abstract class %SYSTEM.Security.Users
classmethod SSLGetCipher()
as %String
Returns the name of the SSL/TLS ciphersuite currently in use over the principal device,
if an SSL/TLS connection is currently established.
classmethod SSLGetCipherList(Direction As %Integer, Protocols As %Integer, CipherList As %String)
as %String
Returns a colon-delimited list of the names of all supported ciphersuites that are consistent
with the input parameters.
0 = client
1 = server
Protocols enabled, bitwise-or of:
1 = SSLv2
2 = SSLv3
4 = TLSv1
CipherList, a colon-delimited string constraining the return values, as specified in the OpenSSL Cipher
man page
classmethod SSLGetLastError()
as %String
Returns a description of the SSL/TLS error encountered, if any, during the most recent SSL/TLS
operation over the principal device.
classmethod SSLGetPeerCertificate()
as %String
Returns the X.509 certificate used
to verify the peer for the SSL/TLS session running over the current
principal TCP device, in binary DER format. The certificate can be used as
input to $System.Encryption.X509GetField() and the RSA* functions.
To save the certificate to a file in PEM format:
Do file.Write("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"_$c(13,10))
Do file.Write($System.Encryption.Base64Encode(certificate))
Do file.Write($c(13,10)_"-----END CERTIFICATE-----"_$c(13,10))
classmethod SSLGetPeerName(Entry As %String)
as %String
Returns a string representation of the X.500 distinguished name contained in the X.509 certificate used
to verify the peer for the SSL/TLS session running over the
principal device. Called with no arguments it returns the entire
name on one line. Called with an optional argument specifying a component
name entry it retuns just that entry, if present. Legal values for the
entry argument, and their legal short abreviations, are:
Also supports the IA5 string components of the X.509 v3 subjectAltName extension.
Additional legal values for the entry argument are:
classmethod SSLGetProtocol()
as %String
Returns the name of the protocol currently in use over the principal device,
if an SSL/TLS connection is currently established.
classmethod SSLPeekClientHello(Timeout As %Integer)
as %Integer
If the principal device is a TCP device, peek into the TCP receive buffer.
Returns 1 if it contains an SSLv3 or TLSv1 Client Hello message, or
an SSLv2 Client Hello message requesting SSLv3 or later.
Otherwise returns 0.
Timeout, time to wait for data, in seconds