Class Reference
  [BASEXML] >  [%Library] >  [SyntaxColor]
Private  Storage  

class %Library.SyntaxColor extends %RegisteredObject

Syntax color source code, generating HTML markup and stylesheets.

Note that this class is only available in 32-bit Windows at present.


Parameters Properties Methods Queries Indices ForeignKeys Triggers
4 12


DLLCallMode DLLHandle DLLResultCode NoStyleNameUnderscore

%%OIDGet %AddToSaveSet %ClassIsLatestVersion %ClassName
%ConstructClone %DispatchClassMethod %DispatchGetModified %DispatchGetProperty
%DispatchMethod %DispatchSetModified %DispatchSetMultidimProperty %DispatchSetProperty
%Extends %GetParameter %IsA %IsModified
%New %NormalizeObject %ObjectModified %OnClose
%OriginalNamespace %PackageName %RemoveFromSaveSet %SerializeObject
%SetModified %ValidateObject Color GetCSS
Join PathToDLL SameLanguage SymbolsString


• property DLLCallMode as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 3 ];

How we call the DLL

Takes one of the following values :-

  • 1 - use $ZF(-3) ... handy for debugging the DLL because it doesn't stay loaded

  • 2 - use $ZF(-4)/$ZF(-5) ... to cache the DLL handle

  • 3 - use $ZF(-4)/$ZF(-6) ... the default - there's normally no reason to change it

Initialised to 3

• property DLLHandle as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];

The cached DLLHandle (used only when DLLCallMode=2)

• property DLLResultCode as %String;

Set to a result code string returned by CacheColorHTML.DLL.

Mainly of use to Intersystems support.

• property NoStyleNameUnderscore as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];

Set to the underscore-suppression flag as last used in a call to Color

- so that we can pass it to GetCSS


• method %OnClose() as %Status
This callback method is invoked by the %Close method to provide notification that the current object is being closed.

The return value of this method is ignored.

• method Color(InStream As %Stream.Object, OutStream As %Stream.Object, Language As %String = "COS", Flags As %String = "", DefFg As %String = "#000000", DefBg As %String = "#FFFFFF", ByRef Langs As %String, ByRef ColoringErrors As %Boolean, ByRef ErrorEnv As %String, ByRef ColoringWarnings As %Boolean, Symbols As %String = "") as %Boolean

Syntax color the given source code using the given language.

Note that this class is only available in 32-bit Windows at present.

  • InStream is a stream containing the source code, we rewind it before using it

  • OutStream is a stream to which the HTML (or CSV) is written (not the stylesheet - you need to use GetCSS for that)

  • Language is the lang moniker for the language (e.g. "BAS", "JS", "COS", "HTML"). The default is "COS"

  • Flags is a string of flag letters. A flag letter can be followed by "=" and a list of subflags (terminated by a ",").

  • DefFg and DefBg are ignored if stylesheets are used. When stylesheets are not used DefFg and DefBg are HTML color codes in hex #xxxxxx format (i.e. they should be passed as strings). They default to black and white, respectively. They are used whenever a color is specified as "default foreground" or "default background" in the Studio registry settings.

  • Langs is returned with a list of language monikers used (so you know what stylesheets to request) - e.g. $LB("COS","HTML")

  • ColoringErrors is returned with 0 if there were no syntax coloring errors, 1 otherwise

Some flags only apply to certain output modes (HTML/CSV/XML). Supported flags are :-

  • S/s (HTML) specifies that stylesheets should be used, otherwise it just embeds FONT settings into the marked up source

  • P/p (HTML) suppresses the enclosing <PRE>...</PRE>

  • F/f (HTML) suppresses the outer <FONT>;/FONT> which sets the default foreground and background

  • I/i (HTML) inserts an HTML comment just before </PRE> if present, otherwise at the end of the output; the comment contains information about the parsers used and the HTML rendering

  • I/i (CSV) inserts "\i" followed by parser information at the end of the output

  • I/i (XML) writes an <info info="..."/> tag at the end of the output (before </color>) with the parser information as the attribute value

  • U/u (HTML) suppresses the "_" character in style names

  • C/c selects CSV output (see below)

