Class Reference
  [SALES] >  [%XML] >  [Schema]
Private  Storage  

class %XML.Schema extends %RegisteredObject

The %XML.Schema controls creation of an XML Schema from Caché. It generates a complete XML document that contains the schema including the <?xml> tag. XML types are added to the schema by using the AddSchemaType method. The schema is build up in an XML DOM by AddSchemaType and may later be output using %XML.Writer. The DocumentNode or Tree methods of the %XML.Writer class can be used to output the schema.
XML namespace handling is for the most part automatic. %XML.Schema adds namespaces for which %XML.Writer then automatically creates prefixes for the XML output as needed. The XML namespaces for which schemas are created are listed in the Namespaces property which is a list of strings. The GetSchema method is used to get the XML DOM node for a namespace's schema.
The following example can be executed in the SAMPLES namespace.

		; Get %XML.Schema instance.
		set schema=##class(%XML.Schema).%New()
		set namespace=""
		set schema.DefaultNamespace=namespace
		; Get %XML.Writer instance.
		set writer=##class(%XML.Writer).%New()
		set writer.Indent=1
		do writer.AddSchemaNamespace()
		do writer.AddNamespace(namespace,"sample")
		; Add Company.  Note that referenced types are also added.
		set status=schema.AddSchemaType("Sample.Company")
		if $system.Status.IsError(status) do $system.Status.DisplayError(status) quit
		; Add Vendor.
		set status=schema.AddSchemaType("Sample.Vendor")
		if $system.Status.IsError(status) do $system.Status.DisplayError(status) quit
		; Verify that we have just our expected namespace.
		; This is included for just for illustration.
		if (schema.Namespaces.Count()'=1) || (schema.Namespaces.GetAt(1)'=namespace) {
			write !,"Unexpected namespace found",!
			write !,"List Of Namespace: ",!
			for i=1:1:schema.Namespaces.Count() {
				write "    ",schema.Namespaces.GetAt(i),!
			write !
		; Output the schema.
		set status=writer.DocumentNode(schema.GetSchema(namespace))
%XML.Schema automatically adds import elements to the generated schema. It is the responsibility of the user code to use the DefineLocation method to define the schemaLocation. See the following example of use DefineLocation for multiple namespaces:
	  // className is the name of a class which references classes defined in 
	  // multiple namespaces.  For example: className="test.A" in namespace "urn:testA",
	  // test.A references test.B (in namespace "urn:testB") and test.C (in namespace "urn:testC").
	  try {
			#; get a schema writer
			set schemaWriter = ##class(%XML.Schema).%New()
			set sc = schemaWriter.AddSchemaType(className)
			if ($$$ISOK(sc)) {
				set namespaces = schemaWriter.Namespaces
				for i=1:1:namespaces.Count() {
					set ns=namespaces.GetAt(i)
					// set file path according to application dependent formula
					set locations(ns)="c:\temp\"_$piece(ns,":",2)_".xml"
					do schemaWriter.DefineLocation(ns,locations(ns))
				for i=1:1:namespaces.Count() {
					set ns=namespaces.GetAt(i)
					set schema = schemaWriter.GetSchema(ns)
					set writer = ##class(%XML.Writer).%New()
					do writer.OutputToFile(locations(ns))
					set writer.Indent = 1
					set sc=writer.DocumentNode(schema)
					If $$$ISERR(sc) do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(sc) Quit
					do writer.Reset()
			} else {
				do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(sc)
		  } catch(tException) {
			do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(tException.AsStatus())


Parameters Properties Methods Queries Indices ForeignKeys Triggers
16 20


DefaultNamespace IncludeDocumentation Namespaces

%%OIDGet %AddToSaveSet %ClassIsLatestVersion %ClassName
%ConstructClone %DispatchClassMethod %DispatchGetModified %DispatchGetProperty
%DispatchMethod %DispatchSetModified %DispatchSetMultidimProperty %DispatchSetProperty
%Extends %GetParameter %IsA %IsModified
%New %NormalizeObject %ObjectModified %OnClose
%OnNew %OriginalNamespace %PackageName %RemoveFromSaveSet
%SerializeObject %SetModified %ValidateObject AddSchemaType
DefineExtraImports DefineLocation GetSchema NamespacePrefixSet


• property DefaultNamespace as %String;
DefaultNamespace is the XML namespace to use for any classes that do not have the NAMESPACE parameter specified. If the NAMESPACE parameter is specified for a class, then the namespace specified in the class is always used.
• property IncludeDocumentation as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
If IncludeDocumentation is true, then the class and property comments are included in the schema as elements. The default is to include the documentation.
• property Namespaces as %ListOfDataTypes;
List of referenced namespaces Namespaces = count of namespaces defined Namespaces(namespaceIndex)=namespace


• method %OnClose() as %Status
This callback method is invoked by the %Close method to provide notification that the current object is being closed.

The return value of this method is ignored.

• method %OnNew(rootName As %String) as %Status
Initialize schema index and schema document on constuction of object, rootName is the name used for the dummy root element in the schema document.
• method AddSchemaType(class As %String, top As %String = "", format As %String, summary As %Boolean = 0, input As %Boolean = 0, refOnly As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Add a complexType to the schema. class is the name of the class which corresponds to the complexType.
top is the optional override of the type name.
format is the parameter formatting type ("literal", "encoded" or "encoded12") to be used for this object. In addition, the value "element" is the same as "literal" formatting with an element at the top level. The default value for format is "" which currently is the same as the "literal" formatting, but may be a unique Cache encoding in the future.

summary=true if summary type is to be created. input=true means that the schema for the input XML will be generated, otherwise the schema for the output XML will be generated. The default is input=false. Normally, this argument is not relevant since the all properties of a class participate in input and output.
refOnly=true means that only the portions of the schema for referenced types are generated. The schema for this class is not generated. Default is refOnly=false that generates the entire schema.

• method DefineExtraImports(namespace As %String, ByRef imports)
Define any additional import elements for a schema The imports array is of the form imports(namespace)=location
• method DefineLocation(namespace As %String, location As %String)
Define the location for import elements for a schema
• method GetSchema(namespace As %String) as %XML.Node
Get the node for the schema element that corresponds to the specified namespace.