abstract class %MV.Adaptor
parameter MVAUTOLOCKED = 0;
Set this parameter to True to prevent the modification of this class by
parameter MVCLEARDICT = 0;
Set this parameter to True if a recompile of the class that contains
the projection should cause the DICT of the projected file to be cleared
before it is repopulated. This parameter has no effect if the parameter
REPOPULATE is set to False.
parameter MVCREATE = 1;
Set this parameter to True if the file that this projection represents
should be created via CREATE-FILE if it does not yet exist in the namespace
defined by the MVNAMESPACE parameter.
parameter MVENABLED = 1;
MVENABLED controls storage compiler and MV projection behavior. If MVENABLED is
not true then storage will not use mv storage by default and no MV projection will
be built. Generally, MVENABLED is true when inherited from %MV.Adaptor although some classes
that extend %MV.Adaptor might opt to override it.
parameter MVFILENAME;
This is the name of the file in the multvalue account/namespace
where the class containing this projection should project itself.
The DICTionary of this file will be populated with the dictionary
elements described by the properties of the class according to their
types (A,D,S) and conversions , attribute 8, itype and so on.
parameter MVREPOPULATE = 1;
Set this parameter to True if the DICT of the file that this projection
models should be repopulated with the dictionary elements described by
the class, if that class is recompiled. The parameter CLEARDICT is only
considered if this parameter is set to True.
The effect of setting this parameter to True and CLEARDICT to False
(the default settings) is that any existing dictionary
elements that correspond to properties in the class containing this projection,
will be overwritten by definitions produced from the properties of the class.
Any existing entries in the DICTionary will be left in tact providing their
names do not conflict with the property names (or the paramaeter MVNAME of the
property if this is defined).