abstract class %SYS.LDAP
Requires %syLDAP.INC to be included in your COS routine for some macro definitions.
The class methods
described below are built on top of the interfaces OPENLDAP provides.
For more information on OPENLDAP, see www.openldap.org.
This class allows the user to interface with an LDAP database. The user
can use the methods provided to authenticate themselves, Search,
Add, Modify, Rename, and Delete entries in the LDAP database.
Error Handling:
Every time an LDAP method is called, a success status or error status
is either returned or set into the LDAP session. If the method does not return
the error as a result of the call, then the caller needs to retrieve the
error with a call to either the GetError method, or the GetLastError method.
The caller should test the return values for success or failure
after every call.
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).AddExts(LD,DN,Attributes)
i Status'=$$$LDAPSUCCESS {
w !,"AddExts error: "_Status_" - "_##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Err2String(Status)
g LDAPError
See the LDAP.MAC routine in the SAMPLES namespace for extensive LDAP examples.
classmethod AddExts(LD As %Integer, DN As %String, ATTR As %List, ServerControls As %String = "", ClientControls As %String = "")
as %Integer
Add an entry to the LDAP directory tree.
LD - The session handle returned by the Init method.
DN - String that contains the distinguished name of the entry
to add.
ATTR - $list formatted with attributes to add to the new entry.
Each element in the list is a separate attribute to be added to the new entry.
op - For create, set to 0. However, if the vals parameter is to be treated
as binary, then pass in 128 for this parameter.
type - Name of the attribute. Example="Telephone".
vals - $list of the values to assign to the attribute. If this is a single entry
attribute, then $lb(Value), Example=$lb("617-621-0600"). If a multi-value entry, then
$lb(Value1,Value2,...,Valuen). If the data is to be treated as binary (e.g. jpeg file),
then make sure that 128 is passed for the op.
ServerControls - Ignored, pass as "".
ClientControls - Ignored, pass as "".
Return Values:
If the function succeeds, $$$LDAPSUCCESS is returned.
If the function fails, an error code is returned.
s Attr1=$lb(0,"displayName",$lb(Jim Nilson))
s Attr2=$lb(0,"telephoneNumber",$lb("617-621-0600")
s Attr3=$lb(0,"objectClass",$lb("top","person","organizationalPerson","user")
s Attr4=$lb(128,"Picture",$lb(Jpegbitstring))
s Attributes=$lb(Attr1,Attr2,Attr3,Attr4)
; Note the special character identifier "\" which is needed before the "," in the name
s DN="CN=Nilson\, Jim,OU=Users,OU=England,DC=iscinternal,DC=com"
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).AddExts(LD,DN,Attributes)
Note: See the ModifyExts method below for how to manipulate passwords on a Windows
Active Directory LDAP server.
classmethod Binds(LD As %Integer, DN As %String = "", Cred As %List, Method As %Integer)
as %Integer
Authenticate a Windows client to a Windows Active Directory LDAP Server.
LD - The session handle returned by the Init method.
DN - Distinguished name of the entry to bind. Currently always "".
Cred - A $list value that contains the credentials with which to
authenticate. Currently only supported credentials are
Method - Indicates the authentication method to use. Currently only
$$$LDAPAUTHNEGOTIATE is supported.
Return Values:
If the function succeeds, $$$LDAPSUCCESS is returned.
If the function fails, an error code is returned.
This method is valid only for Windows clients talking to a Windows Active
Directory LDAP server. Use SimpleBinds for OPENLDAP servers. If you have retrieved
full DN of the Windows user using the LDAP search method, then you may use
SimpleBinds on the Windows Active Directory LDAP server also.
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Binds(LD,"",$lb(Username,Domain,Password),$$$LDAPAUTHNEGOTIATE)
classmethod CheckFilter(LD As %Integer, SearchFilter As %String)
as %Integer
Verify search filter syntax.
LD - The session handle returned by the Init method.
SearchFilter - String that contains the name of the filter to check.
Return Values:
If the function succeeds, $$$LDAPSUCCESS is returned.
If the function fails, an error code is returned.
This method is valid only for Windows clients.
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).CheckFilter(LD,"(objectclass=*)")
classmethod CompareExts(LD As %Integer, DN As %String, Attr As %String, Data As %String, ServerControls As %String = "", ClientControls As %String = "")
as %Integer
Determine if an attribute, for a given entry, holds a known value.
