class %SYS.NLS.Format
extends %RegisteredObject, %SYSTEM.Help
This class exposes the NLS properties related
to Date, Time and Number formats. Their initial
values come from the current locale defaults.
Changing a property of an instantiated object
affects only the current process. For more details
see the documentation for $ZDATE, $ZDATEH, $FNUMBER.
For generic locale properties see %SYS.NLS.Locale.
For system and process NLS table settings see %SYS.NLS.Table.
For current device NLS properties see %SYS.NLS.Device.
property AM
as %String;
Sufix which may optionally be appended to time values
prior to 12 noon.
Example: "AM"
property DateFormat
as %Integer;
The DateFormat code used whenever a $ZDATE, $ZDATEH,
$ZDATETIME or $ZDATETIMEH function call omits its second
parameter, or specifies a second parameter value of -1.
Example: 1
property DateMaximum
as %Integer;
The maximum value for a date allowed in $ZDATE, $ZDATEH,
Example: 94232 (12/30/2098)
property DateMinimum
as %Integer;
The minimum value for a date allowed in $ZDATE, $ZDATEH,
Example: 1
property DateSeparator
as %String;
The character used to delimit the months, days, and years
of those dates which are otherwise entirely numeric.
Example: "/"
property DecimalSeparator
as %String;
The character used by the $FNUMBER function to separate
the whole part of a number from the fractional part of
the number. Also used by $ZDATETIME, $ZDATETIMEH, $ZTIME
and $ZTIMEH to separate the whole part of the seconds from
the optional fractional part of the seconds, if any.
Example: "."
property Locale
as %String;
This property controls the source of the formats.
Locale="" means that the system default formats
(usually US English) are in effect for the current
Locale="<locale name>" (eg: "rusw" or "csy8") means that
the formats come from that locale.
This property may be changed after the object is instantiated
or by passing the desired locale to %New. For example:
Set fmt=##class(%SYS.NLS.Format).%New("jpnw")
As a convenience, the word "Current" can be used instead of
a locale name in order to mean the current locale.
property Midnight
as %String;
The suffix which may optionally be appended to time
values corresponding to exactly 12 midnight.
Example: "MIDNIGHT"
property MinusSign
as %String;
The character which may precede or follow a negative
numeric quantity formatted by the $FNUMBER function.
Example: "-"
property MonthAbbr
as %String;
The abbreviations of the names of the twelve months,
function call omits its MonthNameList parameter, or specifies
a MonthNameList parameter value of -1, and the selected date
format uses month name abbreviations (i.e., the effective
DateFormat code is 0, 2, 5, 6 or 7)
Example: " Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec"
property MonthName
as %String;
The full names of the twelve months, used whenever a
omits its MonthNameList parameter, or specifies a MonthNameList
parameter value of -1, and the selected date format uses full
month names (i.e., the effective DateFormat code is 9).
Example: " January February March April... November December"
property Noon
as %String;
The suffix which may optionally be appended to time values
corresponding to exactly 12 noon.
Example: "NOON"
property NumericGroupSeparator
as %String;
The character used to separate groups of numeric digits
within the whole number portion of a number formatted by
the $FNUMBER function.
Example: ","
property NumericGroupSize
as %Integer;
The number of digits in a numeric group formatted by the
$FNUMBER function.
Example: 3
property PM
as %String;
The suffix which may optionally be appended to time values
at or after 12 noon.
Example: "PM"
property PlusSign
as %String;
The character which may optionally precede or follow a
non-negative numeric quantity formatted by the $FNUMBER
Example: "+"
property TimeFormat
as %Integer;
The TimeFormat code used whenever a $ZDATETIME, $ZDATETIMEH,
$ZTIME or $ZTIMEH function call omits its TimeFormat parameter,
or specifies a TimeFormat parameter value of -1.
Example: 1
property TimePrecision
as %Integer;
The number of fractional digits displayed in a time value
whenever a $ZDATETIME or $ZTIME function call omits its
Precision parameter, or specifies a Precision parameter
value of -1.
Example: 0
property TimeSeparator
as %String;
The character used to delimit the hours, minutes and seconds
in a time value.
Example: ":"
property WeekdayAbbr
as %String;
The abbreviations of the names of the seven days of the
week, starting with Sunday and ending with Saturday, used
whenever a $ZDATE or $ZDATEIME function call selects a date
format which uses weekday name abbreviations (i.e., the
effective DateFormat code is 11).
Example: " Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat"
property WeekdayName
as %String;
The full names of the seven days of the week, starting
with Sunday and ending with Saturday, used whenever a
$ZDATE or $ZDATEIME function call selects a date format
which uses full weekday names (i.e., the effective
DateFormat code is 12).
Example: " Sunday Monday Tuesday... Friday Saturday"
property YearOption
as %Integer;
The YearOption code used whenever a $ZDATE, $ZDATEH,
$ZDATETIME or $ZDATETIMEH function call omits its
YearOption parameter, or specifies a YearOption parameter
value of -1.
Example: 0
classmethod GetFormatItem(item As %String)
as %String
Gets a format item from the current process context
- item - item name (eg: "YEAROPTION", "DATEFORMAT")
Returns: selected item or "" in case of error
classmethod SetFormatItem(item As %String, val As %String)
as %String
Sets a format item in the current process context
- item - item name (eg: "YEAROPTION", "DATEFORMAT")
- val - new value for item
Returns: previous item value or "" in case of error