persistent class %XSQL.Catalog.Informix.systables
extends %Persistent
The systables system catalog table describes each table in the database.
It contains one row for each table, view, or synonym that is defined in the database.
This includes all database tables and the system catalog tables.
parameter READONLY = 1;
READONLY = 1 means that objects can be created, opened but not saved or deleted.
Tables are projected to SQL as READONLY.
property owner
as %String(MAXLEN=128) [ Transient ];
Owner of table (user informix for system catalog tables and user name for database tables)
property tabid
as %Integer;
Tblspace identifier (similar to tabid)
Property partnum As %Integer [ SqlColumnNumber = 4 ];
System-assigned sequential ID number (system tables: 1 through 24, user tables: 100 through nnn)
property tabname
as %String(MAXLEN=128);
Name of table, view, or synonym
property tabtype
as %String(MAXLEN=1) [ Transient ];
Table type:
'T' = Table
'V' = View
'P' = Private synonym
'P' = Synonym (in an ANSI-compliant database)
'S' = Synonym
index (IDKEYIndex on tabid) [IdKey,PrimaryKey,Unique];