LD - The session handle returned by the Init method.
DN - String that contains the distinguished name of the entry
to compare.
Attr - String that contains the attribute to compare.
Data - String or list value to be compared to the attribute value. If the data is
a string, then simply pass in the string. If the data is binary, then pass in
ServerControls - Ignored, pass as "".
ClientControls - Ignored, pass as "".
Return Values:
If the function succeeds, and the attribute and known values match,
$$$LDAPCOMPARETRUE is returned.
If the values do not match, $$$LDAPCOMPAREFALSE is returned.
If the function fails, an error code is returned.
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).CompareExts(LD,"CN=Nilson,OU=Users,DC=iscinternal,DC=com","mail","nilson@intersystems.com)
classmethod Connect(LD As %Integer, Timeout As %Integer = 0)
as %Integer
Establish a connection to an LDAP server.
LD - The session handle returned by the Init method.
Timeout - The number of seconds to spend in an attempt to
establish a connection before a timeout. If 0, the function uses a
default timeout value.
Return Values:
If the function succeeds, $$$LDAPSUCCESS is returned.
If the function fails, an error code is returned.
This method is valid only for Windows clients.
Use this function to force a connection to an LDAP server from a
Windows client. This connection would normally be done as part of the LDAP
methods (like SimpleBinds). However, when diagnosing problems, performing the
connection by itself can help narrow down connection issues versus search issues.
classmethod CountEntries(LD As %Integer, Res As %Integer)
as %Integer
Count the number of search entries that an LDAP server returned.
LD - The session handle returned by the Init method.
Res - The search result as returned by SearchExts.
Return Values:
If the function succeeds, it returns the number of entries.
If the function fails, the return value is -1. The actual session
error can be returned by a call to the GetError method.
The CountEntries function returns the number of entries contained,
or remaining in a chain of entries. Call the function with the return
value from SearchExts, FirstEntry, or NextEntry.
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).SearchExts(LD,BaseDN,$$$LDAPSCOPESUBTREE,Filter,Attributes,0,"","",2,ServerTimeout,.SearchResult)
i Status'=$$$LDAPSUCCESS q Status
s NumEntries=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).CountEntries(LD,SearchResult)
i NumEntries=-1 s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetError(LD) q Status
classmethod CountValues(Vals As %List)
as %Integer
Count the number of values returned by a GetValue call.
Vals - Values as returned by GetValues.
Return Values:
If the function succeeds, it returns the number of entries in the list.
The actual session error status can be returned by a call to
the GetError method.
s Len=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).CountValues(Value)
classmethod CountValuesLen(Vals As %List)
as %Integer
Count the number of values in a binary list returned by a GetValuesLen call.
Vals - Values as returned by GetValuesLen.
Return Values:
If the function succeeds, it returns the number of entries in the list.
The actual session error status can be returned by a call to
the GetError method.
s Len=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).CountValuesLen(Value)
classmethod DeleteExts(LD As %Integer, DN As %String, ServerControls As %String = "", ClientControls As %String = "")
as %Integer
Remove a leaf entry from the directory tree.
LD - The session handle returned by the Init method.
DN - String that contains the distinguished name of the entry
to delete.
ServerControls - Ignored, pass as "".
ClientControls - Ignored, pass as "".
Return Values:
If the function succeeds, $$$LDAPSUCCESS is returned.
If the function fails, an error code is returned.
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).DeleteExts(LD,"CN=Nilson\, Jim,OU=Users,OU=England,DC=iscinternal,DC=com")
classmethod Err2String(Err)
as %String
Convert a numeric LDAP error code into a string that describes the error.
Err - Error as returned by LDAP methods, or as returned by the method GetError.
Return Values:
If the method succeeds, a string that describes the error is returned.
If the function fails, "" is returned.
The actual session error status can be returned by a call to
the GetError method.
s NumEntries=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).CountEntries(LD,SearchResult)
i NumEntries=-1 s Msg=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Err2String(##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetError(LD))
classmethod FirstAttribute(LD As %Integer, Entry As %Integer, ByRef Ptr As %Integer)
as %String
Return the first attribute of an Entry.
LD - The session handle returned by the Init method.
Entry - The entry whose attributes are to be stepped through, as returned by the
FirstEntry or NextEntry methods.
