class %SYS.NLS.Locale
extends %RegisteredObject
Exposes some properties and methods associated with
a locale. If no locale is given to %New(), then the
current one is used.
For system and process NLS table settings see %SYS.NLS.Table.
For current device NLS properties see %SYS.NLS.Device.
For date, time and number format properties see %SYS.NLS.Format.
property CharacterSet
as %String;
Name of character set on which the current locale is based.
property CollationTables
as %String;
List of available collation tables.
property Country
as %String;
Country supported by the current locale.
property CountryAbbr
as %String;
ISO 3166 two-letter abbreviation of Country.
property Currency
as %String;
Currency symbol.
property Description
as %String;
Short description of the current locale.
property IdentifierTables
as %String;
List of available identifier tables.
property Language
as %String;
Localization language for the current locale.
property LanguageAbbr
as %String;
ISO 639-2 two-letter abbreviation of Language.
property LowerCaseTables
as %String;
List of available lower-case tables.
property Name
as %String;
Code name of the current locale.
property PatternTables
as %String;
List of available pattern match tables.
property TitleCaseTables
as %String;
List of available title-case tables.
property UpperCaseTables
as %String;
List of available upper-case tables.
property XLTTables
as %String;
List of available translation (i/o) tables
property XYTables
as %String;
List of available $X/$Y tables.
classmethod GetLanguage(Loc As %String = "")
as %List
Returns the language associated with a locale as
$LB({language abbreviation},{language name})
- Loc - Locale code (optional)
If the locale code is not given, use the current locale.