persistent class %SYS.SQLObjectQuery
extends %Persistent
property library
as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 9 ];
property queryName
as %String(MAXLEN="");
property statement
as %String(MAXLEN="");
property targetClass
as %String(MAXLEN="");
classmethod %AddQuery(pQueryName, pTargetClass, pQueryText)
as %Status
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod %DeleteQuery(pQueryName)
as %Status
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod %Prepare(pQueryName As %String(MAXLEN="")="", pTargetClass As %String(MAXLEN="")="", %args)
as %Library.IResultSet
This method is responsible for accepting an SQL statement and preparing an instance of the implementation of that statement.
The implementation is a class that is a subclass of the statement type class ( CALL = %ProcedureContext, CURSOR = result set, etc)
The first task of prepare is to lookup the statement in the prepared statement cache by calling the XSQL Cache Manager. The
cache manager might call back into the %XSQL statement class to generate a new implementation.
index (IDK on library,queryName) [IdKey];