Class Reference
  [USER] >  [%DeepSee] >  [Utils]
Private  Storage  

class %DeepSee.Utils extends %RegisteredObject

This class contains a number of DeepSee utility methods.


Parameters Properties Methods Queries Indices ForeignKeys Triggers


%%OIDGet %AddTimeInterval %AddToSaveSet %Analyze
%AnalyzeMissing %BuildCube %BuildDimensionTableIndices %CheckPrivilege
%ClassIsLatestVersion %ClassName %CompressIndices %ComputeAggregateCombos
%ComputeAggregateGroup %ComputeCellCache %ConstructClone %ConvertDate
%CubeExists %DaysInMonth %DeleteFact %DeleteNamedFilter
%DenormalizeType %DispatchClassMethod %DispatchGetModified %DispatchGetProperty
%DispatchMethod %DispatchSetModified %DispatchSetMultidimProperty %DispatchSetProperty
%ExportExcelToFile %Extends %FormatDate %GetAgentCount
%GetBaseCube %GetCollectionProjections %GetCountCaption %GetCountName
%GetCubeActionClass %GetCubeCaption %GetCubeClass %GetCubeDescription
%GetCubeFactClass %GetCubeFactCount %GetCubeFactTable %GetCubeLevels
%GetCubeList %GetCubeListings %GetCubeMeasures %GetCubeMemberCount
%GetCubeModifiedDate %GetCubeName %GetCubeSearchableMeasures %GetDashboardList
%GetDataSourceTree %GetDefaultHierarchy %GetDefaultLevel %GetDefaultMeasure
%GetDefaultMember %GetDependencyGraph %GetDimensionCaption %GetDimensionFact
%GetDimensionInfo %GetDimensionList %GetDimensionMembers %GetDimensionProperties
%GetDimensionSpec %GetDimensionTables %GetErrorPageURL %GetFunctionList
%GetFunctionSet %GetKPICaption %GetKPIClass %GetKPIDescription
%GetKPIList %GetKPIModifiedDate %GetKPIName %GetKPIPlugInList
%GetLevelNameForKey %GetMemberCaption %GetMemberTree %GetMetricList
%GetModel %GetNamedFilterInfo %GetNamedFilters %GetParameter
%GetPivotList %GetRelatedCube %GetSQLColumnName %GetSQLTableName
%GetSubjectAreaModel %GetTimeLevelClasses %GetWorksheetList %IsA
%IsCubeAbstract %IsCubeAvailable %IsCubeCompound %IsKPIPublic
%IsLeapYear %IsModified %IsRelationship %KillCube
%KillKPICacheForCube %LoadCellCache %MemberHasChildren %New
%NormalizeObject %ObjectModified %OriginalNamespace %PackageName
%ParseRangeExpression %PrecomputeAggregates %ProcessFact %PurgeDSTIME
%RemoveFromSaveSet %Reset %RunServerAuditCode %RunServerInitCode
%SaveNamedFilter %SerializeObject %SetAgentCount %SetCubeDSTime
%SetDSTimeIndex %SetModified %Shell %SynchronizeCube
%TestTimeClass %UnformatDate %UpdateDimensionProperty %ValidateObject


• classmethod %AddTimeInterval(pDate As %Date, pInterval As %String) as %Date
Add a time interval to a given date (in $H format).
The interval is of the form "99y99m99d" (years, months, and days). There can be a leading minus sign.
• classmethod %Analyze(pCubeName As %String, pFlags As %String = "i", pVerbose As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
Loop over all indices for a given cube and show details.
pCubeName is the name of the cube.
pFlags is a set of flags that can control what is analyzed: flags include "i" (include indices), "f" (include facts), "c" (include cell cache). The default is "i".
pVerbose indicates that status information is to be displayed while the analysis is done.
• classmethod %AnalyzeMissing(pCube As %String) as %Status
Examine the levels and measures for a given cube and report on how many missing values there are.
pCubeName is the name of the cube.
• classmethod %BuildCube(pCubeName As %String, pAsync As %Boolean = 1, pVerbose As %Boolean = 1, pIndexOnly As %Boolean = 0, pMaxFacts As %Integer = 0, pTracking As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Update all facts in the DeepSee cube pCubeName with data from the source table.
This will delete any information currently in the cube. If pAsync is true, then background tasks are used.
If pVerbose is true, then status information is written to the console.
If pIndexOnly is true, only rebuild the fact table indices.
