Class Reference
  [USER] >  [%Identity] >  [Data] >  [LinkDefaults]
Private  Storage  

persistent class %Identity.Data.LinkDefaults extends %Persistent, %XML.Adaptor


Parameters Properties Methods Queries Indices ForeignKeys Triggers
14 3 1


alsoKnownAs encryptedMultiFieldPred encryptedMultiFieldWeightExpr encryptedSingleFieldPred
encryptedSingleFieldWeightExpr mProb multiFieldAgreementPred multiFieldAgreementWeightExpr
schemaVersion singleFieldAgreementPred singleFieldAgreementWeightExpr sqlNullSemantics
type uProb

%%OIDGet %AddToSaveSet %AddToSyncSet %BMEBuilt
%BuildIndices %CheckUnique %ClassIsLatestVersion %ClassName
%ComposeOid %ConstructClone %Delete %DeleteExtent
%DeleteId %DispatchClassMethod %DispatchGetModified %DispatchGetProperty
%DispatchMethod %DispatchSetModified %DispatchSetMultidimProperty %DispatchSetProperty
%Exists %ExistsId %Extends %GUID
%GUIDSet %GetLock %GetParameter %GetSwizzleObject
%Id %InsertBatch %IsA %IsModified
%KillExtent %KillExtentData %LoadFromMemory %LockExtent
%LockId %New %NormalizeObject %ObjectModified
%Oid %OnBeforeAddToSync %OnDetermineClass %Open
%OpenId %OriginalNamespace %PackageName %PhysicalAddress
%PurgeIndices %Reload %RemoveFromSaveSet %ResolveConcurrencyConflict
%RollBack %Save %SaveDirect %SaveIndices
%SerializeObject %SetModified %SortBegin %SortEnd
%SyncObjectIn %SyncTransport %UnlockExtent %UnlockId
%ValidateObject ConvertToStoredProc GetDefaultMU XMLDTD
XMLExport XMLExportToStream XMLExportToString XMLNew
XMLSchema XMLSchemaNamespace XMLSchemaType


• property alsoKnownAs as %String(MAXLEN=512);
ObjectScript list of names that this type is also known as
• property encryptedMultiFieldPred as %String(MAXLEN=1000);
agreement predicate for this encrypted property that may include references to other properties
• property encryptedMultiFieldWeightExpr as %String(MAXLEN=1000);
multi-encrypted-field agreement weight expression
• property encryptedSingleFieldPred as %String(MAXLEN=1000);
agreement predicate that depends only on the current encrypted property
• property encryptedSingleFieldWeightExpr as %String(MAXLEN=1000);
single-encrypted-field agreement weight expression
• property mProb as %Numeric(MAXVAL="0.9999999999",MINVAL="0.0000000001",SCALE=10);
default m-probability, the probability that two attribute values of this type agree, given that the records represent the same individual.
• property multiFieldAgreementPred as %String(MAXLEN=1000);
agreement predicate that may include references to other properties
• property multiFieldAgreementWeightExpr as %String(MAXLEN=1000);
multi-field agreement weight expression
• property schemaVersion as %String [ InitialExpression = "2.0" ];
Physical schema version number
• property singleFieldAgreementPred as %String(MAXLEN=1000);
agreement predicate that depends only on the current property
• property singleFieldAgreementWeightExpr as %String(MAXLEN=1000);
single-field agreement weight expression
• property sqlNullSemantics as %Integer(MAXVAL=3,MINVAL=1) [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
default semantics when one or both values of this type are missing: IMTNullNeqAny=1, IMTNullEqlNull=2, or IMTNullEqlAny=3.
• property type as %String [ Required ];
Identity type name, for example "givenname" or "surname"
• property uProb as %Numeric(MAXVAL="0.9999999999",MINVAL="0.0000000001",SCALE=10);
default u-probability, the probability that two attribute values of this type agree, given that the records represent different individuals


• method ConvertToStoredProc()
Convert extrinsic function calls to stored procedure calls
• classmethod GetDefaultMU(type As %String, mProb As %Numeric, uProb As %Numeric) as %Status


• index (pk on type) [IdKey];