persistent class %TSQL.sys.columns
extends %Persistent
Contains one row for every column in every table and view, and a row for each parameter in a stored procedure.
parameter READONLY = 1;
READONLY = 1 means that objects can be created, opened but not saved or deleted.
Tables are projected to SQL as READONLY.
property cdefault
as %Integer;
ID of the default for this column.
ID of the procedure that generates default value for this column
property colid
as %SmallInt;
Column or parameter ID.
property id
as %Integer;
Object ID of the table to which this column belongs, or the ID of the stored procedure with which this parameter is associated.
property length
as %Integer;
Maximum physical storage length from systypes.
property name
as %String(MAXLEN=128);
Name of the column or procedure parameter.
property number
as %SmallInt [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Subprocedure number when the procedure is grouped (0 for nonprocedure entries).
property parentobjname
as %String(MAXLEN=128) [ SqlFieldName = parent_obj_name ];
Parent Object name
Object name of the parent_obj.
property prec
as %SmallInt;
Level of precision for this column. Number of significant digits.
property scale
as %Integer;
Scale for this column. Number of digits to the right of the decimal point
property schema
as %String(MAXLEN=128);
Name of the schema the column resides in
property status
as %TinyInt;
Bitmap used to describe a property of the column or the parameter:
Bits 0-2 (values 1, 2, and 4) indicate bit positioning if the column uses the bit datatype. If the column uses the text/image datatype, bits 0 and 1 indicate replication status as follows:
01 = always replicate
10 = replicate only if changed
00 = never replicate
Bit 3 (value 8) indicates whether NULL values are legal in this column.
Bit 4 (value 16) indicates whether more than one check constraint exists for the column.
Bits 5 and 6 are used internally.
Bit 7 (value 128) indicates an identity column.
Bit 8 is unused.
property usertype
as %Library.String(MAXLEN=50);
ID of user-defined data type from systypes.
index (IDKEYIndex on id,colid) [IdKey,Unique];