extends component
link component.
This component places a link (HTML anchor element) within a ZEN page.
property caption
as %ZEN.Datatype.caption(ZENEXPRESSION=1);
Text to display for the link.
This value is interpreted as text, not HTML.
property disabled
as %ZEN.Datatype.boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, this link is disabled.
A disabled link is redisplayed without an anchor tag to ensure
that it is truly disabled.
property href
as %ZEN.Datatype.uri(ZENEXPRESSION=1);
HREF (URL) to use for the link.
property onclick
as %ZEN.Datatype.eventHandler;
onclick event handler:
This event is fired when the mouse is clicked on the link.
property style
Optional CSS style expression to apply to this link.
property target
as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
The HTML target value applied to the link.
This controls where the new document will be displayed when the
user clicks on a link. Typically this is the name of a frame.
HTML also defines for special values for target:
- "_blank" - open the link in a new window.
- "_parent" - open the link in our parent window.
- "_self" - open the link in current window.
- "_top" - open the link in topmost window.
property title
as %ZEN.Datatype.caption(ZENEXPRESSION=1);
Optional title (tooltip) to display for the link.
method %DrawHTML()
Static HTML display method: draw the BODY of this component
as HTML.
Subclasses implement this in order to render the static HTML
contents of a component.
method onClickHandler()
[ Language = javascript ]
Internal method: Handle user click on the link element.
method setProperty(property, value, value2)
[ Language = javascript ]
Set the value of a named property.