If pMaxFacts is non-zero, then only build this number of facts.
pTracking is an internal argument used when this method is run in the background and specifies that status information should be stored.
• classmethod %BuildDimensionTableIndices(pCubeName As %String, pVerbose As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
Rebuild the indices for every dimension table used for cube pCubeName. If pCubeName is "*", then perform this on every cube within the current namespace that is visible to the current user.
• final classmethod %CheckPrivilege(pCubeName As %String) as %Status
Test that the current user holds privileges on the given cube.
• classmethod %CompressIndices(pCubeName As %String, pVerbose As %Boolean = 0)
Loop over all indices for the given cube and compress them.
• classmethod %ComputeAggregateCombos(pCubeName As %String, ByRef pCombos, pVerbose As %Boolean = 1, pTracking As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Loop over fact table for cube and precompute the aggregates for the specified combinations in pCombo.
pCombo(n) = "FactName1,FactName2,MsrName1"
• classmethod %ComputeAggregateGroup(pCubeName As %String, pGroupName As %String, pVerbose As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
Precompute the aggregates witin the given cube and the given group name within the cube's CellCache specification.
Set pGroupName to "*" for all groups.
• classmethod %ComputeCellCache(pCubeName As %String, ByRef pSpec) as %Status
Generate and execute a query that will force the update of the cell cache for given cube and levels.
• classmethod %ConvertDate(pDate As %String, pDateType As %String) as %Date
Utility method. Convert a date value to %Date ($H) format.
pDateType indicates the incoming date format.
• classmethod %CubeExists(pCubeName As %String, Output pStatus As %Status) as %Boolean
Given the logical name, pCubeName of a DeepSee cube, test if it exists.
• classmethod %DaysInMonth(y, m) as %Integer
Return number of days in the given year and month.
• classmethod %DeleteFact(pCubeName As %String, pSourceId As %String = "", pVerbose As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
For the specified cube, delete one fact from the source table (with id of pSourceId). If pVerbose is true, then status information is written to the console.
• classmethod %DeleteNamedFilter(pCube As %String, pFilterName As %String = "") as %Status
Delete the given named filter for the given cube. If pFilterName is "*", then delete all named filters for the cube.
• classmethod %DenormalizeType(pType As %String) as %String
Convert a class name of the form to %xxx.
• classmethod %ExportExcelToFile(pFile As %String, ByRef pParms As %String) as %Status
Export a DeepSee query or KPI to the file pFile in excel format.
pParms defines the export parameters:
pParms("TITLE") = title
pParms("SUBTITLE") = subtitle
pParms("MDX") = MDX Statement
pParms("KPI") = KPI class name
pParms("LISTINGNAME") = Listing name
pParms("FILTERNAMES") = $C(10)-delimited list of filter names
pParms("FILTERVALUES") = $C(10)-delimited list of filter values
• classmethod %FormatDate(pDate As %Date, pFormat As %String = "") as %String
Format a date value (in $H format) according to the format in pFormat.
The format string can contain:
"y" - Year number (4 digits).
"q" - Quarter number.
"m" - Month number, with no leading zero.
"mm" - Month number, with leading zero.
"mmm" - Short name of month (using server locale).
"mmmm" - Long name of month (using server locale).
"d" - Day number, with no leading zero.
"dd" - Day number, with leading zero.
"ddd" - Short name of day (using server locale).
"dddd" - Long name of day (using server locale).
"\x" - display character "x"
" " - space
"/" - "/"
"-" - "-"
"." - "."
• classmethod %GetAgentCount() as %Integer
Get the current default agent count.
• classmethod %GetBaseCube(pCubeName As %String) as %Boolean
Given the logical name, pCubeName of a DeepSee subject area known to exist, return its base cube.
• classmethod %GetCollectionProjections(pClassname As %String, ByRef pProjectedClass As %String(MAXLEN=255)) as %Status
Given a class name, return the set of classes projected for collection properties of the class.
• classmethod %GetCountCaption(pCubeName As %String, Output pStatus As %Status) as %String
Given the logical name, pCubeName of a DeepSee cube, return the display name of its %COUNT measure.
• classmethod %GetCountName(pCubeName As %String, Output pStatus As %Status) as %String
Given the logical name, pCubeName of a DeepSee cube, return the logical name of its %COUNT measure.
