Class Reference
  [BASEXML] >  [%Studio] >  [Extension] >  [Base]
Private  Storage  

class %Studio.Extension.Base extends %RegisteredObject

Studio extensibility superclass, this does nothing but provide interface for the real extensibility classes to use. Subclass from this and implement the methods you need.


Parameters Properties Methods Queries Indices ForeignKeys Triggers
2 26 2


StudioVersion Username

%%OIDGet %AddToSaveSet %ClassIsLatestVersion %ClassName
%ConstructClone %DispatchClassMethod %DispatchGetModified %DispatchGetProperty
%DispatchMethod %DispatchSetModified %DispatchSetMultidimProperty %DispatchSetProperty
%Extends %GetParameter %IsA %IsModified
%New %NormalizeObject %ObjectModified %OnClose
%OnNew %OriginalNamespace %PackageName %RemoveFromSaveSet
%SerializeObject %SetModified %ValidateObject AfterUserAction
ExternalName GetStatus IsGenerated IsInSourceControl
IsReadOnly Login Logout OnAfterAllClassCompile
OnAfterClassCompile OnAfterCompile OnAfterDelete OnAfterLoad
OnAfterSave OnAfterStorage OnBeforeAllClassCompile OnBeforeClassCompile
OnBeforeCompile OnBeforeDelete OnBeforeLoad OnBeforeSave
OnBeforeTimestamp OnMenuItem UserAction



• property StudioVersion as %String;
Version of Studio that is connecting to this server
• property Username as %String;
The username of this source control user.


• method %OnClose() as %Status
This callback method is invoked by the %Close method to provide notification that the current object is being closed.

The return value of this method is ignored.

• final method %OnNew(initval As %String) as %Status
This just calls the Login to perform an initialisation. Note that this is called by Studio automatically via the %Studio.SourceControl.Interface class, do not call %New directly.
• method AfterUserAction(Type As %Integer, Name As %String, InternalName As %String, Answer As %Integer, Msg As %String = "", ByRef Reload As %Boolean) as %Status
This is called after the UserAction and after any template is run or dialog is displayed. For list of input arguments see UserAction In the case of the dialog the button pushed by the user is passed in Answer:
  • 0 - No
  • 1 - Yes
  • 2 - Cancel
For the dialog that contains a textbox field the text of this field is passed in 'Msg' argument. In the case of a template if the template was closed from the 'x' button then Answer=2 to indicate the user attempted to cancel the operation. Otherwise if the template closed normally by getting to the end Answer=1. For the cases where Studio did not perform any interaction this method is not called. The default implementation is to call the standard source control tags as Studio did in Cache 5.0. If the Reload argument is set to true by this method then the current document will be reloaded in Studio
• method ExternalName(InternalName As %String) as %String
Convert the internal name, e.g. TEST.MAC to an external name that is used to export the routine/class/csp item. This is often a filename to write the file out to.
• method GetStatus(InternalName As %String, ByRef IsInSourceControl As %Boolean, ByRef Editable As %Boolean, ByRef IsCheckedOut As %Boolean, ByRef UserCheckedOut As %String) as %Status
Return information about this entity.
• classmethod IsGenerated(Name As %String) as %String
Return 1 if you wish this item to appear as if it is 'generated' when opened in Studio, return 0 to force this item not to appear as 'generated' and return "" to use normal processing
• method IsInSourceControl(InternalName As %String) as %Boolean
Returns true if this item is in source control and false otherwise.
• method IsReadOnly(InternalName As %String) as %Boolean
Return true if this item should be marked as read only. This is called when Studio opens a document. It is set to indicate that the user checked the 'read only' checkbox in the open dialog in Studio.
• method Login(Name As %String, Password As %String) as %Status
Perform any login step here.
• method Logout() as %Status
Perform any logout step here.
• classmethod OnAfterAllClassCompile(List As %String, Level As %Integer, ByRef qstruct As %String) as %Status
Called in the activated source control class after we have compiled all the classes but before we exit. Note that this is a class method and it does not require the source control class to be instanciated in order for it to be called. By default it will call the OnBeforeClassCompile if there is a source control class instanciated, but you can override this to do whatever you require. List is a subscripted array of items that were compiled.
• method OnAfterClassCompile(List As %String, Level As %Integer, ByRef qstruct As %String) as %Status
Called in the class compiler after we have compiled all the classes before we exit List is a subscripted array of items that were compiled.
• method OnAfterCompile(InternalName As %String) as %Status
Called after the compile of the item is done.
• method OnAfterDelete(InternalName As %String) as %Status
Called after an item is deleted.
• method OnAfterLoad(InternalName As %String, Object As %RegisteredObject = $$$NULLOREF) as %Status
This is called after the item is loaded but before it is sent to Studio so you have a chance to modify this copy before it appears in the editor. It is passed a reference to the object that represents this item so it can be modified before Studio reads this information.
• method OnAfterSave(InternalName As %String, Object As %RegisteredObject = $$$NULLOREF) as %Status
This is called after the item has been saved to the database. It may be passed a reference to the object representing the item just saved. It can be use to export this documement to an external form for example.
• method OnAfterStorage(InternalName As %String, Location As %String = "") as %Status
This is called if you compile a class and the compilation updates the classes storage. It is called after the storage has been updated so you can determine how to deal with this change in the class. The Location is the global reference to the class definition that was changed.
• classmethod OnBeforeAllClassCompile(List As %String, Level As %Integer, ByRef qstruct As %String) as %Status
Called in the activated source control class before starting a compile after we have resolved the list of classes but before we have started the compile itself. Note that this is a class method and it does not require the source control class to be instanciated in order for it to be called. By default it will call the OnBeforeClassCompile if there is a source control class instanciated, but you can override this to do whatever you require. Returning an error here will abort the compile. List is a subscripted array of items that will be compiled.
• method OnBeforeClassCompile(List As %String, Level As %Integer, ByRef qstruct As %String) as %Status
Called in the class compiler after we have resolved the list of classes to be compiled but before we have started the compile itself. List is a subscripted array of items that will be compiled.
• method OnBeforeCompile(InternalName As %String, ByRef qstruct As %String) as %Status
Called before the compile of the item is done. It is passed a qstruct which can be inspected and modified.
• method OnBeforeDelete(InternalName As %String) as %Status
Called before an item is deleted. Returning an error code prevents the delete from occuring.
• method OnBeforeLoad(InternalName As %String) as %Status
This is called before the actual load of data to give the chance to load the item from an external format.
• method OnBeforeSave(InternalName As %String, Location As %String = "", Object As %RegisteredObject = $$$NULLOREF) as %Status
Called before the item is saved to the Cache database it is passed a reference to the current temporary storage of this item so that it can be modified before the save completes. If you quit with an error value then it will abort the save.
• method OnBeforeTimestamp(InternalName As %String)
Called before Studio checks for the timestamp of an item.
• method OnMenuItem(MenuName As %String, InternalName As %String, SelectedText As %String, ByRef Enabled As %Boolean, ByRef DisplayName As %String) as %Status
This is called for every menu item returned to Studio to allow the menu to be enabled/disabled without having to write a custom query for MenuItems. The DisplayName of this menu is also passed by reference and this may be modified to change the appearance of this menu item. The MenuName is the main menu name then the submenu name separated by a ','. If Enabled is set to -1 then it will remove this menu item from the list totally, 0 will gray the menu item out and the default 1 will display the menu item as normal.
• method UserAction(Type As %Integer, Name As %String, InternalName As %String, SelectedText As %String, ByRef Action As %String, ByRef Target As %String, ByRef Msg As %String, ByRef Reload As %Boolean) as %Status
This is called when the user performs an action that may need to interact with the server, such as selecting a menu or adding a new document. This encompases what the deprecated Flags parameter did and allows additional flexibility.

