Class Reference
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Private Storage |
WARNING: This Class and its methods has been deprecated, please use the %SYS.LDAP class.
Edit/Modify an existing LDAP Entry
The following shows an example of editting an entry:
Set err="" Set session=##class(%Net.LDAP.Client.Session).%New() Set DC="DC=testldap,DC=com" Set c=session.Connect("lx2",0,"CN=admin,"_DC,"password", 0) If ($$$ISERR(c)) { Do DecomposeStatus^%apiOBJ(c,.err) Write "Failed to connect : err : ", err(err),! Quit } Write "Connected to (",DC,")",! ;; Create a test entry ;; Build attributes to be added to the entry Set p=session.GetPropList() Set c=p.Insert("objectclass","organizationalRole") w:(c'=$$$OK) "objclass attrib insert failed!!",! Set cn="test4" Set c=p.Insert("cn",cn) w:(c'=$$$OK) "cn attrib insert failed!!",! Set DN="cn="_cn_","_DC Set c=session.AddNewEntry(DN,p) If ($$$ISERR(c)) { Do DecomposeStatus^%apiOBJ(c,.err) Write "Failed to add/create a new entry(",DN,") : err : ", err(err),! } else { Write "Entry added (",DN,")",! } ;; Edit/Modify DN s ed=session.EditEntry(DN) ;; Modifiy "description" attrib with multiple value s mv=session.GetValueList() s c=mv.Insert("Modified for testing!!") w:(c'=$$$OK) "1- multi value insert failed!!",! s:('$$$ISERR(c)) c=mv.Insert("Last updated - "_$zdt($ztimestamp)) w:(c'=$$$OK) "2- multi value insert failed!!",! ;; Queue an add of a multi-value "description" attrib, ;; and replace "postaladdress" attrib value s:('$$$ISERR(c)) c=ed.Add("description",mv) s:('$$$ISERR(c)) c=ed.Replace("postalAddress","123 - New addr") if ($$$ISERR(c)) { d DecomposeStatus^%apiOBJ(c,.err) W "--- Failed to edit DN(",DN,") : err : ", err(err),! } else { w "Edits Q-ed ok!!",! } ;; Commit the edits s c=ed.Commit() if ($$$ISERR(c)) { d DecomposeStatus^%apiOBJ(c,.err) W "--- Failed to commit DN(",DN,") changes : err : ", err(err),! } else { w "Committed ok!!",! } ;; Display the changes ;; Get all "ObjectClass", "postalAddress", "description", and "cn" in DC ;; build a list of desired attributes Set sl=session.GetStringList() Do sl.InsertStr("ObjectClass","cn","postalAddress","description") Set session.MaxItems=100 ;; specify max number of results Set ents=session.Search(DC,scope, "(ObjectClass=*)",sl,1000) If ('$IsObject(ents)) { Do DecomposeStatus^%apiOBJ(ents,.err) Write "Search failed : err : ", err(err),! } else { Write !,"Search result:",! Set count=0 Set entDN="" For { ; iterate through returned entries Set ent=ents.GetNext(.entDN) Quit:(entDN="") Set count=count+1 Write " ",count," - Entry(",entDN,")",! if ($IsObject(ent)) { Set attrNM="" For { ; iterate through each attribute of an entry Set val=ent.GetNext(.attrNM) Quit:(attrNM="") Write " Ent(",entDN,"), attr(",attrNM,")",! ;; iterate through values associated with each attribute For i=1:1:val.GetNumItems() { Write " ",i," - Value(",val.GetValue(i),")",! } } } else { Quit ;; list end } } Write !,"Search done!! Count == ",count,! } Set c=session.DeleteEntry(DN) If ($$$ISERR(c)) { Do DecomposeStatus^%apiOBJ(c,.err) Write "Failed to delete entry(",DN,") : err : ", err(err),! } else { Write "Delete entry (",DN,")",! }
Add a value to an attribute.attribute Attribute to change
value New value
The value could be string, stream, or a binary blub
If attribute doesn't exist in the entry, the attribute will be added
This change is committed by the Commit method
Commit the changes.Applies the pending changes. On success, resets/clears the change list.
Remove an attribute value.attribute Attribute to change
value Value to be deleted
The value could be string, stream, or a binary blub
If no value is provided, it will remove the attribute and all values
This change is committed by the Commit method
Replace an attribute value.attribute Attribute to change
value New value of the attribute
The value could be string, stream, or a binary blub
If attribute doesn't exist in the entry, the attribute will be added
This change is committed by the Commit method