abstract class %Library.SQLExImData
Common data used by both SQL import and export classes.
property ClassName
as %String;
Class to use for import/export.
property ColumnNames
as list of %String;
Names (SQL field names) of columns.
property ColumnTypes
as list of %String;
Data types of columns.
- S - String
- N - Numeric
- D - Date
property ColumnWidths
as list of %Integer;
Widths of columns for FixedWidth files.
property DateFormat
as %Integer;
Format for dates (passed to $ZDT).
property Delimiter
as %String;
Delimiter character or NULL for fixed width fields.
property FileName
as %String;
File (on server) to use for import or export."
property HasHeaders
as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, file has column headers in first row.
property NoCheck
as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
If true, import will insert with %NOCHECK.
property StringQuote
as %String;
Character used to quote strings or NULL for no quoting.
property TableName
as %String;
Table to use for import/export.
method ResetExImData()
Reset the export/import data.