• classmethod %GetCubeActionClass(pCubeName As %String, Output pStatus As %Status) as %String
Given the logical name, pCubeName of a DeepSee cube, return the class name of it associated actionClass, if any.
• classmethod %GetCubeCaption(pCubeName As %String, Output pStatus As %Status) as %String
Given the logical name, pCubeName of a DeepSee cube, return its caption.
• classmethod %GetCubeClass(pCubeName As %String, Output pStatus As %Status) as %String
Given the logical name, pCubeName of a DeepSee cube, return the class name of the cube definition.
• classmethod %GetCubeDescription(pCubeName As %String, Output pStatus As %Status) as %String
Given the logical name, pCubeName of a DeepSee cube return its class description.
• classmethod %GetCubeFactClass(pCubeName As %String, Output pStatus As %Status) as %String
Given the logical name, pCubeName of a DeepSee cube, return the class name of its fact table.
• classmethod %GetCubeFactCount(pCubeName As %String, Output pStatus As %Status) as %Integer
Given the logical name, pCubeName of a DeepSee cube, return the number of rows within its fact table.
• classmethod %GetCubeFactTable(pCubeName As %String, Output pStatus As %Status) as %String
Given the logical name, pCubeName of a DeepSee cube, return the SQL name of its fact table.
• classmethod %GetCubeLevels(pCube As %String, ByRef pLevels, pSkipAll As %Boolean = 0, pSkipComputed As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Return a list of all levels within the given cube.
On return pLevels contains a list of all levels of the form:
pLevels(n) = $LB(type,dimName,hierName,levelName)
Type is "l" for level, "m" for measure (in which case there is no levelName) or "r" for relationship (in which case there is only a dimension name).
If pSkipAll is true, do not return any "all" levels.
If pSkipComputed is true, do not return any levels for computed dimensions.
• final classmethod %GetCubeList(Output pList, pType As %String = "", pNonAbstract As %Boolean = 0, pBaseCube As %String = "") as %Status
Return an array of all currently defined DeepSee Cubes visible to the current user. This is used by utilities.
This array takes the form:
pList(NAME) = $LB(name,caption,moddate,type)
pType, if defined, can be "cubes" or "subjectAreas". This will limit the returned list to those item types.
pNonAbstract, if true, limits the returned items to non-abstract cubes.
pBaseCube, if provided, limits the returned items to the base cube and its descendants.
If there are no cubes, then pList will be undefined.
• classmethod %GetCubeListings(pCube As %String, Output pListings As %List, pType As %String = "") as %Status
Return an array of all (non-default) listings for the given cube. The array is of the form:
pListings(name) = $LB(caption,fields,order)
If there are no listings, then pListings will be undefined.
If pType is defined, then only return listings of the given type.
• classmethod %GetCubeMeasures(pCube As %String, ByRef pMeasures, pSkipCalculated As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Return the measures within the given cube as an array of form:
pMeasures(n) = $LB(name,caption,type,hidden,factName)
If pSkipCalculated is true, then do not include calculated measures.
• classmethod %GetCubeMemberCount(pCubeName As %String, Output pStatus As %Status, pDimName As %String = "", pHierName As %String = "", pLevelName As %String = "") as %Integer
Given the logical name, pCubeName of a DeepSee cube, return the number of members within the given dimension level.
• classmethod %GetCubeModifiedDate(pCubeName As %String, Output pStatus As %Status) as %DeepSee.Datatype.dateTime
Given the logical name, pCubeName of a DeepSee cube, return the date of the time the cube definition was modifed.
• classmethod %GetCubeName(pCubeName As %String, Output pStatus As %Status) as %String
Given the logical name, pCubeName of a DeepSee cube, return its name in its original case.
• classmethod %GetCubeSearchableMeasures(pCube As %String, ByRef pMeasures) as %Status
Return the searchable measures within the given cube as an array of form:
pMeasures(n) = $LB(name,caption,type)
• final classmethod %GetDashboardList(Output pList) as %Status
Return a list of all currently defined DeepSee dashboards visible to the current user. This is used by utilities.
This list takes the form:
pList(NAME) = $LB(name,caption,moddate,type)
• classmethod %GetDataSourceTree(pClass As %String, Output pTree, ByRef pParms, pLevel As %Integer = 0, pParentRef As %String = "", pRoot As %String = "") as %Status
Return the properties of a cube data source in a format that can be consumed by a Zen dynaTree control.
pRoot is used to specify that an incremental load of children is requested; if provided it is the spec of a parent node.
