class %Identity.API
extends %RegisteredObject
IMT Interface Class Methods
classmethod BuildJoinIndex(linkageID, nProc="")
classmethod ClassifyAgreePat(linkageID As %Integer, agreePat As %String, lowThresh As %Numeric, highThresh As %Numeric, category As %Numeric, reason As %Numeric = 1, comment As %String = "", seteid As %Boolean = 0)
[ SQLProc ]
Classify the Unclassified of the specified linkage model that have the specified agreement pattern and that have a
linkweight greater than or equal to the low threshold and less than the high threshold, as Classified in the
specified category and for the specified reason. By default, the reason is $$$IMTLinkedByRule.
Indifference to the agreement status of a link parameter may be specified by setting the corresponding character of
the agreement pattern to $$$IMTIndifference.
classmethod ClassifyAs(linkageID As %Integer, SQLpred As %String, category As %Integer, reason As %Integer = 1, comment As %String = "", seteid As %Boolean = 0)
[ SQLProc ]
Classify the Unclassified associated with the specified linkage model that satisfy the specified SQL predicate to
the specified category, and for the specified reason. Positive categories represent types of links, while negative
categories represent types of non-links. The reason may be specified as $$$IMTLinkReasonUnknown (""), $$$IMTLinkedByLinkweight (0),
$$$IMTLinkedByRule (1) [ the default ], or $$$IMTLinkedByInspection (2). If seteid=1, then the operation will
update the property specified in the entityIDAProperty property.
classmethod ClassifyByLinkweight(linkageID As %Integer, lowThresh As %Numeric, highThresh As %Numeric, comment As %String = "", seteid As %Boolean = 0)
[ SQLProc ]
Classify the Unclassified of the specified linkage model according to linkweight. Possible links with linkweight
less than the lower threshold are classified as non-links. Possible links with linkweight greater than the high
threshold are classified as links.
classmethod ClearClassifiedPairs(linkageID As %Integer, loCategory As %Integer = -999, hiCategory As %Integer = 999)
[ SQLProc ]
Clear all record pair classifications for the specified linkage model, where the classification is between the
specified limits. Leave loCategory and hiCategory unspecified to clear all classified pairs for the specified
linkage model.
classmethod ClearUnclassifiedPairs(linkageID As %Integer)
[ SQLProc ]
Clear all candidate record pairs for the specified linkage model that have not yet been classified.
classmethod CreateLinkage(relationA, relationB, linkIndexA, linkIndexB, sourceRefA, entityIDA, entityIDB, blockingCond, loThresh, hiThresh, agreementModel, deIdentifiedPropList, joinIndexID=0, linkageIDB="", facilityA="", modelName="")
as %Integer
classmethod DefSysValue(pSettingName As %String)
as %String
classmethod DefUserSetting(pSettingName As %String)
as %String
classmethod DeleteLinkParameter(linkageID As %Integer, attrID As %Integer)
[ SQLProc ]
Delete the specified link parameter
classmethod DropJoinIndex(linkageID)
classmethod DropLinkage(pLinkageID)
classmethod GetDefaultLinkageID()
as %Integer
[ SQLProc ]
Get the current default linkageID.
classmethod GetDefaultLinkageModelName(pUsername As %String = "")
as %String
Get the current default linkageID.
classmethod GetLinkageIDByName(pModelName As %String)
as %Integer
classmethod GetPropertyIDList(pClass As %Dictionary.CompiledClass, pIdentityType As %Boolean = 0)
as %String
classmethod GetSysValue(pSettingName As %String)
as %String
classmethod GetThresholds(pLinkageID As %Integer, pLoThresh As %Numeric, pHiThresh As %Numeric)
Get the low and high linkweight thresholds
classmethod GetUserSetting(pSettingName As %String)
as %String
classmethod InsertLinkParameter(linkageID As %Integer, propNameInA As %String, propNameInB As %String, type As %String, mProb As %Numeric, uProb As %Numeric, gamma As %String, sqlNull As %Integer, aIsMissing As %String = "", bIsMissing As %String = "", isDisabled As %Boolean = 0, displayName As %String = "", displayOnWorklist As %Boolean = 1, displayOnSearchResults As %Boolean = 0)
as %Integer
[ SQLProc ]
See InsertLinkParameter. This function differs from InsertLinkParameterW in that the agreement and disagreement weights are specified
indirectly in terms of conditional probabilities. The mapping between conditional probabilities and weights is unique, so the two functions
are completely equivalent; however, many people find it easier to work with weights than with conditional probabilities.