Ptr (ByRef) - Used internally to track the current attribute.
Return Values:
If the function succeeds, a string containing the name of the first
attribute is returned.
If the function fails, it returns "".
The actual session error
status can be returned by a call to the GetError method.
Use the FirstAttribute with the NextAttribute method to step through
a list of attributes in the entry. Once the Attribute name is returned,
you can call the GetValues or GetValuesLen method to return the values for that
Pass the Ptr parameter by reference to track the current position in
the entry.
Loop through all attributes of an entry
s CurrentEntry=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).FirstEntry(LD,SearchResult)
s AttrName=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).FirstAttribute(LD,CurrentEntry,.Ptr)
while (AttrName'="") {
s AttrValues=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetValues(LD,CurrentEntry,AttrName)
s AttrName=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).NextAttribute(LD,CurrentEntry,.Ptr)
classmethod FirstEntry(LD As %Integer, Res As %Integer)
as %Integer
Return a pointer to the first entry of a message.
LD - The session handle returned by the Init method.
Res - The search result as returned by SearchExts.
Return Values:
If the method succeeds, it returns the entry.
If no entry exists in
the result set, it returns 0, and a call to GetError returns
If the function fails, it returns 0 and a call to GetError returns the
session error.
Use FirstEntry in conjunction with NextEntry to step through
and retrieve the list of entries from a search result chain.
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).SearchExts(LD,BaseDN,$$$LDAPSCOPESUBTREE,Filter,Attributes,0,"","",2,ServerTimeout,.SearchResult)
i Status'=$$$LDAPSUCCESS q Status
s Entry=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).FirstEntry(LD,SearchResult)
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetError(LD)
i Status'=$$$LDAPSUCCESS q Status
classmethod GetDN(LD As %Integer, Entry As %Integer)
as %String
Retrieve the distinguished name for a given entry.
LD - The session handle returned by the Init method.
Entry - Entry whose distinguished name is to be retrieved, as returned
by the FirstEntry or NextEntry methods.
Return Values:
If the function succeeds, it returns the distinguished name.
If the function fails, it returns "".
The actual session error
status can be returned by a call to the GetError method.
s Entry=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).FirstEntry(LD,SearchResult)
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetError(LD)
i Status'=$$$LDAPSUCCESS q Status
s DN=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetDN(LD,Entry)
i DN="" s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetError(LD)
classmethod GetError(LD)
as %Integer
Retrieve the last error code returned by an LDAP call for a specific session.
LD - The session handle returned by the Init method.
Return Values:
An LDAP error code.
Use the GetError method to return the last LDAP error message for a
specific session. The value from the GetError method may in turn be passed
to the Err2String method to get error text for the error.
Error numbers >= $zh("5000") are ISC internal LDAP errors.
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetError(LD)
s Msg=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Err2String(Status)
classmethod GetLastError()
as %Integer
Retrieve the last error code returned by an LDAP call.
Return Values:
An LDAP error code.
Use the GetLastError method to return the last LDAP error message.
The value from the GetLastError method may in turn be passed
to the Err2String method to get error text for the error.
Returned errors are only in the LDAP error range and do not
include ISC internal errors.
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetLastError()
s Msg=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Err2String(Status)
classmethod GetOption(LD As %Integer, Option As %Integer, ByRef OutValue As %String)
as %Integer
Get options for an LDAP session.
LD - The session handle returned by the Init method.
Option - The name of the option to get. See valid options below.
OutValue - Value of that option.
Return Values:
If the function succeeds, the return value is $$$LDAPSUCCESS.
If the function fails, it returns an error code.
Valid Options:
Get last LDAP error on the session.
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetOption(LD,$$$LDAPOPTERRORNUMBER,.ErrorNum")
Note: Previous versions allowed the option $$$LDAPOPTPROTOCOLVERSION and
$$$LDAPOPTREFERRALS to be specified.
These options are deprecated. SetOption calls using this option will be ignored and always will
return success. Version is now always set to 3, and referrals are always turned off.
classmethod GetValues(LD As %Integer, Entry As %Integer, ByRef Attr As %String)
as %List
Return string values for a given attribute. Use GetValuesLen for binary data.
LD - The session handle returned by the Init method.
Entry - Pointer to the search entry as returned by the FirstEntry or
NextEntry methods.
Attr - String that contains the attribute whose values are to be retrieved.
