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Send a SMTP mail message
#include %occOptions #include %occStatus testmailsend3 ; ; Replace information marked with [[ ]] new attached,err,m,nestedm,s,status set s=##class(%Net.SMTP).%New() set s.smtpserver=[["SMTP server name"]] set s.timezone=[["-0400"]] may remove this line to get Universal Time set m=##class(%Net.MailMessage).%New() set m.From=[["test@company.com"]] // Either address with name or just email address supported. do m.To.Insert([["receiver@another.com"]]) do m.To.Insert([["Joe Smith <jsmith@another.com>"]]) write !,"s.port="_s.port write !,"s.localhost="_s.localhost set m.Subject="Sent by Cache' mail" set m.Charset="iso-8859-1" set status=m.TextData.Write("This is the main body.") if $$$ISERR(status) do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(status) quit set status=m.TextData.Write($char(13,10)) if $$$ISERR(status) do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(status) quit set status=m.TextData.Write("This is the second line.") if $$$ISERR(status) do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(status) quit set status=m.TextData.Write($char(13,10)) if $$$ISERR(status) do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(status) quit set status=m.AttachFile("c:\winnt","notepad.exe") if $$$ISERR(status) do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(status) quit // Attach a text file with charset=iso-8859-1 set status=m.AttachFile("d:\temp","test.txt",0,"iso-8859-1") if $$$ISERR(status) do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(status) quit set nestedm=m.AttachNewMessage() // Attach a binary file set status=nestedm.AttachFile("c:\cachesys\bin","test.bin") if $$$ISERR(status) do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(status) quit write !,"m.Parts.Count()="_m.Parts.Count() write !,"m.Parts.GetAt(3).Parts.GetAt(1).FileName="_m.Parts.GetAt(3).Parts.GetAt(1).FileName write !,"m.Parts.GetAt(3).Parts.Count()="_m.Parts.GetAt(3).Parts.Count() set status=s.Send(m) if $$$ISERR(status) do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(status) quit
Properties | |||
AllowHeaderEncoding | AuthFrom | ContinueAfterBadSend | Debug |
Error | FailedSend | SSLConfiguration | ShowBcc |
UseSTARTTLS | authenticator | bufcount | localhost |
port | smtpserver | timezone |
If true, theSend method will encode non-ASCII header text according to the rules specified by RFC 2047. This is the default. Some mail readers do not accept the encoding specified by RFC 2047 and thus we allow disabling this encoding by setting AllowHeaderEncoding=false.
AuthFrom specifies the address to be used for the AUTH parameter of the MAIL FROM SMTP command for SMTP authenticated session. If specified, this property will be the argument of the AUTH= extension to the MAIL FROM command. This property may be specified as "<>" to indicate that the original submitter of the messge is not known.
If true, sending the email will continue if a send fails and failed email addresses will be added to the FailedSend list.
If Send is called and returns an error status, the error message is in the Error property.
A list of email addresses for which the Send failed. If the Send for any address is successful, then a %Status of $$$OK is returned by Send and this list contains any failed addresses. If Send is not successful for any email address, then an %Status of $$$SMTPNoSend and all address on this list. Use (sender.FailedSend.Count()=0) to test if all sends succeeded.
The name of the activated TLS/SSL configuration to use for smpts requests.
If ShowBcc = true (1), then Bcc headers will be written to the email message. The Bcc headers will usually be filtered out by the SMTP server.
If true then the STARTTLS extension to SMTP (RFC 3207) should be used to authenticate to the SMTP server on the normal SMTP port. The SSLConfiguration must be specified.
To do SMTP authentication with the SMTP server (as defined by RFC 2554), instantiate a%Net.Authenticator object, set UserName and Password properties of the authenticator and assign it to this property. An example of the use of authenticator follows.#include %occOptions #include %occStatus authtestmailsend ; ; Replace information marked with [[ ]] new auth,m,s,status set s=##class(%Net.SMTP).%New() set auth=##class(%Net.Authenticator).%New() ; use default authentication list set auth.UserName=[["myUser"]] set auth.Password=[["myPassword"]] set s.authenticator=auth set s.smtpserver=[["SMTP server name"]] set s.timezone=[["-0400"]] may remove this line to get Universal Time set m=##class(%Net.MailMessage).%New() set m.From=[["test@company.com"]] do m.To.Insert([["receiver@another.com"]]) do m.To.Insert([["Joe Smith <jsmith@another.com>"]]) set m.Subject="Sent by Cache' mail" set m.Charset="iso-8859-1" do m.TextData.Write("This message has been sent using an SMTP server with Authemtication.") set status=s.Send(m) if $$$ISERR(status) do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(status) quit
The sending host, default is $ZU(110).
The port of the SMTP server, the default is 25 for plain text and 465 for SSL.
the name of the SMTP server
timezone as specified by RFC822, for example "EST", "PDT", "-0400". If timezone is "LOCAL", then the local timezone expressed as "+nnnn" or "-nnnn" is used. If timezone is not set, then "UT" is used for the timezone and universal time is used in the message.
xtext encoding is defined in RFC 1891 as:"xtext" is formally defined as follows:
xtext = *( xchar / hexchar )
xchar = any ASCII CHAR between "!" (33) and "~" (126) inclusive, except for "+" and "=".
;"hexchar"s are intended to encode octets that cannot appear
;as ASCII characters within an esmtp-value. hexchar = ASCII "+" immediately followed by two upper case hexadecimal digits
Setup session with the SMTP server. We will use the EHLO command and SMTP authentication as supplied by the authenticator property where possible. If EHLO is not accepted or authentication fails, we will attempt to use the HELO command.
Used to send msg to SMTP server.Returns a %Status to indicate success or failure.
send supports the following small subset of permissible message header fields. Set the corresponding MailMessage properties before invoking send.
- Date - set from msg.Date; will be set to the current date and time if not specified
- From - set from msg.From
- Subject - set from msg.Subject
- To - set from msg.To by converting to "," separated list
- Cc - optionally set from msg.Cc by converting to "," separated list
- Bcc - optionally set from msg.Bcc by converting to "," separated list
- Sender - optionally set from msg.Sender
- Reply-To - optionally set from msg.ReplyTo
The "MAIL FROM:" SMTP command uses the Sender field if specified, otherwise the From field.
The "RCPT TO:" SMTP command uses the To and Cc lists joined by commas.
simple e-mail address must be passed to MAIL and RCPT. Therefore if the address is of the form name <email>, the value passed to the SMTP command is just email.
Return timezone converted to RFC822 format