Class Reference
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Gateway Catalog Queries
Calls SQLGriverConnect and SQLGetInfo for the corresponding datasource;dsn is the DSN, infoType is the info type
Get a List of all procedures
Selects DSN As%String , DESCRIPTION As%String
return list of ODBC datasourcesdirection could be one of the following:
Selects DSN As%String , DESCRIPTION As%String
return list of ODBC datasources, lexicographically sorteddirection could be one of the following:
Selects CATALOG_NAME As%String , SCHEMA_NAME As%String , TABLE_NAME As%String , COLUMN_NAME As%String , DATATYPE As%Integer , DATATYPE_NAME As%String , COLUMN_SIZE As%Integer , DECIMAL_DIGITS As%Integer , NULLABLE As%String , REMARKS As%String , SUPPORTED As%Boolean , SQLCOLUMNNUMBER As%Integer
Get a List of all Fields from a table for an ODBC based SQL Gateway connection;dsn is the SQLGateway connection name, tname is the string search pattern for table names, schema is the string search pattern for schema names
Selects CATALOG_NAME As%String , SCHEMA_NAME As%String , TABLE_NAME As%String , COLUMN_NAME As%String , DATATYPE As%Integer , DATATYPE_NAME As%String , COLUMN_SIZE As%Integer , DECIMAL_DIGITS As%Integer , NULLABLE As%String , REMARKS As%String , COLUMN_DEF As%String , SUPPORTED As%Boolean , SQLCOLUMNNUMBER As%Integer
Get a List of all fields in a table for a JDBC based SQL Gateway connectiondsn is the SQLGateway connection name, tname is the string search pattern for table names, schema is the string search pattern for schema names
Selects PKTABLE_CAT As%String , PKTABLE_SCHEM As%String , PKTABLE_NAME As%String , PKCOLUMN_NAME As%String , FKTABLE_CAT As%String , FKTABLE_SCHEM As%String , FKTABLE_NAME As%String , FKCOLUMN_NAME As%String , KEY_SEQ As%Integer , UPDATE_RULE As%Integer , DELETE_RULE As%Integer , FK_NAME As%String , PK_NAME As%String
Get a List of foreign keys for an ODBC based SQL Gateway connectiondsn is the SQLGateway connection name, tname is the table name in the format SCHEMA_NAME.TABLE_NAME
Selects PKTABLE_CAT As%String , PKTABLE_SCHEM As%String , PKTABLE_NAME As%String , PKCOLUMN_NAME As%String , FKTABLE_CAT As%String , FKTABLE_SCHEM As%String , FKTABLE_NAME As%String , FKCOLUMN_NAME As%String , KEY_SEQ As%Integer , UPDATE_RULE As%Integer , DELETE_RULE As%Integer , FK_NAME As%String , PK_NAME As%String
Get a List of foreign keys for an JDBC based SQL Gateway connectiondsn is the SQLGateway connection name, tname is the table name in the format SCHEMA_NAME.TABLE_NAME
Selects CATALOG_NAME As%String , SCHEMA_NAME As%String , TABLE_NAME As%String , COLUMN_NAME As%String , KE_SEQ As%Integer , PK_NAME As%String
Get a List of primary keys for an ODBC based SQL Gateway connectiondsn is the SQLGateway connection name, tname is the table name in the format SCHEMA_NAME.TABLE_NAME
Selects CATALOG_NAME As%String , SCHEMA_NAME As%String , TABLE_NAME As%String , COLUMN_NAME As%String , KE_SEQ As%Integer , PK_NAME As%String
Get a List of primary keys for a JDBC based SQL Gateway connectiondsn is the SQLGateway connection name, tname is the table name in the format SCHEMA_NAME.TABLE_NAME
Selects CATALOG_NAME As%String , SCHEMA_NAME As%String , PROC_NAME As%String , COL_NAME As%String , COL_TYPE As%Integer , DATA_TYPE As%Integer , TYPE_NAME As%String , COL_SIZE As%Integer , DEC_DIGITS As%Integer , RADIX As%Integer , NULLABLE As%Integer , REMARKS As%String , SUPPORTED As%Boolean
return a list of the procedure columns for an ODBC based SQL Gateway connectiondsn is the SQLGateway connection name, procname is the string search pattern for procedure names, schema is the string search pattern for schema names
Selects CATALOG_NAME As%String , SCHEMA_NAME As%String , PROC_NAME As%String , COL_NAME As%String , COL_TYPE As%Integer , DATA_TYPE As%Integer , TYPE_NAME As%String , COL_SIZE As%Integer , DEC_DIGITS As%Integer , RADIX As%Integer , NULLABLE As%Integer , REMARKS As%String , SUPPORTED As%Boolean
return a list of the procedure columns for a JDBC based SQL Gateway connectiondsn is the SQLGateway connection name, procname is the string search pattern for procedure names, schema is the string search pattern for schema names
Selects CATALOG_NAME As%String , SCHEMA_NAME As%String , PROC_NAME As%String , PROC_TYPE As%Integer , REMARKS As%String
Get a List of all procedures for an ODBC based SQL Gateway connectiondsn is the SQLGateway connection name, pname is the string search pattern for procedure names, schema is the string search pattern for schema names
Selects CATALOG_NAME As%String , SCHEMA_NAME As%String , PROC_NAME As%String , PROC_TYPE As%Integer , REMARKS As%String
Get a List of all procedures for a JDBC based SQL Gateway connectiondsn is the SQLGateway connection name, pname is the string search pattern for procedure names, schema is the string search pattern for schema names
Selects SCOPE As%Integer , DATATYPE As%Integer , TYPE_NAME As%String , COLUMN_SIZE As%Integer , BUFFER_LENGTH As%Integer , DECIMAL_DIGITS As%Integer , PSEUDO_COLUMN As%Integer , UPDATE_RULE As%Integer
Get a List of special columns for an ODBC based SQL Gateway connectiondsn is the SQLGateway connection name, tname is the table name in the format SCHEMA_NAME.TABLE_NAME
Selects CATALOG_NAME As%String , SCHEMA_NAME As%String , TABLE_NAME As%String , TABLE_TYPE As%String , REMARKS As%String
Get a List of all tables for an ODBC based SQL Gateway connection;dsn is the SQLGateway connection name, tname is the string search pattern for table names, schema is the string search pattern for schema names, ttype - list of table types to match
Selects CATALOG_NAME As%String , SCHEMA_NAME As%String , TABLE_NAME As%String , TABLE_TYPE As%String , REMARKS As%String
Get a List of all tables for a JDBC based SQL Gateway connectiondsn is the SQLGateway connection name, tname is the string search pattern for table names, schema is the string search pattern for schema names, ttype - list of table types to match
Selects TABLE_CAT As%String (MAXLEN=128), TABLE_SCHEM As%String (MAXLEN=128), TABLE_NAME As%String (MAXLEN=128), NON_UNIQUE As%SmallInt , INDEX_QUALIFIER As%String (MAXLEN=128), INDEX_NAME As%String (MAXLEN=128), TYPE As%SmallInt , ORDINAL_POSITION As%SmallInt , COLUMN_NAME As%String (MAXLEN=128), ASC_OR_DESC As%String (MAXLEN=1), CARDINALITY As%Integer , PAGES As%Integer , FILTER_CONDITION As%String (MAXLEN=128)
Get a List of all indices in a table for a JDBC based SQL Gateway connectiondsn is the SQLGateway connection name, tname is the string search pattern for table names, schema is the string search pattern for schema names