The passed string can be as returned by FirstAttribute or NextAttribute, or
a caller supplied string.
Return Values:
If the function succeeds, a $list element is returned containing the values
of the attribute.
If the function fails, it returns "".
The actual session error
status can be returned by a call to the GetError method.
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).SearchExts(LD,BaseDN,$$$LDAPSCOPESUBTREE,Filter,Attributes,0,"","",2,ServerTimeout,.SearchResult)
i Status'=$$$LDAPSUCCESS q Status
s Entry=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).FirstEntry(LD,SearchResult)
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetError(LD)
i Status'=$$$LDAPSUCCESS q Status
s ValueList=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetValues(LD,Entry,"sAMAccountname")
i ValueList="" q ##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetError(LD)
w !,"sAMAccountname="_$li(ValueList,1)
classmethod GetValuesLen(LD As %Integer, Entry As %Integer, ByRef Attr As %String)
as %List
Return binary values for a given attribute. Use GetValues to return string values.
LD - The session handle returned by the Init method.
Entry - Pointer to the search entry as returned by the FirstEntry or
NextEntry methods.
Attr - String that contains the attribute whose values are to be retrieved.
The passed string can be as returned by FirstAttribute or NextAttribute, or
a caller supplied string.
Return Values:
If the function succeeds, a $list element is returned containing the values
of the attribute.
If the function fails, it returns "".
The actual session error
status can be returned by a call to the GetError method.
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).SearchExts(LD,BaseDN,$$$LDAPSCOPESUBTREE,Filter,Attributes,0,"","",2,ServerTimeout,.SearchResult)
i Status'=$$$LDAPSUCCESS q Status
s Entry=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).FirstEntry(LD,SearchResult)
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetError(LD)
i Status'=$$$LDAPSUCCESS q Status
s ValueList=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetValuesLen(LD,Entry,"jpegbinarypicture")
i ValueList="" q ##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetError(LD)
d Displayjpeg($li(ValueList,1))
classmethod Init(HostName As %String = "", PortNumber As %Integer = $$$LDAPPORT)
as %Integer
Initialize a connection to a LDAP server.
HostName - Space-separated list of host names running an LDAP server
to which to connect. Each host name in the list can include an optional
port number which is separated from the host itself with a colon (:). The host name must be a
fully qualified domain name. A fully qualified domain name (FQDN), sometimes referred to
as an absolute domain name, is a domain name that specifies its exact location in the tree
hierarchy of the Domain Name System (DNS). It specifies all domain levels, including the
top-level domain and the root domain. A fully qualified domain name is distinguished
by its unambiguity; it can only be interpreted one way. For example, given a device with
a local hostname myhost and a parent domain name example.com, the fully qualified domain
name is myhost.example.com. The FQDN therefore uniquely identifies the device; while there
may be many hosts in the world called myhost, there can only be one myhost.example.com.
When using a Windows Active Directory server as an LDAP server, and a Windows client,
a null string will find the default LDAP server for the domain.
PortNumber - Contains the TCP port number to which to connect. This defaults to 389
if not specified. This parameter is ignored if a host name includes a port number.
Return Values:
If the function succeeds, it returns a handle to the LDAP session. The session
handle must be freed with a call to UnBinds when it is no longer required.
If the function fails, it returns 0. Use GetLastError to retrieve
the error code.
Note that Init does not make an actual connection to the LDAP server, it simply
initializes the connection information. The actual connection will happen during the
first request for data from the LDAP server.
Creates a session to your default LDAP server on port 389.
s LD = ##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Init()
Creates a session to the LDAP server called "ldapserver" on default port 389.
s LD = ##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Init("ldapserver.example.com")
Creates a session to the LDAP server called "ldapserver" on port 389.
s LD = ##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Init("ldapserver.example.com",389)
Creates a session to either the LDAP server called "ldapserver" or
if it is unavailable, to LDAP server "backupldapserver" on port 389.
s LD = ##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Init("ldapserver.example.com backupldapserver.example.com")
Secure Connections:
For a Windows client, make sure you have the CA certificates already loaded
in the Certificates(local computer)\Trusted Root Certification Authorities certificate store.
NOTE: If the certificates are stored in the Certificates(current user)\Trusted Root Certification
Authorities certificate store, then the SSL connection may fail with Error code 81 if the process
is running in the background.