classmethod InsertLinkParameterW(linkageID As %Integer, propNameInA As %String, propNameInB As %String, type As %String, agreementWeight As %Numeric, disagreementWeight As %Numeric, agreementExpr As %String, sqlNull As %Integer, aIsMissing As %String = "", bIsMissing As %String = "", isDisabled As %Boolean = 0, displayName As %String = "", displayOnWorklist As %Boolean = 1, displayOnSearchResults As %Boolean = 0)
as %Integer
[ SQLProc ]
Insert a link parameter into the specified linkage model. The link parameter specifies how a given part of the linkage model will
be compared and weighted. Specify the property names in class A and B as propNameInA and propNameInB, respectively. Specify
agreementExpr as a SQL value expression that refers to relation A with %:a.SQLname%, to relation B with %:b.SQLname%, and to the agreement
and disagreement weights with %:w.agree% and %:w.disagree%. The same syntax is also used for the aIsMissing and bIsMissing predicates,
which default to (%:a.SQLname% IS NULL) and (%:b.SQLname IS NULL), respectively.
classmethod KillSysValue(pSettingName As %String, pUser As %String = "")
classmethod KillUserSetting(pSettingName As %String, pUser As %String = "")
classmethod Link1(a, linkageID, blockingPred="", agreePatFlag="", distinctByEntityID=1, idCommaList="", loThresh="")
classmethod Link1To1(a, b, linkageID, blockingPred="", agreePatFlag="", loThresh="")
classmethod PropertyIsA(pClassName As %String, pPropertyName As %String, pSuperclass As %String)
as %Boolean
classmethod SetDefaultLinkageID(linkageID As %Integer)
Set the current default linkageID. This value is also set implicitly when a new linkage is created.
classmethod SetDefaultLinkageModelName(pModelName As %String, pUsername As %String = "")
Set the current default linkageID. This value is also set implicitly when a new linkage is created.
classmethod SetLocalization(pRegionID As %Integer, pUsername As %String = "")
Set the current localization
classmethod SetNumValueStates(pNValueStates As %Integer)
classmethod SetSysValue(pSettingName As %String, pValue As %Binary, pUser As %String = "ALL")
classmethod SetUserSetting(pSettingName As %String, pValue As %Binary, pUser As %String = "")
classmethod SpecialAddr(joinIndexID As %Integer, stdStreetAddress As %String)
as %String
[ SQLProc ]
Returns 1 if the specified standardized street address is a common residence such as a prison, hospital, or nursing home.
classmethod UnClassifyAs(linkageID As %Integer, SQLpred As %String, category As %Integer = "", comment As %String = "")
[ SQLProc ]
Unclassify the Classified for the specified linkage model that satisfy the specified SQL predicate and that
had the specified category, moving them to the Unclassified for this linkage model.
classmethod Unclassify(linkageID As %Integer, category As %Integer, agreePat As %String = "", lowThresh As %Numeric = -999, highThresh As %Numeric = 999, comment As %String = "")
[ SQLProc ]
Move Classified in the specified linkage model and category that have the specified agreement pattern and that have a
linkweight between the specified thresholds into Unclassified.
classmethod cmpAffineGapSimilarity(str1 As %String, str2 As %String, match As %Numeric = 10, opengap As %Numeric = -3, continuegap As %Numeric = -1)
classmethod cmpBennyDobSimilarity(date1 As %Date, date2 As %Date)
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
Basic date similarity method. Returns a value between 0.0 and 1.0 denoting the level of agreement
classmethod cmpBigramSimilarity(str1 As %String, str2 As %String)
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
Bigram similarity, reflecting the fraction of common bigrams between a pair of strings.
classmethod cmpCompareDobW(date1 As %Date, date2 As %Date, agreementWeight As %Numeric = 1, disagreementWeight As %Numeric = -1)
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
Partial agreement weight between date1 and date2, which is in the range disagreementWeight to agreementWeight.
