persistent class %Library.ObjectJournalRecord
extends %Persistent
parameter READONLY = 1;
READONLY = 1 means that objects can be created, opened but not saved or deleted.
Tables are projected to SQL as READONLY.
classmethod OpenObjectByTime(pGUID As %String = "", pSyncTime As %Integer = "", ByRef pStatus As %Library.Status)
as %Library.ObjectHandle
method OpenObjectVersion(ByRef status As %Library.Status)
as %Library.ObjectHandle
This method returns a reference to an object that is an instance of the same class
as the object that was journalled by this ObjectJournalRecord. The referenced object
does not have an ID assigned but all property values are the same as the journalled
object's property values at the time of this filing activity.
This method returns a null reference if the filing action is a DELETE or if the
system journal is not available for this filing activity. Also, for classes using
OBJJOURNAL = 2 a null reference is returned.
index (IDKey on JrnId) [IdKey];