class %XML.SAX.EntityResolver
extends %Library.RegisteredObject
This class enables the SAX parser to resolve external entities. The parser will call the
resolveEntity method passing the URI/URL of the external entity,expecting a
new stream object to be returned. This class provides a default implementation,
you may wish to provide your own subclass with specialized semantics. The entity must be
returned as an instance of %BinaryStream (or one of its subclasses) wrapped in an instance of
%XML.SAX.StreamAdapter. If the entity cannot be resolved then $$$NULLOREF should be returned to
indicate to the SAX parser that the entity cannot be resolved).
property Timeout
as %Integer;
The amount of time to wait for a response from the web server before
assuming that the web server is not responding.
If not specified, the %Net.HttpRequest default is used.