  • Q selects XML output (but if C/c is given as well Q flag is ignored)

    The Q can be followed by "=" and one or more (case-sensitive) subflags to tailor the XML output :-

    • P .. include XML prolog ("<?xml...") at start of output

    • L .. include source language in the XML tag name - e.g. <COS_Command>

    • l .. include source language as an XML attribute - e.g. <Command language="COS">

    • N .. wrap XML tags for each source line in <line>...</line> tags

    • n .. use <newline/> tags to mark line-breaks


    1. If neither L nor l is given the attribute language is not shown.

    2. If neither N nor n is given the line-breaks are not shown.

  • E/e (ALL) includes empty source lines in the output

  • A/a (CSV) outputs attribute descriptions instead of hexadecimal codes

  • B/b (CSV) outputs both a hexadecimal code and an attribute description, separated by a "|" character

CSV output writes a line to the output stream for each syntax element and for each special element :-

  • a syntax element is written as a record with commas delimiting the three components :-

    • the first component is the language name - e.g. COS

    • the second component is the terminal index in base 16 - e.g. 2F

    • the third component is the source code fragment

    Note that the third component can contain commas.

  • a special element begin with "\" :-

    • "\n" indicates newline in the source

    • "\i " precedes an information line, shown when the I flag is given

The S, P, F and U flags and the DefFg and DefBg parameters are ignored when CSV/XML output is selected.

The method returns 1 if it succeeded in generating the required HTML, CSV or XML; 0 if it failed to do so. In the case of failure the DLLResultCode property will sometimes contain a message with more information about the failure.

Typical use :-

	Set instr=##class(%GlobalCharacterStream).%New()
	Do instr.WriteLine(" &SQL(SELECT * FROM A WHERE B=C)")
	Set outstr=##class(%GlobalCharacterStream).%New()
	Set colorer=##class(%SyntaxColor).%New()
	Set ret=colorer.Color(instr,outstr,"COS","PFS",,,.langs,.coloringerrors)
	If 'ret {Write "Fatal error: ",colorer.DLLResultCode,! Quit}
	If coloringerrors {
	  Write "Syntax error(s)",!
	Do outstr.Rewind()
	While 'outstr.AtEnd {
	  Write outstr.ReadLine(),!
• method GetCSS(OutStream As %Stream.Object, Language As %String = "COS", Format As %Integer) as %Boolean

Generates a CSS stylesheet for the given language moniker.

Note that this class is only available in 32-bit Windows at present.

  • OutStream is a stream to which the stylesheet is written

  • Language is the language moniker (e.g. "COS" or "BAS")

The method returns 1 if it succeeded in generating the required stylesheet, 0 if it failed to do so. In the case of failure the DLLResultCode property will sometimes contain a message with more information about the failure.

Underscores are suppressed in the style names if either Color was last called with this flag OR if you explicitly set NoStyleNameUnderscore before calling this method

Typical use (continues on from the Color example) :-

	Set css=##class(%GlobalCharacterStream).%New()
	For i=1:1:$ListLength(langs) D colorer.GetCSS(css,$List(langs,i))
	Do css.Rewind()
	While 'css.AtEnd {
	  Write css.ReadLine(),!
• classmethod Join(SubStrings As %List, Delimiter As %String) as %String

Given a list of strings: combine the ones which are non-empty, separating them using the given delimiter

• classmethod PathToDLL(SixtyFour As %Boolean) as %String

Return the path to the DLL

• classmethod SameLanguage(Lang1 As %String, Lang2 As %String) as %Boolean

Return whether two Studio language monikers are for the same language (ignoring moniker extensions) [ProcedureBlock = 1]

• classmethod SymbolsString(ProcedureBlock As %Boolean = 1, ParameterNames As %List = "", PublicNames As %List = "") as %String

Given the procedure block setting and optional lists of parameter and public names (with optional '=xxx' tails)
Return a string suitable for passing as a Symbols parameter to Color

ProcedureBlock must be omitted or passed as 1 for coloring warnings to be available
- if ProcedureBlock is "" the PROCBLOCK symbol is not set at all