persistent class %SYS.PTools.Stats
extends %Persistent
This class is designed to gather performance statistics for any type of routine or code block
The data for this class is stored in ^%SYS.PTools.Stats, ^%SYS.PTools.StatsD and ^%SYS.PTools.StatsI.
These global default to the %SYS NameSpace, you might want to map them to a different NameSpace to avoid filling %SYS.
By calling pairs of the Start() and Stop() methods we will record GlobalRef, Lines of Code, TotalTime, and some process info for each code block.
You need to manually add the calls to the Start() and Stop() methods to your code.
Each method takes 3 parameters:
Namespace - Current namespace the code is being executed in
RoutineName - Name of the routine you are gathering stats for
ModuleName - Name of the sub block with a given routine, Defaults to 1
For example when the code below is executed we will put three entries into the %SYS_PTools.Stats table, one for each call to Stop()
Test ;
DO ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).Start("Samples","Test","Full Routine")
DO ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).Start("Samples","Test","Part 1")
DO ##class(Sample.Person).Populate(1000)
DO ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).Stop("Samples","Test","Part 1")
DO ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).Start("Samples","Test","Part 2")
DO ##class(Sample.Person).PrintPersons()
DO ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).Stop("Samples","Test","Part 2")
DO ##class(%SYS.PTools.Stats).Stop("Samples","Test","Full Routine")
property Counter
as %Integer;
This is the number of times the query has been run since the last compile.
property ExeName
as %String;
Name of the executable that ran this query
property GlobalRefs
as %Integer;
How many global references were done in this Module for the given query
the Modules are nested and the count for the outer ones is cumulative
property IPAddress
as %String;
IP Address of the machine that ran this query
property LinesOfCode
as %Integer;
How many lines of COS code were executed in this Module for the given query
the Modules are nested and the count for the outer ones is cumulative
property MachineName
as %String;
Name of the machine that ran this query
property ModuleCount
as %String;
Number of times we entered this module for the run of the query
Used only by Sub class
property ModuleName
as %String;
Sections of the SQL statement, these should match up the the Module names in the Query Plan output
When used with this class it can be used to distinguish block of code within a give routine
this will default to 1 if nothing is provided
property RoutineInfo
as %String;
Contains the NameSpace and Routine these stats are for
The format is NameSpace|RoutineName
This is not used in the %SYS.PTools.SQLStats class
property RowCount
as %Integer;
How many rows did the query return for this run
Used only by Sub class
property StartTime
as %TimeStamp;
TimeStamp of when the query was run
property TimeToFirstRow
as %Numeric;
How much time was spent finding the first row
This is only set for Module Main
property TotalTime
as %Float;
How much time was spent in this Module for the given query
the Modules are nested and the count for the outer ones is cumulative
property UserName
as %String [ InitialExpression = $UserName ];
Cache UserName of the person who ran this query
classmethod LogHeader(File, version)
This is the header row that will be in the output file. The columns should be comma delimited
classmethod LogSave(NS, Rou, Mod, Counter, ST, Grefs, LoC, TTime, User, Machine, IP, Exe, LogFile)
classmethod Report(FileName="")
Generates a comma delimited file containing the data from the %SYS_PTools.Stats table
By default the file will be created in the mgr directory of the Cache Instantance
You can pass in a value for FileName if you want to override the default
classmethod Start(NS As %String, Rou As %String, Mod As %String = 1)
called to start the counters for gather stats
classmethod Stop(NS As %String, Rou As %String, Mod As %String = 1)
Called to stop the counter for gather stats
INSERT a row into %SYS_PTools.Stats table