class %XML.CatalogParser
extends %Library.RegisteredObject
An XML Catalog file parser.
This is used by the %XML.Catalog class.
Use as follows:
Set parser = ##class(%XML.CatalogParser).%New()
Set sc = parser.Start("\dbdtd\"),!
While (parser.NextElement(.el)) {
// el will contain the values for this element
// as subscripts
method End()
method Error(text As %String)
Display an error message
method NextElement(ByRef element As %String)
as %Boolean
Find and return the next element in the catalog
element returns the values of the element
as subscripts.
method NextToken()
as %String
Return the next token from the InputStream
method Start(file As %String)
as %Status
Begin parsing the given Catalog file
method UndoToken(token As %String)
Put back a token into the input stream