persistent class %TSQL.sys.constraints
extends %Persistent
Contains one row for every column in every table and view, and a row for each parameter in a stored procedure.
parameter READONLY = 1;
READONLY = 1 means that objects can be created, opened but not saved or deleted.
Tables are projected to SQL as READONLY.
property colid
as %TinyInt;
Column number in the table
property constrid
as %Integer;
Object ID of the constraint
property parentobjname
as %String(MAXLEN=128) [ SqlFieldName = parent_obj_name ];
Parent Object name
Object name of the parent_obj.
property schema
as %String(MAXLEN=128);
Name of the schema the column resides in
property status
as %Integer;
The type of constraint:
0x0040 = a referential constraint
0x0080 = a check constraint
property tableid
as %Integer;
ID of the table on which the constraint is declared
index (IDKEYIndex on tableid,constrid) [IdKey,Unique];