classmethod cmpCompareGivenName(str1 As %String, str2 As %String, agreementWeight As %Numeric = 2, disagreementWeight As %Numeric = -2, knownSex1 As %String = "", knownSex2 As %String = "")
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cmpCompareGivenNameFW(str1 As %String, str2 As %String, agreementWeight As %Numeric = 2, disagreementWeight As %Numeric = -2, knownSex1 As %String = "", knownSex2 As %String = "")
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cmpCompareGivenNameW(str1 As %String, str2 As %String, agreementWeight As %Numeric = 2, disagreementWeight As %Numeric = -2, knownSex1 As %String = "", knownSex2 As %String = "")
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cmpCompareNonWhite(str1 As %String, str2 As %String)
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
Returns 1 if the non-white characters agree exactly, including case, else returns 0
classmethod cmpCompareNumericAddress(str1 As %String, str2 As %String, aW As %Numeric, dW As %Numeric)
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cmpComparePhone(str1 As %String, str2 As %String, len As %Integer = 7)
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cmpCompareStreetAddress(str1 As %String, str2 As %String, aW As %Numeric, dW As %Numeric, nuv As %Integer = 0)
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cmpCompareStringsW(str1 As %String, str2 As %String, aW As %Numeric, dW As %Numeric)
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
Returns the partial agreement weight between two strings, calculated by converting
the winkler similarity metric linearly over the range dW to aW.
classmethod cmpCompareSurname(str1 As %String, str2 As %String, agreementWeight As %Numeric = 2, disagreementWeight As %Numeric = -2, useFrequencyWeighting As %Boolean = 0)
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cmpCompareSurnameFW(str1 As %String, str2 As %String, agreementWeight As %Numeric = 2, disagreementWeight As %Numeric = -2, useFrequencyWeighting As %Boolean = 0)
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cmpCompareSurnameW(str1 As %String, str2 As %String, agreementWeight As %Numeric = 2, disagreementWeight As %Numeric = -2, useFrequencyWeighting As %Boolean = 0)
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cmpCompassPoint(bearingDeg As %Numeric)
as %String
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cmpDeceptiveDobSimilarity(date1 As %Date, date2 As %Date)
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
Date similarity method, specifically designed for cases where the subject is trying to hide their identity. Returns a value between 0.0 and 1.0 denoting the level of agreement
classmethod cmpDobEditDistance(date1 As %Date, date2 As %Date)
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
The edit distance between two valid logical dates, after conversion to YYYYMMDD format
classmethod cmpEditDistance(str1 As %String, str2 As %String)
as %Integer
[ SQLProc ]
Edit distance, also known as Levenshtein distance. The minimum number of inserts, deletes, or transpositions required to transform one string into the other string.
classmethod cmpEditSimilarity(str1 As %String, str2 As %String)
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
Edit distance, expressed as a similarity measure between 0 and 1.
classmethod cmpEditexSimilarity(str1 As %String, str2 As %String)
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
Editex similarity. Returns a value between 0.0 and 1.0 reflecting both phonetic similarity and syntactic similarity.
classmethod cmpHammingSimilarity(str1 As %String, str2 As %String)
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
Hamming similarity. The number of differences between positionally corresponding characters in two strings.
classmethod cmpInitialBearing(lat1Deg As %Numeric, lon1Deg As %Numeric, lat2Deg As %Numeric, lon2Deg As %Numeric)
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cmpJaroSimilarity(str1 As %String, str2 As %String)
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
Jaro similarity metric, expressed as a value between 0 and 1.
classmethod cmpKnownGivenName(name As %String)
as %Boolean
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cmpLatLonDistance(lat1Deg As %Numeric, lon1Deg As %Numeric, lat2Deg As %Numeric, lon2Deg As %Numeric, radians As %Numeric)
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cmpListEditDistance(list1 As %String, list2 As %String, minDist As %Integer = 0.0)
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
Edit distance metric applied to two lists. The value returned is the minimum value of edit distance between
any list element from list1 and any list element of list2.
classmethod cmpListEquals(list1 As %String, list2 As %String)
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
Edit distance metric applied to two lists. The value returned is the minimum value of edit distance between
any list element from list1 and any list element of list2.
classmethod cmpListJaroSimilarity(list1 As %String, list2 As %String, maxSim As %Numeric = 1.0)
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
Jaro similarity metric applied to two lists. The value returned is the maximum value of Jaro similarity between
any list element from list1 and any list element of list2.
