class %ZEN.Dialog.qualifierSelect
extends standardDialog
This utility dialog window displays and lets the user select
from a set of qualifiers.
Displays Export or Compile qualifiers and allow user to select multiple.
This is a Zen Page class.
parameter APPLYBUTTON = 0;
No Apply button.
parameter DOMAIN = "%ZEN";
Localization domain
property TotalItems
as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Total Items of the qualifiers. Updated at the end of checkboxes building.
property group
as %ZEN.Datatype.string(ZENURL="group");
Type of group to select ("Export" or "Compiler"). Passed in via URL.
property qspec
as %ZEN.Datatype.string(ZENURL="qspec");
Default qualifiers used when checkboxes are built (if null, system default will be used). Passed in via URL.
method %GetDescHTML(pSeed As %String)
as %Status
Provide contents of description component.
method %OnAfterCreatePage()
as %Status
Load default values
method %OnGetSubtitle()
as %String
Get the (localized) subtitle string for the dialog.
This should be implemented in a subclass.
method %OnGetTitle()
as %String
Get the (localized) title string for the dialog.
This should be implemented in a subclass.
method DrawItems(seed As %String)
as %Status
Draw Qualifiers. If seed is null, use qspec passed in. Else use default.
method getDialogValue()
[ Language = javascript ]
Get the selected values for this dialog. Return value does not include comma at the beginning and the end.
method openHelp()
[ Language = javascript ]
Open documentation for qualifiers
method restoreDefault()
[ Language = javascript ]
Restore default