abstract class %XGEN.AbstractDocument
extends %XGEN.AbstractNode, %XGEN.AbstractGroup, %Studio.SASchemaClass
Note: This class is included because it is needed by
other parts of the library. You should not use this or any other class within
this package within your applications as a future version will
be incompatible. If you are interested in this functionality
please contact InterSystems.
This is the base class for XGEN documents.
XGEN: XML-based Code Generation Language
XGEN is a framework for creating specialized code generators that are driven by an XML-based specification.
XGEN contains a set of base classes from which a user can implement an XML-based code generator.
An XGEN document is an XML document that can be compiled into executable code.
Every activity within an XGEN document is implemented as a class.
Within an XGEN document, each XGEN class provides the following:
- The XML representation of the activity (i.e., its name and attributes).
- Generation of code for the activity.
- Generation of Studio Assist schema information.
classmethod %Generate(pTargetClass As %Dictionary.CompiledClass, pCode As %Stream.TmpCharacter, pXDataName As %String)
as %Status
This method is called from a method generator within a target class.
It generates code for the method.
pTargetClass is the compiled class definition for the target class.
pCode is a character stream that contains the generated code.
pXDataName is the name of the XData block containing the XGEN document definition.
classmethod %GenerateDefaultCode(pTargetClass As %Dictionary.CompiledClass, pCode As %Stream.TmpCharacter, pXDataName As %String)
as %Status
This method is invoked when there is no XDATA block defined in the target