class %Net.Remote.Proxy
extends %RegisteredObject
method %Constructor(gateway As %ObjectHandle, className As %String, count As %Integer, p1 As %ObjectHandle, p2 As %ObjectHandle, p3 As %ObjectHandle, p4 As %ObjectHandle, p5 As %ObjectHandle, p6 As %ObjectHandle, p7 As %ObjectHandle, p8 As %ObjectHandle, p9 As %ObjectHandle, p10 As %ObjectHandle)
as %Status
method %FetchObject()
final method %Get(propertyName As %String)
as %ObjectHandle
final classmethod %GetObject(gateway As %Net.Remote.Gateway)
as %ObjectHandle
final classmethod %GetStatic(gateway As %Net.Remote.Gateway, propertyName As %String, className As %ObjectHandle)
as %ObjectHandle
final method %I(methodName As %String, ByRef p1 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p2 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p3 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p4 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p5 As %ObjectHandle)
final method %IOL(methodName As %String, ByRef p1 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p2 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p3 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p4 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p5 As %ObjectHandle)
final method %IOLR(methodName As %String, ByRef p1 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p2 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p3 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p4 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p5 As %ObjectHandle)
as %ObjectHandle
final method %IR(methodName As %String, ByRef p1 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p2 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p3 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p4 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p5 As %ObjectHandle)
as %ObjectHandle
final classmethod %IsDataType(type As %String)
as %Boolean
method %OnClose()
as %Status
This callback method is invoked by the %Close method to
provide notification that the current object is being closed.
The return value of this method is ignored.
final classmethod %OverloadWrite(gateway As %Net.Remote.Gateway, par As %ObjectHandle)
final method %PostInvoke()
final classmethod %PostInvokeStatic(gateway As %Net.Remote.Gateway)
final method %PreInvoke()
final classmethod %PreInvokeStatic(gateway As %Net.Remote.Gateway, className As %ObjectHandle)
final method %ProcessError(fun As %String, msgid As %Integer)
final classmethod %ProcessErrorStatic(gateway As %Net.Remote.Gateway, fun As %String, msgid As %Integer)
final classmethod %ReadArrayArgument(gateway As %Net.Remote.Gateway)
as %ObjectHandle
classmethod %ReadGlobalArray(kind As %String, size As %Integer)
final classmethod %ReadObjects(gateway As %Net.Remote.Gateway)
final method %RegisterOnDestructCallback(callbackName As %String)
as %Status
final classmethod %S(gateway As %Net.Remote.Gateway, methodName As %String, className As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p2 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p3 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p4 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p5 As %ObjectHandle)
final classmethod %SOL(gateway As %Net.Remote.Gateway, methodName As %String, className As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p2 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p3 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p4 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p5 As %ObjectHandle)
final classmethod %SOLR(gateway As %Net.Remote.Gateway, methodName As %String, className As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p2 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p3 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p4 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p5 As %ObjectHandle)
as %ObjectHandle
final classmethod %SR(gateway As %Net.Remote.Gateway, methodName As %String, className As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p1 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p2 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p3 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p4 As %ObjectHandle, ByRef p5 As %ObjectHandle)
as %ObjectHandle
method %SendObject()
final method %Set(propertyName As %String, value As %ObjectHandle, arrayType As %String)
method %SetEager(eager As %Boolean)
final classmethod %SetStatic(gateway As %Net.Remote.Gateway, propertyName As %String, value As %ObjectHandle, className As %ObjectHandle, arrayType As %String)
final classmethod %WriteArray(gateway As %Net.Remote.Gateway, type As %String, array As %ObjectHandle)
final classmethod %WriteGlobalArray(gateway As %Net.Remote.Gateway, type As %String, array As %ObjectHandle)