Class Reference
  [USER] >  [%SYSTEM] >  [iKnow]
Private  Storage  

abstract class %SYSTEM.iKnow

iKnow utility methods


Parameters Properties Methods Queries Indices ForeignKeys Triggers


DropData GetDomainId GetExternalId GetSourceId IndexDirectory
IndexFile IndexString IndexTable ListDomains


• classmethod DropData(pDomainName As %String, pDropMetadataFields As %Boolean = 1, pDropDictionaries As %Boolean = 1) as %Integer
Drops all of a Domain's contents
• classmethod GetDomainId(pDomainName As %String) as %Integer
Returns the ID corresponding to the supplied domain name in pDomainName or "" if none found in this namespace.
• classmethod GetExternalId(pDomainName As %String, pSourceId As %Integer) as %String
Returns the External ID for a given pSourceId in domain pDomainName, or the empty string if no source exists with that Source ID.
• classmethod GetSourceId(pDomainName As %String, pExternalId As %String) as %Integer
Returns the Source ID for a given pExternalId in domain pDomainName, or the empty string if no source exists with that External ID.
• classmethod IndexDirectory(pDomainName As %String, pPath As %String, pRecurse As %Boolean = 0, pConfig As %String = "", pEncoding As %String = "UTF-8") as %Integer
Indexes the supplied file and stores the indexing results in domain pDomainName. The full path of the files indexed will be used to build the External ID (cf %iKnow.Source.File.Lister)
• classmethod IndexFile(pDomainName As %String, pPath As %String, pConfig As %String = "", pEncoding As %String = "UTF-8") as %Integer
Indexes the supplied file and stores the indexing results in domain pDomainName The full path of the files indexed will be used to build the External ID (cf %iKnow.Source.File.Lister)
• classmethod IndexString(pDomainName As %String, pIdentifier As %String, pString As %String, pConfig As %String = "") as %Status
Indexes the supplied pString and stores the results into the domain pDomainName, using pIdentifier to construct the External ID (cf %iKnow.Source.Temp.Lister)
• classmethod IndexTable(pDomainName As %String, pTableName As %String, pIdField As %String, pGroupField As %String, pDataField As %String, pMetaFields As %List = "", pWhereClause As %String = "", pConfig As %String = "") as %Status

Indexes the contents of the pDataField column in table pTableName, using the pIdField and pGroupField columns to build the external ID for this record (cf %iKnow.Source.SQL.Lister). pDomainName can be a (SQL) constant, such as "'MyGroup'". The results are stored in the domain pDomainName.

Optionally, specify a %List of table field names through pMetaFields that should be loaded as metadata for the table records.

• classmethod ListDomains() as %Status
Print a list of all the domains within this namespace.