Class Reference
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Private Storage |
Registered relationship class for relationship cardinalities many and children. Instances of this class are used by n-cardinality relationships to manage objects currently related to the container object and also to manage the objects whose relationship with the container object has been removed. Related objects are loaded into this object using a query-like interface that is implemented by the inverse relationship. The order in which related objects are loaded is neither guaranteed or maintained as objects are related or unrelated. This class is used internally by Caché. You should not make direct use of it within your applications. There is no guarantee made about either the behavior or future operation of this class.
Properties | |||
Cardinality | ElementType | InversePersistent | InverseProperty |
InverseReference | NotLoaded | Persistent |
This parameter determines how the collection object stores OID values. If this parameter is set to 0, then partially-formed OID values, containing only an ID number, are used. If this parameter is set to 1, then fully-formed OID values, containing both a class name and an ID number, are used.
The type (class name) of the elements stored in the collection.
The property name of the inverse relationship in the related class.
The type (class name) of the elements stored in the collection.
TRUE if the ElementType class is a persistent class.
The property name of the inverse relationship in the related class.
TRUE if related objects have not been retrieved by calling Load()
TRUE if the container class is a persistent class.
Overrides %SerialObject implementation. Scans objects for modifications in the related list (Element) and the terminated relationship list (DeleteOref). Modified/Scheduled to delete objects are added to the save graph.
This method is called by%TRollBack^%occTransaction when a transaction is rolled back.Returns a
%Status value indicating success or failure.
%SerializeObject() This method retrieves all of the serial values for referenced objects and places them into the instance variables, Validates, Normalizes, and serializes the object (with a save of the persistent image if persistent)
Unswizzles (removes from memory) the individual element at position key in the list.Returns a
%Status value indicating success or failure.
Clears the contents of the array. Both the OID and OREF values are cleared.Returns a
%Status value indicating success or failure.
Returns the number of elements contained in the Relationship.
Starting from, but not including, position key, FindObject finds the next element in the list whose ID value equals the id from oid ($$$oidPrimary is the id). If key is a null string, FindObject starts at the beginning of the list.FindObject returns the position of the found element or null string ("") if no element was found.
Starting from, but not including, position key, FindObjectId finds the next element in the list whose ID value equals id. If key is a null string, FindObjectId starts at the beginning of the list.FindObjectId returns the position of the found element or null string ("") if no element was found.
Starting from, but not including, location key, finds the next element in the array whose Oref value equals oref.If key is a null string (""), the search starts at the beginning of the array.
FindOref returns the key associated with the found element or null string ("") if no element is found. Unswizzled references are compared to oref.%Oid() and if equal, swizzling will occur.
Finds and returns the OREF value referring to the object at position key in the list.GetAt returns the value of the element at location key or null string ("") if no element is found.
Finds and returns the OID value referring to the object at position key in the list.Returns the value of the element at location key or the null OID if no element is found.
Finds and returns the OID value referring to the object at the position after key in the list. If key is a null string (""), it returns the OID value of the first element in the list.The value of key, which is passed by reference, is updated to the position value of the returned element or the null OID if key is at the end of the list.
Finds and returns the OREF value referring to the object at the position after key in the list. If key is a null string (""), it returns the OREF value of the first element in the list.The value of key, which is passed by reference, is updated to the position value of the returned element or null string ("") if key is at the end of the list.
Finds and returns the OID value referring to the object at position key in the list.Returns the value of the element at location key or the null OID if no element is found.
Finds and returns the ID value of the element associated with key.GetObjectIdAt returns the ID value of the element associated with key or null string ("") if no element is found.
Finds and returns the ID value of the element at the location after key in the array. If key is a null string (""), it returns the ID value of the first element in the array.The value of key, which is passed by reference, is updated to the key value of the returned element or null string ("") if key is at the end of the array.
Finds and returns the ID value of the element at the location before key in the array. If key is a null string (""), it returns the ID value of the last element in the array.The value of key, which is passed by reference, is updated to the key value of the returned element or null string ("") if key is at the beginning of the array.
Finds and returns the OID value referring to the object at the position after key in the list. If key is a null string (""), it returns the OID value of the first element in the list.The value of key, which is passed by reference, is updated to the position value of the returned element or the null OID if key is at the end of the list.
Finds and returns the OID value referring to the object at the position before key in the list. If key is a null string (""), it returns the OID value of the last element in the list.The value of key, which is passed by reference, is updated to the position value of the returned element or the null OID if key is at the beginning of the list.
This method is used internally by Caché. You should not make direct use of it within your applications. There is no guarantee made about either the behavior or future operation of this method.Finds and returns the OREF at position key in the list without automatically swizzling the object. Returns $$$NULLOREF if no element is found or if the referenced object hasn't been swizzled.
Finds and returns the OREF value referring to the object at the position before key in the list. If key is a null string (""), it returns the OREF value of the last element in the list.The value of key, which is passed by reference, is updated to the position value of the returned element or the null OREF if key is at the beginning of the list.
Inserts an element with OREF value oref at the end of the array.Returns a
%Status value indicating success or failure.
Inserts an element with OID value oid at the end of the array.Returns a
%Status value indicating success or failure.
Inserts an element with ID value id at the end of the array.Returns a
%Status value indicating success or failure.
Returns true (1) if a value is defined at location key, otherwise false (0).
Return true if this collection is empty. If it is already loaded this is easy, but if not we just run minimal query rather than loading everything
Retrieves a list of all objects related to InverseReference and inserts them into array of related objects.
Finds and returns the key value of the element at the location following key in the array. If key is a null string (""), then Next returns the key value for the first element in the array.
Finds and returns the key value of the element at the location preceding key in the array. If key is a null string (""), thenPrevious returns the key value for the last element in the array.
Inserts an element with OREF value oref at the end of the list.Returns a
%Status value indicating success or failure. This method should not be invoked directly. It is invoked by the inverse relationship.
Removes the element whose oref is oref.Remove returns the OID value of the removed element or the null OID if no element was removed.
Removes the element at position key in the array.RemoveAt returns the OID value of the removed element or the null OID if no element was removed.
Removes the element whose OID is oid.RemoveAt returns the OID value of the removed element or then null OID if no element was removed.
Moves an element with OREF value oref from the array of related objects to the list of terminated relationships.Returns a
%Status value indicating success or failure. This method should not be invoked directly. It is invoked by the inverse relationship.