The Type argument values are:

  • 0 : Server defined menu item selected
  • 1 : Other Studio action
When a menu item is selected the Name argument is the name of this menu item in the format '<MainMenu>,<SubMenu>'. For other Studio actions the Name argument is one of:
  • 0 : User has tried to change a document that is locked in source control
  • 1 : User has created a new document
  • 2 : User has deleted a document
  • 3 : User has opened a document
  • 4 : User has closed a document
  • 5 : User has connected to a new namespace
  • 6 : User has selected to import comma delimetered list of documents
  • The InternalName argument is the name of the document about which this action occurs. If there is any selected text in the document which has focus this is sent in the SelectedText argument. The Action argument is set by this method to tell Studio what to do. Possible return values for this are:
    • 0 : Do nothing, note that this method can still perform some action such as check an item out of source control, but Studio will not ask for user input.
    • 1 : Display the default Studio dialog with a yes/no/cancel button. The text for this dialog is provided in the 'Target' return argument.
    • 2 - Run a CSP page/Template. The Target is the full url to the CSP page/Template, as usual the page will be passed the current document name, any selected text, the project name, the namespace.
    • 3 - Run an EXE on the client. The Target is the name of an executable file on the client machine. It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure this EXE is installed in a suitable location.
    • 4 - Insert the text in Target in the current document at the current selection point
    • 5 - Studio will open the documents listed in Target, if there are multiple documents to open they will be separated with commas. If the document name is 'test.mac:label+10' it will open the document 'test.mac' and goto 'label+10'.
    • 6 - Display an alert dialog in Studio with the text from the Target variable
    • 7 - Display a dialog with a textbox and Yes/No/Cancel buttons. The text for this dialog is provided by the 'Target' return argument. The initial text for the textbox is provided by the 'Msg' return argument.
    If the Reload argument is set to true then the current document will be reloaded in Studio, this is useful if you change the document to change its attribute so Studio will pick up these changes.


    • query MainMenus(Classname As %String)
    SQL Query :
    SELECT Name, Type FROM %Studio_Extension.Menu WHERE MenuBase = :Classname
    Provide a list of the top level menu items that Studio will add when connecting to this namespace. For each of these top level menus Studio will call the MenuItems query to obtain the items in this menu when the top level menu is selected. Each top level menu has a 'Name' and a 'Type' the type is 0 for regular top level menus and 1 to specify the name of the context submenu that will be added to all the context menus.

    Note that you can change the SQL statement or implement this query yourself this is just an example of where you can start.

    • query MenuItems(Classname As %String, MenuName As %String, InternalName As %String, SelectedText As %String)
    SQL Query :
    SELECT MenuItem_Name, MenuItem_Enabled, MenuItem_Save, MenuItem_Separator FROM %Studio_Extension.Menu_MenuItem WHERE Menu->MenuBase = :Classname AND Menu->Name = :MenuName
    This query is called by Studio when the top level menu is selected and it returns the list of items that will appear on this menu. It is passed the name of the menu and the name of the current document that has focus or "" if there are no documents open. The fields returned are:
    • Name - Name of this menu item
    • Enabled - True if this menu item is enabled, false to disable this menu item
    • Save - Flag to see if the current document or all documents should be saved before running this item
    • Separator - True if this is a menu separator
    Note that you can change the SQL statement or implement this query yourself this is just an example of where you can start.