classmethod cmpLooseDobSimilarity(date1 As %Date, date2 As %Date)
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
Approximate date similarity method. Returns a value between 0.0 and 1.0 denoting the level of agreement
classmethod cmpMetaphone(str As %String)
as %String
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cmpNicknameList(name As %String)
as %String
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cmpRareFemaleName(name As %String, fraction As %Numeric = .2)
as %Boolean
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cmpRareGivenName(name As %String, fraction As %Numeric = .2)
as %Boolean
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cmpRareMaleName(name As %String, fraction As %Numeric = .2)
as %Boolean
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cmpRareSurname(name As %String, fraction As %Numeric = .2)
as %Boolean
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cmpSim2wt(sim As %Numeric, fulldis As %Numeric = .6, neutral As %Numeric = .8, fullagr As %Numeric = .92, agrWgt As %Numeric = 1, disWgt As %Numeric = -1)
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
Transform a similarity value to an agreement/disagreement weight
classmethod cmpWinklerSimilarity(str1 As %String, str2 As %String)
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
Winkler similarity metric.
classmethod cryptBennyDobSimilarity(deid1 As %String, deid2 As %String)
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cryptCompareGivenName(deid1 As %String, deid2 As %String, aW As %Numeric = 2, dW As %Numeric = -2, key As %String = "")
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cryptCompareGivenNameW(deid1 As %String, deid2 As %String, aW As %Numeric = 2, dW As %Numeric = -2, key As %String = "")
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cryptCompareStreetAddress(deid1 As %String, deid2 As %String, aW As %Numeric = 1, dW As %Numeric = 0, numericVariation As %Integer = 1, key As %String = "")
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cryptCompareStreetAddressW(deid1 As %String, deid2 As %String, aW As %Numeric = 1, dW As %Numeric = 0, numericVariation As %Integer = 1, key As %String = "")
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cryptCompareSurname(deid1 As %String, deid2 As %String, aW As %Numeric = 2, dW As %Numeric = -2, key As %String = "")
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cryptCompareSurnameW(deid1 As %String, deid2 As %String, aW As %Numeric = 2, dW As %Numeric = -2, key As %String = "")
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cryptDeidGivenNameToHashstr(deid As %String, key As %String = "")
as %String
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cryptDeidStreetAddressToHashstr(deid As %String, key As %String = "")
as %String
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cryptDeidSurnameToHashstr(deid As %String, key As %String = "")
as %String
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cryptDeidToHashstr(deid As %String, key As %String = "")
as %String
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cryptDobEditDistance(deid1 As %String, deid2 As %String)
as %Integer
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cryptEditDistance(deid1 As %String, deid2 As %Integer, key As %String = "")
as %Integer
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cryptIMTDecrypt(cryptext As %String, key As %String = "")
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cryptJaroSimilarity(deid1 As %String, deid2 As %String, key As %String = "")
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cryptLooseDobSimilarity(deid1 As %String, deid2 As %String)
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cryptRareSurname(deidSurname As %String)
as %Boolean
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cryptTrimLow(string As %String)
as %String
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod cryptWinklerSimilarity(deid1 As %String, deid2 As %String, key As %String = "")
as %Numeric
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod stdPhoneticNameKey(givenName As %String, otherName As %String, surname As %String)
as %String
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod stdStdAddress(str As %String)
as %String
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod stdStdAddressKey(str As %String, maxPhonLen As %Integer = 4)
as %String
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod stdStdCompoundName(str As %String)
as %String
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod stdStdEmailPrefix(str As %String)
as %String
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod stdStdEmailSuffix(str As %String)
as %String
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod stdStdGivenName(str As %String)
as %String
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod stdStdHDate(str As %String, format As %Integer = "", euro As %Boolean = 0)
as %String
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod stdStdPhone(str As %String, len As %Integer = 10)
as %String
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod stdStdPostcode(str As %String, len As %Integer = 5)
as %String
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod stdStdTitle(title As %String)
as %String
classmethod stdStdUrlServerID(str As %String)
as %String
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod stdTrim(str As %String)
as %String
[ SQLProc ]
classmethod utilValueState(weight As %Numeric, agreementWeight As %Numeric = 1, disagreementWeight As %Numeric = -1, loDis As %Numeric = 0, loAgr As %Numeric = 0, medAgr As %Numeric = 0, hiAgr=0)
as %String
[ SQLProc ]
Apply thresholds to an agreement or disagreement weight and return it as a categorical value.
classmethod utilValueState3(weight As %Numeric, agreementWeight As %Numeric = 1, disagreementWeight As %Numeric = -1, loDis As %Numeric = 0, loAgr As %Numeric = 0, medAgr As %Numeric = 0, hiAgr=0)
as %String
[ SQLProc ]
Apply thresholds to an agreement or disagreement weight and return it as a categorical value.