For a Unix client, make sure the protections on the certificate file allow your process to
be able to read it, and that any additional certificate or LDAP options are specified in the
ldap.conf file.
To create a secure SSL connection to an LDAP server, here are the calls you need to make for each
platform type.
1) Windows Client to Windows Active Directory LDAP server.
Using the StartTLSs call
s LD=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Init("ldapserver.example.com",389)
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).StartTLSs(LD)
Using a direct connection to the LDAP SSL port.
s LD=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Init("ldapserver.example.com",636)
2) Windows Client to OpenLDAP server
Using a direct connection to the LDAP SSL port. StartTLSs is not supported here.
s LD=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Init("ldapserver.example.com",636)
3) Unix client to Windows Active Directory LDAP server.
Using the StartTLSs call. Directly connecting to 636 is not supported.
Note that there are other options pertaining to certificates which can be specified in
the LDAP.CONF file on the Unix client (usually found in /etc/openldap/ldap.conf). The
settings in this configuration file will be applied to your LDAP sessions you create. Read the
man pages for ldap.conf for more information on the parameters.
s LD=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Init("ldapserver.example.com")
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).SetOption(LD,$$$LDAPOPTXTLSCACERTFILE,CACertFileName)
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).StartTLSs(LD)
4) Unix client to OpenLDAPserver.
Using the StartTLSs call. Directly connecting to 636 is not supported.
Note that there are other options pertaining to certificates which can be specified in
the LDAP.CONF file on the Unix client (usually found in /etc/openldap/ldap.conf). The
settings in this configuration file will be applied to your LDAP sessions you create. Read the
man pages for ldap.conf for more information on the parameters.
s LD=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Init("ldapserver.example.com")
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).SetOption(LD,$$$LDAPOPTXTLSCACERTFILE,CACertFileName)
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).StartTLSs(LD)
Error codes:
When connecting using SSL, several different error codes could be returned when the
connection is formed.
-11 or -12 - The certificate is not correct for the LDAP server, or the FQDN host name
was not specified correctly. Make sure that you have the CA certificate properly installed on
the client, in the correct directory. On a Windows client, make sure it is in local
computer certificate store. On a unix or vms client, make sure the process has read access to the
certificate, and that the file specification in the setoption call is correct. Make sure that the
LDAP server name specified is the FQDN (e.g. ldapserver.example.com) and not just "ldapserver",
or an ip address.
81 - Most likely the certificate is not in the correct Windows certificate store. Import it into the
local computer store.
When on a unix client, if you try to form an SSL connection with one certificate, and the
certificate is wrong, or the server is incorrect, your connection may fail even after you have corrected
the problem. The issue here is that for some reason the process caches the certificate and node information
at the O/S level. To correct this, simply log your process out of the system, then log back in.
classmethod ModifyExts(LD As %Integer, DN As %String, ATTR As %List, ServerControls As %String = "", ClientControls As %String = "")
as %Integer
Modify an entry in the directory tree.
LD - The session handle returned by the Init method.
DN - String that contains the distinguished name of the entry
to modify.
ATTR - $list formatted with attributes to modify in the new entry.
Each element in the list is a separate attribute to be modified in the new entry.
op - Operation to be performed as follows:
0 - Add - The given values are added to the entry, creating the attribute if necessary.
1 - Delete - The given values are deleted from the entry, removing the attribute if no values remain. If the entire
attribute is to be deleted, the mod_values field should be set to NULL ($lb("")).
2 - Replace - The attribute will have the listed values after the modification, having been created if necessary. If set
to null, then the attribute is deleted.
128 - This value should be combined (ORed) with the Add/Delete/Replace value if the data to
be inserted is Binary (e.g. jpeg file.)
type - Name of the attribute. Example="Telephone".
vals - $list of the values to assign to the attribute. If this is a single entry
attribute, then $lb(Value), Example=$lb("617-621-0600"). If a multi-value entry, then
ServerControls - Ignored, pass as "".
ClientControls - Ignored, pass as "".
Return Values:
If the function succeeds, $$$LDAPSUCCESS is returned.
