abstract class %SQL.ExImData
Common data used by both SQL import and export classes.
Example of using the import/export classes:
If Wizard = "Export" set mgr = ##class(%SQL.Export.Mgr).%New()
Else Set mgr = ##class(%SQL.Import.Mgr).%New()
Set mobj = ##class(%SQL.Manager.API).%New()
Set ok = mobj.CheckIdentifier(.SchemaName)
Set ok = mobj.CheckIdentifier(.TableName)
Set classname = mobj.FindClassName(SchemaName_"."_TableName)
Set mgr.FileName = "c:\export.txt"
Set mgr.TableName = SchemaName_"."_TableName
Set mgr.ClassName = classname
Set mgr.Delimiter = $c(9) <-- tab
Set mgr.StringQuote = "" <-- double quotes
Set mgr.DateFormat = 1 <-- MM/DD/{YY}YY
Set mgr.TimeFormat = 1 <-- hh:mm:ss
Set mgr.TimeStampFormat = 1 <-- ODBC format (Import only)
Set mgr.NoCheck = 1 <-- disable validation (Import only)
Set mgr.HasHeaders = 1 <-- import file contains column headers
Do mgr.ColumnNames.Insert(colname) <-- insert a column name
Do mgr.ColumnTypes.Insert(datatype) <-- insert a column datatype
For Export:
Set result = mgr.GenerateExportRoutine()
If result '= 1 Write !,"Error generating export routine: ",result Quit
Set sta = mgr.OpenExport()
If $$$ISERR(sta) {
Set ErrMsg = "Unable to open export file"
[...LogYourError here ]
} Else {
Set sta = mgr.GetExportSize(.size)
If size = 0 {
[...LogYourError here "No data to export"]
} Else {
Set tSC = $$$OK
Do {
Set tSC = mgr.ExportRows(.rows,.done)
Set total = total + rows
If $$$ISERR(tSC) [Do ..LogYourError here] Quit
} While done = 0
If $$$ISOK(tSC) {
Set tmsg = "Completed at "_$zdt($h)
} Else {
Set tmsg ="Error occurred during export."
Set statusmsg = "Exported: "_total_" rows"
Write !,tmsg,!,statusmsg
Do mgr.CloseExport()
Do mgr.DeleteExportRoutine()
For Import:
Set mgr.DeferIndices = 1
Set result = mgr.GenerateImportRoutine()
If result '= 1 Write !,"Error generating import routine: ",result Quit
Set sta = mgr.OpenImport()
If $$$ISERR(sta) {
Set ErrMsg = "Unable to open import file"
[...LogYourError here ]
} Else {
If mgr.HasHeaders = 1 Set sta = mgr.ReadHeader(.header,.size)
Set tSC = $$$OK
Do {
Set tSC = mgr.ImportRows(.rows,.inserted,.bytes,.done,.numerr,total)
Set total = total + rows
Set totalinserted = totalinserted + inserted
Set totalbytes = totalbytes + bytes
If $$$ISERR(tSC) [...LogYourError here ] Quit
} While done = 0
Do mgr.BuildIndices()
If mgr.ErrorCount() > 0 {
[...LogYourError here ]
[number of error count is mgr.ErrorCount()
} Else {
If $$$ISOK(tSC) {
Set tmsg = "Completed at "_$zdt($h)
} Else {
Set tmsg ="Error occurred during import."
Set statusmsg = "Imported: "_totalinserted_" rows"
Write !,tmsg,!,statusmsg
Do mgr.CloseImport(0)
Do mgr.DeleteImportRoutine()
property ClassName
as %String(TRUNCATE=1);
Class to use for import/export.
property ColumnNames
as list of %String(TRUNCATE=1);
Names (SQL field names) of columns.
property ColumnTypes
as list of %String(TRUNCATE=1);
Data types of columns.
- D - Date
- TS - TimeStamp
- N - Numeric
- S - String
- T - Time
property ColumnWidths
as list of %Integer;
Widths of columns for FixedWidth files.
property DateFormat
as %Integer;
Format for dates (passed to $ZDT).
property Delimiter
as %String(TRUNCATE=1);
Delimiter character or NULL for fixed width fields.
property FileName
as %String(TRUNCATE=1);
File (on server) to use for import or export."
property HasHeaders
as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, file has column headers in first row.
property NoCheck
as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, import will insert with %NOCHECK.
property StringQuote
as %String(TRUNCATE=1);
Character used to quote strings or NULL for no quoting.
property TableName
as %String(TRUNCATE=1);
Table to use for import/export.
property Terminator
as %String(TRUNCATE=1);
User defined record terminators (upto 8 charectors).
property TimeFormat
as %Integer;
Format for time (passed to $ZTime).
property TimeStampFormat
as %Integer;
Format for datetime values (ODBC or T-SQL).
method ResetExImData()
Reset the export/import data.