Class Reference
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Private Storage |
WARNING: This Class and its methods has been deprecated, please use the %SYS.LDAP class.
LDAP session.
The following shows an example on creating, deleting, and searching for entries:
Set err="" Set session=##class(%Net.LDAP.Client.Session).%New() If (testnum) { Set DC="CN=Users,DC=kerberos,DC=iscinternal,DC=com" Set c=session.Connect("kerbad",0,"CN=administrator,"_DC,"password", 0) } else { Set DC="DC=testldap,DC=com" Set c=session.Connect("lx2",0,"CN=admin,"_DC,"password", 0) } If ($$$ISERR(c)) { Do DecomposeStatus^%apiOBJ(c,.err) Write "Failed to connect : err : ", err(err),! Quit } Write "Connected to (",DC,")",! ;; Build attributes to be added to the entry Set p=session.GetPropList() Set c=p.Insert("objectclass","organizationalRole") w:(c'=$$$OK) "objclass attrib insert failed!!",! Set cn="test4" Set c=p.Insert("cn",cn) w:(c'=$$$OK) "cn attrib insert failed!!",! Set DN="cn="_cn_","_DC Set c=session.AddNewEntry(DN,p) If ($$$ISERR(c)) { Do DecomposeStatus^%apiOBJ(c,.err) Write "Failed to add/create a new entry(",DN,") : err : ", err(err),! } else { Write "Entry added (",DN,")",! } ;; Rename an Entry s c=session.RenameEntry(DN,"cn=testxx","",1) if ($$$ISERR(c)) { d DecomposeStatus^%apiOBJ(c,.err) W "Failed to Rename the new entry(",DN,") to(","testxx",") : err : ", err(err),! } else { w "Rename 'testxx' back to '",cn,"'",! s c=session.RenameEntry("cn=testxx,"_DC,"cn="_cn,"",1) if ($$$ISERR(c)) d DecomposeStatus^%apiOBJ(c,.err) W "Failed to restore the name(",DN,") : err : ", err(err),! } ;; Get all "ObjectClass" and "cn" in DC ;; build a list of desired attributes Set sl=session.GetStringList() Do sl.InsertStr("ObjectClass","cn") Set session.MaxItems=100 ;; specify max number of results Set ents=session.Search(DC,scope, "(ObjectClass=*)",sl,1000) If ('$IsObject(ents)) { Do DecomposeStatus^%apiOBJ(ents,.err) Write "Search failed : err : ", err(err),! } else { Write !,"Search result:",! Set count=0 Set entDN="" For { ; iterate through returned entries Set ent=ents.GetNext(.entDN) if ($IsObject(ent)) { Set count=count+1 Write " ",count," - Entry(",entDN,")",! Set attrNM="" For { ; iterate through each attribute of an entry Set val=ent.GetNext(.attrNM) Quit:(attrNM="") Write " Ent(",entDN,"), attr(",attrNM,")",! ;; iterate through values associated with each attribute For i=1:1:val.GetNumItems() { Write " ",i," - Value(",val.GetValue(i),")",! } } } else { Quit ;; list end } Write !,"Search done!! Count == ",count,! } } s c=session.CompareEntryValue(DN,"cn",cn) if (c '= 1) { d DecomposeStatus^%apiOBJ(c,.err) W "Failed to compare entry(",DN,") : err : ", err(err),! } else { w "Comapred OK!!",! } Set c=session.DeleteEntry(DN) If ($$$ISERR(c)) { Do DecomposeStatus^%apiOBJ(c,.err) Write "Failed to delete entry(",DN,") : err : ", err(err),! } else { Write "Delete entry (",DN,")",! }
Properties | ||
MaxItems | Referrals | SearchAttrsOnly |
Size limit
If set indicates that LDAP should chase referrals/references returned in a search
Search attributes only (Return no value)
Create a new entry
Comapre an entry attribute valueDN Distinguished Name of the entry.
Attrib Attribute to compare its value.
Value The value to compare with.
Binary True if the value is binary.
Establish connection to a LDAP server. You have to connect first before invoking other methods.
Delete an entry
Edit/Modify current entry attributes.Returns EditEntry object, use the returned object to modify the attributes
Return a new prop list object. Used to maintain attribute and value pairs.See %Net.LDAP.Client.PropList object.
Return a new StringList list object. Used to maintain a list of strings i.e. list of attributes.
Return a new value list object. Value list is used to associate multiple values with an attribute. See %Net.LDAP.Client.ValueList Object.
Rename an entryDN Distinguished Name of the entry
NewRDN New Relative Distinguished Name to assign to the entry
NewParent DN of the new parent to move the entry under. Pass "" if you do not want to move the entry to a different location.
DelOldRDN If 0, the old RDN is retained as an attribute in the modified entry
Authenticates client to an LDAP server using a SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer) mechanism. (see RFC2222).Note: The LDAP server must support that SASL mechanism for authentication.
You have to connect first before invoking any methods.
If the server sends a challenge to your client. check argument ServerData for the server's challenge. Call the SASLConnect() method again to send a response to that challenge.
set comp=SASLConnect("localhost",0,"uid=u123,ou=people,o=isctest.com","abcMechanism","secret",srvData)
write:(comp=$$$OK) "Server credential is : ",srvData,!
Search LDAP DBbase: search baseIf search fails the returned value is $$$ISERRscope: 0==search base, 1==search one level, 2==search subtree
filter: the search criteria (see RFC2254).
attrs: list of attributes to return per found entry.