If the function fails, an error code is returned.
s Attr1=$lb(0,"displayName",$lb(Jim Nilson))
s Attr2=$lb(0,"telephoneNumber",$lb("617-621-0600")
; Replace the Objectclass attribute
s Attr3=$lb(2,"objectClass",$lb("top","person","organizationalPerson","user")
;Replace Binary value for a jpeg photo
s Attr4=$lb(130,"Photo",$lb(jpegphoto))
; Delete Address2 attribute
a Attr5=$lb(1,"Address2","")
s Attributes=$lb(Attr1,Attr2,Attr3,Attr4,Attr5)
s DN="CN=Nilson\, Jim,OU=Users,OU=England,DC=iscinternal,DC=com"
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).ModifyExts(LD,DN,Attributes)
Changing a password on a Windows Active Directory LDAP server.
The user must first be created before the
password change can take place, and the password change must take place over an
encrypted channel. The password is contained in the unicodePwd attribute, and must
be formatted in a specific way. When initially creating the user, the unicodePwd
attribute must not be specified, or the creation of the user will fail.
To format the password, a leading and trailing double quote must be added to it.
Then it must be converted to unicode.
Then when passed into the modify function, it must be passed in as a binary value,
with the "Replace" operation. It must be the only operation contained in the modify call;
No other attribute can be changed at the same time.
s password="NewPassword"
s ChangePassword=$zcvt(""""_password_"""","o","UnicodeLittle")
s Attr1=$lb(130,"unicodePwd",$lb(ChangePassword))
s Attributes=$lb(Attr1)
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).ModifyExts(LD,DN,Attributes,"","")
Note: In order to change a password, the user must have binded to the LDAP server
with an account which has administrator privilege on the system. The password
which is set must also pass any length or pattern requirements imposed by the
security system on the LDAP server.
Changing your own password on a Windows Active Directory LDAP server is similar to above,
except that you need to bind to the LDAP server using your own username, and must also
pass in the old password with the delete attribute. These must also be the only
two attributes passed in the modify method.
s oldpassword="OldPassword"
s password="NewPassword"
s ChangeOldPassword=$zcvt(""""_oldpassword_"""","o","UnicodeLittle")
s ChangeNewPassword=$zcvt(""""_password_"""","o","UnicodeLittle")
s Attr1=$lb(128,"unicodePwd",$lb(ChangeOldPassword))
s Attr2=$lb(129,"unicodePwd",$lb(ChangePassword))
s Attributes=$lb(Attr1,Attr2)
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).ModifyExts(LD,DN,Attributes,"","")
classmethod MsgFree(Res As %Integer)
as %Integer
Free the results of the last LDAP SearchExts method call.
Res - Contains the results of the SearchExts method.
Return Values:
If the function succeeds, $$$LDAPSUCCESS is returned.
If the function fails, an error code is returned.
When done with the search results you must free the search results
by calling this method.
Failure to do this before a call to UnBinds may cause your process to core on a future LDAP call.
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).MsgFree(Res)
classmethod NextAttribute(LD As %Integer, Entry As %Integer, ByRef Ptr As %Integer)
as %String
Return the next attribute of an Entry.
LD - The session handle returned by the Init method.
Entry - The entry whose attributes are to be stepped through, as returned by the
FirstEntry or NextEntry methods.
Ptr (ByRef)- Used internally to track the current attribute.
Return Values:
If the function succeeds, a string containing the name of the next
attribute is returned.
If the function fails, it returns "".
The actual session error
status can be returned by a call to the GetError method.
Use the NextAttribute with the FirstAttribute method to step through
a list of attributes in the entry. Once the attribute name is returned,
you can call the GetValue or GetValuesLen method to return the values for that
Pass the Ptr parameter by reference to track the current position in
the entry.
Loop through all attributes of an entry
s CurrentEntry=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).FirstEntry(LD,SearchResult)
s AttrName=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).FirstAttribute(LD,CurrentEntry,.Ptr)
while (AttrName'="") {
s AttrValues=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetValues(LD,CurrentEntry,AttrName)
s AttrName=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).NextAttribute(LD,CurrentEntry,.Ptr)
classmethod NextEntry(LD As %Integer, Entry As %Integer)
as %Integer
Return the next entry of a message.
LD - The session handle returned by the Init method.
Res - The search result as returned by SearchExts.
Return Values:
If the method succeeds, it returns the entry.
If no entry exists in
the result set, it returns 0, and a call to GetError returns
If the function fails, it returns 0 and a call to GetError returns the
session error.
Use NextEntry in conjunction with FirstEntry to step through
and retrieve the list of entries from a search result chain.
