class %Installer.Database
extends %Installer.Activity
This is a "Database" activity within a Manifest document
property BlockSize
as %Integer(VALUELIST=",4096,8192,16384,32768,65536");
Database block size
property ClusterMountMode
as %Boolean;
Specifies whether the database should be mounted privately or clustered.
0 - Mount private
1 - Mount clustered
property Collation
as %String;
Database collation
property Create
as %String(VALUELIST=",yes,no,overwrite") [ InitialExpression = "yes" ];
Database creation flags:
yes - Must always create the database, will fail if already exists
no - Database must already exist
overwrite - Overwrite if present, or create a new one.
property Dir
as %String [ Required ];
Database location on the filesystem.
property Encrypted
as %Boolean;
Enable encryption for this database
property EncryptionKeyID
as %String(MAXLEN=256);
The encryption key id for an encrypted database
property ExpansionSize
as %Integer(MINVAL=1);
Expansion size (i.e. by how many MB should the DB get expanded when it fills)
property InitialSize
as %Integer(MINVAL=1);
Initial database size (in MB)
property MaximumSize
as %Integer(MINVAL=1);
Maximum database size (in MB)
property MountAtStartup
as %Boolean;
Specifies whether the database should be mounted at startup.
0 - Don't mount at startup
1 - Mount at startup
property MountRequired
as %Boolean;
Specifies that the database MUST be successfully mounted at startup.
0 - Successfull mount not required for startup to succeed.
1 - Successfull mount required for startup to succeed.
property PublicPermissions
as %String(MAXLEN=8);
Public Permissions, zero or more of "R", "W", "U"
property Resource
as %String(MAXLEN=64);
Database Resource required to access this database, for example %DB_%DEFAULT
property StreamLocation
as %String;
Directory where the streams associated with this database go.
By default (value=""), the location is in the subdirectory "stream", underneath the
database directory, e.g. for a database located in c:\abc, the default would be
c:\abc\stream. InterSystems recommends leaving this parameter as "".
property Target
as %String(XMLNAME="Name") [ Required ];
Database "logical" name, for example USER or ENSDEMO