class %Library.GTWResultSet
extends %Library.IResultSet, %IProcedureContext
property Data
[ MultiDimensional ];
property bRClose
as %Boolean;
property colindex
[ MultiDimensional ];
property columns
[ MultiDimensional ];
property firsttime
as %Integer;
property gwc
as %SQLGatewayConnection;
property hstmt
as %String;
method %CloseCursor()
as %Status
This method is expected to be overridden by concrete subclasses
method %Get(colname As %String = "")
as %Library.String
Returns the value of the column with the name pColumnName in the current row of the result set.
If pColumnName is not a valid column name, this method returns an empty string.
method %GetData(colnbr As %Integer)
as %Library.String
Returns the value of column pColumnNumber in the current row of the result set.
method %Next(ByRef sc As %Library.Status)
as %Library.Integer
Advance the procedural result set cursor to the next row. Returns 0 if the cursor is at the end of the
result set. An optional argument will contain a %Status value on return. This %Status value
indicates success or failure of the %Next call. %SQLCODE is also set by %Next.
This implementation is overridden by classes that implement the result set interface.
method %Print()
as %Status
Print the contents of the current row on the current device.
method %SendODBC()
as %Integer
Fetch and send a series of rows for the ODBC/JDBC server. For internal use only.
method CreateStaticRS(ByRef sqcon As %Library.ObjectHandle)
as %Library.Status
method NextResult()
as %Library.RegisteredObject
Called to return the next resultset object.
This also removes the reference to the existing object so it can cleanup and close itself