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).SearchExts(LD,BaseDN,$$$LDAPSCOPESUBTREE,Filter,Attributes,0,"","",2,ServerTimeout,.SearchResult)
i Status'=$$$LDAPSUCCESS q Status
s Entry=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).FirstEntry(LD,SearchResult)
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetError(LD)
i Status'=$$$LDAPSUCCESS q Status
s Entry=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).NextEntry(LD,SearchResult)
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetError(LD)
i Status'=$$$LDAPSUCCESS q Status
classmethod RenameExts(LD As %Integer, DN As %String, NewRDN As %String, NewParent As %String = "", DeleteOldRdn As %Boolean = 1, ServerControls As %String = "", ClientControls As %String = "")
as %Integer
Rename the distinguished name of an entry in the directory.
LD - The session handle returned by the Init method.
DN - String that contains the distinguished name of the entry
to rename.
NewRDN - String that contains the new relative distinguished name.
NewParent - String that contains the distinguished name of the
new parent for this entry or "". This parameter enables you to
move the entry to a new parent container.
DeleteOldRdn - 1 if the old relative distinguished name should be
deleted; 0 if the old relative distinguished name should be retained.
ServerControls - Ignored, pass as "".
ClientControls - Ignored, pass as "".
Return Values:
If the function succeeds, $$$LDAPSUCCESS is returned.
If the function fails, an error code is returned.
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).RenameExts(LD,"CN=Nilson,OU=Users,DC=iscinternal,DC=com","CN=Nelson","",1)
classmethod SearchExts(LD As %Integer, Base As %String, Scope As %Integer, Filter As %String, Attrs As %List, AttrsOnly As %Boolean = 0, ServerControls As %String = "", ClientControls As %String = "", Timeout As %Integer = 0, SizeLimit As %Integer = 0, ByRef Res As %Integer)
as %Integer
Search the LDAP directory and return a requested set of attributes for each entry.
LD - The session handle returned by the Init method.
Base - String that contains the distinguished name of the entry
at which to start the search.
Scope - Specifies one of the following values to indicate the
scope of the search.
$$$LDAPSCOPEBASE -Search the base entry only.
$$$LDAPSCOPEONELEVEL - Search all entries in the first
level below the base entry, excluding the base entry.
$$$LDAPSCOPESUBTREE - Search the base entry and all
entries in the tree below the base.
Filter - String that specifies the search filter.
Attrs - $list containing strings indicating which attributes to return
for each matching entry. Pass "" to retrieve all available attributes.
AttrsOnly - A boolean value that should be zero if both attribute
types and values are to be returned, 1 if only types are wanted.
ServerControls - Ignored, pass as "".
ClientControls - Ignored, pass as "".
Timeout - Specifies both the local search time-out value in seconds
and the operation time limit that is sent to the server within
the search request.
SizeLimit - A limit on the number of entries to return from the search.
A value of zero means no limit. If you set this to some value, and the number of
results returned by the search is more than this, then the search may return
a size limit exceeded error. Note that the number of entries able to be returned
is also controlled by a parameter on the LDAP server. If the search returns more than this
limit, then a size limit exceeded error will also be returned.
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;315071&sd=tech for more info.
Res (byRef) - Contains the results of the search upon completion
of the call.
Return Values:
If the function succeeds, $$$LDAPSUCCESS is returned.
If the function fails, an error code is returned.
When done with the search results you need free the search results in
one of the following ways:
1) Call the MsgFree(Res) method.
2) Call SearchExts again, and pass the Res parameter back in unchanged.
Failure to do this before a call to UnBinds may cause your process to core on a future LDAP call.
Note that the caller can have several different searches "open" at the
same time by using a different variable for the Res parameter.
Search for all users whose Windows login name starts with "steve". Return
their display name, e-mail and telephone number. Use a timeout of 10 seconds,
and return at most 20 items.
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).SearchExts(LD,"DC=mydomain,DC=com",
classmethod SetOption(LD As %Integer, Option As %Integer, InValue As %String)
as %Integer
Set options for an LDAP session.
LD - The session handle returned by the Init method.
Option - The name of the option to set. See valid options below.
InValue - Value that the option is to be given. The actual value of
this parameter depends on the setting of the option parameter.
The constants $$$LDAP_OPT_ON and $$$LDAP_OPT_OFF can be given for options
that have on or off settings.