• classmethod %GetDefaultHierarchy(pCubeName As %String, pDimName As %String) as %String
Given the logical name, pCubeName of a DeepSee cube, and a dimension name, return the name of the default Hierarchy (this is only defined if there is no more than one hierarchy for this dimension).
• classmethod %GetDefaultLevel(pCubeName As %String, pDimName As %String, pHierName As %String) as %String
Given the logical name, pCubeName of a DeepSee cube, and a dimension and hierarchy name, return the name of the default Level (this is only defined if there is no more than one level for this hierarchy).
• classmethod %GetDefaultMeasure(pCubeName As %String) as %String
Given the logical name, pCubeName of a DeepSee cube, return the name of the default Measure. Note: this is no longer used by DeepSee.
• classmethod %GetDefaultMember(pCubeName As %String) as %String
Given the logical name, pCubeName of a DeepSee cube, return the default cube element (dimension and possibly level) as a string ("[Product].[Name]").
Note: this is no longer used by DeepSee.
• classmethod %GetDependencyGraph(ByRef pGraph, pCubeName As %String, pDirection As %String = "", pLevel As %Integer = 0) as %Status
Get the cube dependency graph for the given cube: pGraph(cube, dependentCube) = ""
• classmethod %GetDimensionCaption(pCube As %String, pDimNo As %Integer, pHierNo As %Integer, pLevelNo As %Integer, ByRef pCaption As %String) as %Status
Return the localized display name for a given element within the given cube.
• classmethod %GetDimensionFact(pCube As %String, pDimNo As %Integer, pHierNo As %Integer, pLevelNo As %Integer, ByRef pFactName As %String) as %Status
Return the fact name associated with a given element within the given cube.
• classmethod %GetDimensionInfo(pCubeName As %String, pSpec As %String, Output pDimNo, Output pHierNo, Output pLevelNo, Output pRelationName As %String, Output pRelationSpec As %String, Output pSpecInfo As %String, ByRef pLocalCalcMembers, pStrict As %Boolean = 1, ByRef pLocalNamedSets) as %Status
Return the dimension,hierarchy, and level number of the specified element within the specified cube.
pCubeName is the name of the cube.
pSpec specifies the dimension in the form: "Dim.Hier.Level" or "Dim.Hier.Level.member".
If pStrict is false, then find a level: Hier or Level can be omitted if they are not ambiguous.
pSpecInfo is the array produced by parsing pSpec. This is returned as a convenience.
pLocalCalcMembers is an optional list of locally defined calculated members. pLocalNamedSets is an optional list of locally defined named sets.
• classmethod %GetDimensionList(pCube As %String, ByRef pInfo, pIncludeCalcMbrs As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Return a list of the dimensions (and measures) within the specified cube.
On return, pInfo will contain array of the form:
pInfo(DimNo,HierNo,LevelNo) = $LB(type,DimName,HierName,LevelName)
type can be "d","h","l","m" or "all" for dimension, hierarchy, level, measure or all level.
Note that all measures are found under DimNo 0 and have no LevelName. Dimensions whose name starts with "%" are not listed.
Dimensions that only contain calculated members are returned as:
• classmethod %GetDimensionMembers(pCubeName As %String, pSpec As %String, pContext As %List, Output pMembers, pMaxMembers As %Integer = 100, Output pMemberClass As %String, ByRef pRelatedFilters, pCalcMode As %Integer = 0) as %Status
Return a list of members of the specified dimension for the specified cube.
pCubeName is the name of the cube.
pSpec specifies the dimension in the form: "Dim.Hier.Level".
pContext specifies constraints on the list of members: It takes the form:
pContext = $LB(memberSpec,key)
The list is returned via pMembers. This takes the form:
pMembers(n) = $LB(value,name,memberId,memberKey)
Return the member class as a convenience.
If pRelatedFilters is provided, it is an array of other filter values to use to restrict the set of members. It takes the form:
pRelatedFilters(spec) = key
If pCalcMode is 1, then only return calculated members. If pCalcMode is -1, then only return non-calculated members.
• classmethod %GetDimensionProperties(pCube As %String, pDimName As %String, pHierName As %String, pLevelName As %String, ByRef pProperties) as %Status
Return the properties of a given level within the given cube as an array of form:
pProperties(n) = $LB(name,caption,type)
• classmethod %GetDimensionSpec(pCubeName As %String, Output pSpec As %String, pDimNo As %Integer, pHierNo As %Integer = 0, pLevelNo As %Integer = 0) as %Status
Given the dimension,hierarchy, and level number for a dimension within the specified cube, return it's specification string.
