYAxisTitle getYAxisType getYLabelText
hasAxes hasFooterGet hasHeaderGet hasMultiples
initializeAxisProperties insertAxis integrateStyleSpec is3D
isCSPLink makeId max min
myCountSpaces needsURL parent pickVerticalSkips
plotLineForSeries prepareAxisGroup processExclamationPoint qualify
removeChildNodes renderAxes renderBands renderContents
renderLegend renderPlotArea renderSeries renderSeriesGroup
renderTitle renderXAxisTitle renderXLabels renderYAxisTitle
renderYLabels split stripWhitespace tagGet
unrender usePercentForRange useSumForRange


Default value for the markersVisible property.
• parameter DEFAULTPLOTTOEDGE = 1;
This is an SVG chart component that displays an X-Y chart.
This chart plots two or more series of data as a series of x,y points on the chart. The first data series provides the x values, the second provides the correlated y values.
Additional data series are plotted as y values correlated to the x values provided by the first series.
The first series name is used as the name of the first series containing y-values.
You can supply more than one set of x values using the independentXSeries property. Default value for plotToEdge property.


• property independentXSeries as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Optional: if false (the default) the first data series is used to supply x values for the chart and all other data series provide y values.
If false, then the chart will display multiple x series. In this case, the first data series provides the first set of x values, the second data provides the first set of y values, the third data series provides the second set of x values, and so on.


• method findDataRange()
Internal method: return (as an object) the minimum and maximum data values for this chart. This is used for ranges that are automatically calculated.
• method getLegendLabels()
Return an array of labels to display within the Legend box.
For xy chart we have to skip the first series, as it contains x-values, and not a logical data series.
• method getXAxisType()
Return the type of x axis (category or value) used by this chart.
• method getYAxisType()
Return the type of y axis (category or value) used by this chart.
• method renderSeries(group)
Draw data series for this chart. group is the SVG container for the chart components.