persistent class %SYS.Task.Config
extends %Persistent
Configuration information for the Task Manager
This table contains Parameter/Value pairs for the Configuration information
parameter DOMAIN = "%Utility";
property Data
as %String(MAXLEN=32000);
Parameter Value
property ParamName
as %String(MAXLEN=1024);
Parameter Name
classmethod EmailGet(Parameter As %String, ByRef Value As %String)
as %Status
Retrieve the email settings for the Task Manager.
Available Parameters are:
classmethod EmailSet(Parameter As %String, Value As %String)
as %Status
Set the email parameters for the Task Manager
Available Parameters are:
classmethod SubstitutionFields()
as %String
Available fields for substitution into mail message subject / body
classmethod SubstitutionsValid(text, ByRef bad)
as %Boolean
Validate substitution fields in a message. 'bad' returns a specific problem field.
classmethod genericMailMessage()
as %String
Return the generic Task Manager email message text
classmethod genericMailSubject()
as %String
Return the generic Task Manager email subject text
index (ParamNameIndex on ParamName) [Unique];