persistent class %SYS.Bench.Run
extends %Persistent
Class structure used by %BENCHLANG routine
Properties of a benchmark 'run' which will be the parent
for a group of individual 'tests'.
property COSMark
as %Float;
COSmark - system performance indicator based on a weighted total of all
individual tests. Only computed for the default 'type' and 'duration',
i.e ITERATIONS of 1000 CPU milliseconds. Will be '0' otherwise.
property CPUNum
as %Integer;
Number of CPUs on system
property CPUSpeed
as %Integer;
CPU speed in MHz.
property Comments
as %String(MAXLEN=80);
Additional comments to identify the benchmark run.
property Description
as %String(MAXLEN=80);
A text description of the run, including start date/time and any parameters.
property Duration
as %Integer;
The duration of each individual test, either the number of iterations or the CPU milliseconds.
property SysName
as %String(MAXLEN=80);
Name of system
relationship Tests
as Test [ Inverse = TestRun,Cardinality = children ];
The results of the individual tests in this run
property Type
as %String;
Either "ITERATIONS", "TIME" (elapsed time) or "CPU" (CPU time) to indicate
which type of run this is.
property ZV
as %String(MAXLEN=160);
Cache version for this run
method Inst1(Arg1 As %Integer)
as %Status
A test instance method used by %BENCHLANG
method Inst2(Arg1 As %String, Arg2 As %Integer, ByRef Arg3 As %String)
as %Status
A test instance method used by %BENCHLANG
classmethod Test()
as %Status
Test method used by ^%BENCHLANG