class %SYS.Task.DiagnosticReport
extends %SYS.Task.Definition, %XML.Adaptor
Task provided by the WRC to automate the collection of reports, and to automate them being sent to the WRC for achival and configuration history
parameter TaskName = "DiagnosticReport";
This defines the user-visible name of this task;
This is defined in subclasses.
parameter XMLNAME = "ProfilerData";
This parameter provides the default XMLNAME for the class. If it is
empty then the class name will be used to construct a default XML name.
The default XMLNAME is used as the top level tag
when exporting objects and the export context
did not provide an XML container name.
property AdvancedReport
as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
flag to indicate if this should be Advanced Report; default is to collect a Basic report
property ArchiveDirectory
if this field is filled, then the files are left in the local Archive
property EmailCC
used to populate the "From:" field in the email generated to send the Diagnostic Report
property EmailFrom
as %String(XMLPROJECTION="NONE") [ InitialExpression = "" ];
used to populate the "From:" field in the email generated to send the Diagnostic Report
property EmailReplyTo
used to populate the "Reply-To:" field in the email generated to send the Diagnostic Report
property SMTPPass
as %SYS.Task.Password(XMLPROJECTION="NONE");
password of SMTP Authenitcated User
property SMTPPort
as %String(XMLPROJECTION="NONE") [ InitialExpression = 25 ];
port for SNMTP server
property SMTPServer
name of SMTP server to use for sending Diagnostic Report; if this is blank, the Diagnostic Report will not be sent to InterSystems
property SMTPUser
name of SMTP Authenticated User
property WRCHealthCheckEnabled
as %Boolean(XMLPROJECTION="NONE") [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
flag to indicate if Diagnostic Report should be emailed to the WRC when collected and not associated with a WRC issue#
property WRCIssueNumber
WRC Issue Number to be included in subject; NOTE: This is cleared after a Diagnostic Report is sent with this in the Subject line, and needs to be reinitilized through the System Management Portal
property zInfoAdhocNotListedInZV
as %String(XMLNAME="AdhocNotListedInZV");
if there are any Adhocs applies as changed files only, which didn't update the $ZV string, they should be listed here
property zInfoBackupType
as %String(XMLNAME="BackupType");
manual field indicating the types of backups used on this instance of Caché
property zInfoCPUDetails
as %String(XMLNAME="CPUDetails");
manual field indicating the type and quantity of CPU(s) used on this system
property zInfoHardwareType
as %String(MAXLEN=500,XMLNAME="HardwareType");
manual field indicating the type of hardware that this system is running on
property zInfoPrimaryPurpose
as %String(DISPLAYLIST=",Development,Testing,Quality Assurance,Production,",VALUELIST=",Dev,Test,QA,Prod,",XMLNAME="PrimaryPurpose");
manual property indicates what the primary use is for this Caché Instance: Development, Testing, QA or Production
property zInfoTotalPhysicalMemory
as %String(XMLNAME="TotalPhysicalMemory");
total physical memory on the machine
property zzInfoNotesFromCustomer
as %String(MAXLEN=500,XMLNAME="NotesFromCustomer");
any special notes that the customer wants included with the Diagnostic Report
classmethod ArchiveDirectoryIsValid(ArchiveDirectory As %String)
as %Status
method OnTask()
as %Status
This method is responsible for executing the task
At the scheduled time, the Task Manager
- creates an instance of this object,
- Sets any property values using the stored "Settings" for the task,
- and invokes this method to execute the task.