Return Values:
If the function succeeds, the return value is $$$LDAPSUCCESS.
If the function fails, it returns an error code.
Unix and VMS only
$$$LDAPOPTXTLSCACERTFILE - Directory and name of TLS certificate
The certificate needed is that of the certificate authority that signed
the certificate of the LDAP server. It needs to be in .PEM format.
$$$LDAPOPTXTLSCERTFILE - Directory and name of Client x509 certificate.
$$$LDAPOPTXTLSKEYFILE - Directory and name of the Client x509 certificate private key.
Notes: Private keys with passwords are not supported by openldap (see the man pages).
Set location of TLS certificate for TLS connection:
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).SetOption(LD,$$$LDAPOPTXTLSCACERTFILE,"/usr/share/ssl/certs/ldapserver.pem")
Note: Previous versions allowed the option $$$LDAPOPTPROTOCOLVERSION and
$$$LDAPOPTREFERRALS to be specified.
These options are deprecated. SetOption calls using this option will be ignored and always will
return success. Version is now always set to 3, and referrals are always turned off.
Note: If you set the TLS options on a unix client, then issue a StartTLS call
to an LDAP server then Unbind the connection, the previous TLS settings
will remain active even
if the SetOption call is subsequently made with a different certificate. Subsequent ldap
StartTLS calls will use the SetOption values from the first StartTLS call until the Cache'
process exits.
classmethod SimpleBinds(LD As %Integer, DN As %String, Password As %String)
as %Integer
Authenticate a client to a server, using a plaintext password.
LD - The session handle returned by the Init method.
DN - Full distinguished name of the user to authenticate. This is
usually in some form similar to the following:
Password - Password for the DN.
NOTE: If the password used is a NULL string, then the SimpleBinds function
will attempt to do an "unauthenticated" bind to the LDAP server. If unauthenticated binds are
allowed by the server, then SimpleBinds will allways succeed when a NULL password is
passed. If you are using this method to authenticate a user entered password, then before
calling this function you must make sure that the password entered is not NULL.
if you wish to do an LDAP "anonymous" bind, pass a null username and password into this
Return Values:
If the function succeeds, $$$LDAPSUCCESS is returned.
If the function fails, an error code is returned.
This function should only be used on connections which
has been encrypted with SSL/TLS as it sends plaintext usernames and passwords
across the channel.
Initialize a connection to the default Windows domain LDAP server, start the TLS connection,
and bind to the server.
s LD=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Init()
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).StartTLSs(LD)
;If using for authentication of the user, make sure the password entered is not null.
i PW="" w !,"LDAP password cannot be null" q
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).SimpleBinds(LD,DN,PW)
Perform an Anonymous bind.
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).SimpleBinds(LD,"","")
Perform an Unauthenticated bind.
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).SimpleBinds(LD,DN,"")
classmethod StartTLSs(LD As %Integer)
as %Integer
Start using TLS encryption on an active LDAP session.
LD - The session handle returned by the Init method.
Return Values:
If the function succeeds, $$$LDAPSUCCESS is returned.
If the function fails, an error code is returned.
In order to use TLS, the client needs to have a certificate installed on
For Windows systems, the certificate needs to be installed in the
Windows certificate database.
Note for Unix and VMS, the certificate needs to be copied to the system, and
the SetOption method must be called to load the certificate. The certificate
must be in .PEM format.
This example starts a TLS connection on a unix machine.
s LD=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).Init("myldapserver.example.com")
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).SetOption(LD,$$$LDAPOPTXTLSCACERTFILE,"/usr/share/ssl/certs/ldapserver.pem")
s Status=##Class(%SYS.LDAP).StartTLSs(LD)
classmethod StopTLSs(LD As %Integer)
as %Integer
Stop using TLS encryption on an active LDAP session.
LD - The session handle returned by the Init method.
Return Values:
If the function succeeds, $$$LDAPSUCCESS is returned.
If the function fails, an error code is returned.
This is a Windows only method and is not supported under unix or vms.
classmethod UnBinds(LD As %Integer)
as %Integer
End an LDAP session and frees its resources.
LD - The session handle returned by the Init method.
Return Values:
If the function succeeds, $$$LDAPSUCCESS is returned.
If the function fails, an error code is returned.
Call this method whenever you are finished with an LDAP session
and have an LD handle to pass to it.