• classmethod %GetDimensionTables(pCubeName As %String, Output pStarTables, pCardinality As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Return an array of the dimension tables (class names) used for a given cube. If pCardinality is true, compute the size of each table.
• classmethod %GetErrorPageURL(pError As %String) as %String
Return the URL for the DeepSee management portal error page.
• final classmethod %GetFunctionList(Output pList, pAsTree As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Return a list of all currently defined MDX functions. This is used by utilities.
If pAsTree is true, return a format that a tree control can consume.
• classmethod %GetFunctionSet(ByRef funcset, pClass As %String) as %Status
Builds a list of functions (methods) for a given FunctionSet class This list is returned in funcset.
The list is of the form list(NAME) = $LB(class,name,specparsed,return).
This method is not currently used. [Previously private]
• classmethod %GetKPICaption(pKPI As %String, Output pStatus As %Status) as %String
Given the logical name, pKPI of a DeepSee KPI, return its caption.
• classmethod %GetKPIClass(pKPIName As %String, Output pStatus As %Status) as %String
Given the logical name, pKPIName of a DeepSee KPI, return the class name of the KPI definition.
• classmethod %GetKPIDescription(pKPIName As %String, Output pStatus As %Status) as %String
Given the logical name, pKPIName of a DeepSee KPI return its class description.
• final classmethod %GetKPIList(Output pList) as %Status
Return a list of all currently defined DeepSee KPIs visible to the current user. This is used by utilities.
This list takes the form:
pList(NAME) = $LB(name,caption,moddate,type)
• classmethod %GetKPIModifiedDate(pKPI As %String, Output pStatus As %Status) as %DeepSee.Datatype.dateTime
Given the logical name, pKPI of a DeepSee KPI, return the date of the time the KPI definition was modified (in $H format).
• classmethod %GetKPIName(pKPIName As %String, Output pStatus As %Status) as %String
Given the logical name, pKPIName of a DeepSee KPI, return its name in its original case.
• final classmethod %GetKPIPlugInList(Output pList, pBaseName As %String = "", pPlugInType As %String = "") as %Status
Return a list of all currently defined DeepSee "Plug-in" KPIs visible to the current user. If pBaseName is provided, then only list plug-ins visible to this base cube.
This is used by utilities.
This list takes the form:
pList(NAME) = $LB(name,caption,moddate,type)
pList(NAME,"props",propName) = ""
• classmethod %GetLevelNameForKey(pCubeName As %String, pSpec As %String, pKey As %String, Output pValue As %String) as %Status
Give a cube, a level within the cube, and the key value of a member of the level, return the name of the level member.
pCubeName is the name of the cube.
pSpec specifies the dimension in the form: "Dim.Hier.Level".
pKey is a key value. This may include the &[] around the key value.
pValue is the returned display value.
• classmethod %GetMemberCaption(pCube As %String, pDimName As %String, pHierName As %String = "", pLevelName As %String = "", ByRef pCaption As %String) as %Status
Return the localized display name for a given element within the given cube given a dimension, hierarchy, and level name.
• classmethod %GetMemberTree(pCube As %String, ByRef pTree, ByRef pVisited As %String, pSkipMeasures As %Boolean = 0, pRoot As %String = "", ByRef pLocalCalcMembers As %List, ByRef pLocalNamedSets As %List, pRelatedBy As %String = "", pLevel As %Integer = 0, pSkeleton As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Get the members (dimensions, measures, and actual members of dimensions) of the specified cube as a tree format that can be displayed within a %ZEN.Component.dynaTree.
pCube is the cube name.
pTree is an array returned by reference that contains the member data.
pSkipMeasures is used internally and indicates that measures (as well as named filters) should not be listed.
pRoot is used to specify that an incremental load of children is requested; if provided it is the spec of a parent node.
pLocalCalcMembers is used to pass in additional calculated members.
pLocalNamedSets is used to pass in additional named sets.
pVisited and pRelatedBy are not used.
pSkeleton indicates that members and relationships are not displayed.
• final classmethod %GetMetricList(Output pList) as %Status
Return a list of all currently defined Ensemble Business Metrics visible to the current user. This is used by utilities.
