serial class %DeepSee.extensions.iKnow.conf.Data
extends %SerialObject, %XML.Adaptor
property CrcClass
as %String [ InitialExpression = "CRC" ];
property CrcOccurenceClass
as %String [ InitialExpression = "CRCOccurrence" ];
property CrcOccurenceTable
as %String;
property CrcTable
as %String;
property CrcUsageClass
as %String [ InitialExpression = "CRCUsage" ];
property CrcUsageTable
as %String;
property Domain
property EntityClass
as %String [ InitialExpression = "Term" ];
property MDClass
as %String [ InitialExpression = "SourceMetadata" ];
property MDTable
as %String;
property MinSpread
as %Double;
property OccurenceClass
as %String [ InitialExpression = "Occurrence" ];
property OccurenceTable
as %String;
property Package
property SourceClass
as %String [ InitialExpression = "Source" ];
property SourceTable
as %String;
property TermTable
as %String;
property UsageClass
as %String [ InitialExpression = "Usage" ];
property UsageTable
as %String;
method CrcClassGet()
as %String
This is a Get accessor method for the CrcClass property.
method CrcOccurenceClassGet()
as %String
This is a Get accessor method for the CrcOccurenceClass property.
method CrcUsageClassGet()
as %String
This is a Get accessor method for the CrcUsageClass property.
method DomainGet()
as %String
This is a Get accessor method for the Domain property.
method EntityClassGet()
as %String
This is a Get accessor method for the EntityClass property.
method GetTableNames()
as %Status
method MDClassGet()
as %String
This is a Get accessor method for the MDClass property.
method OccurenceClassGet()
as %String
This is a Get accessor method for the OccurenceClass property.
method PackageGet()
as %String
This is a Get accessor method for the Package property.
method SourceClassGet()
as %String
This is a Get accessor method for the SourceClass property.
method UsageClassGet()
as %String
This is a Get accessor method for the UsageClass property.