This list takes the form:
pList(NAME) = $LB(name,caption,moddate,type)
• classmethod %GetModel(pCubeName As %String, Output pStatus As %Status) as %DeepSee.Model.cube
Given the logical name, pCubeName of a DeepSee cube, return an instance of the %DeepSee.Model.cube meta-data object that describes the cube.
Return "" if the given cube does not exist.
This method does not work on SubjectAreas; use %GetSubjectAreaModel.
• classmethod %GetNamedFilterInfo(pCube As %String, pFilterName As %String, Output pInfo) as %Status
Return details on the given named filter in the array pInfo.
• classmethod %GetNamedFilters(pCube As %String, ByRef pFilters) as %Status
Return all named filters for a given cube as an array of form:
pFilters(n) = $LB(name,tooltip,spec,cube)
• final classmethod %GetPivotList(Output pList, pHidden As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Return a list of all currently defined DeepSee Pivots visible to the current user. This is used by utilities.
This list takes the form:
pList(NAME) = $LB(name,caption,moddate,type)
If pHidden is true, then include trash and local items.
• classmethod %GetRelatedCube(pCubeName As %String, pRelationName As %String) as %String
Given the logical name, pCubeName of a DeepSee cube, and the name of a relationship in the cube, return the name of the cube referred to by the relationship.
• final classmethod %GetSQLColumnName(pClass As %String, pProp As %String) as %String
Returns the SQL name of property pProp for class pClass.
• classmethod %GetSQLTableName(pClass As %String) as %String
Returns the SQL table name for class pClass.
• classmethod %GetSubjectAreaModel(pName As %String, Output pStatus As %Status) as %DeepSee.Model.SubjectArea.subjectArea
Given the logical name, pName of a DeepSee subject, return an instance of the %DeepSee.Model.SubjectArea.subjectArea meta-data object that describes the cube.
Return "" if the given cube does not exist.
This method does not work on base cubes; use %GetModel.
• classmethod %GetTimeLevelClasses(Output pClasses) as %Status
Builds a list of available time level classes. The list is of the form list(NAME) = class. [Previously private]
• final classmethod %GetWorksheetList(Output pList, pHidden As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Return a list of all currently defined DeepSee worksheets visible to the current user. This is used by utilities.
This list takes the form:
pList(NAME) = $LB(name,caption,moddate,type)
If pHidden is true, then include trash and local items.
• classmethod %IsCubeAbstract(pCubeName As %String, Output pStatus As %Status) as %Boolean
Given the logical name, pCubeName of a DeepSee cube, test if it is abstract.
An abstract cube does not contain any data and cannot be queried.
• classmethod %IsCubeAvailable(pCubeName As %String, Output pReason As %String) as %Boolean
Test if the given cube is available for querying.
• classmethod %IsCubeCompound(pCubeName As %String, Output pJoinList As %String, Output pStatus As %Status) as %Boolean
Given the logical name, pCubeName of a DeepSee cube, test if it is a compound cube (composed of two or more cubes joined together).
• classmethod %IsKPIPublic(pKPIName As %String) as %Boolean
Given the logical name, pKPIName of a DeepSee KPI, test if it is public.
• classmethod %IsLeapYear(y) as %Boolean
Return whether the given year is a leap year.
• classmethod %IsRelationship(pCubeName As %String, pDimension As %String) as %Boolean
Given the logical name, pCubeName of a DeepSee cube, and the name of a dimension, test if the dimension is a relationship.
• classmethod %KillCube(pCubeName As %String) as %Status
Delete all indices and cache values for the given cube.
• classmethod %KillKPICacheForCube(pCubeName As %String) as %Status
Delete any KPI cache values for the given cube.
• classmethod %LoadCellCache(pCubeName As %String) as %Status
Compute pre-loaded cell cache entries for the given cube based on the cell cache specification within the cube's definition.
• classmethod %MemberHasChildren(pCube As %String, pDimNo As %Integer, pHierNo As %Integer, pLevelNo As %Integer, ByRef pHasChildren As %Boolean) as %Status
Test if a given element within the given cube has child levels.
• classmethod %ParseRangeExpression(pRange As %String, Output pOutput, pContext As %String = "", Output pCode As %String) as %Status
Parse the given DeepSee range expression.
A range expression takes the form:
spec takes the form:
value | (value,value) | [value,value]
() specifies a non-inclusive edge of a range.
[] specifies a inclusive edge of a range.
pContext is used for error reporting. pCode contains a generated expression that implement the range expression (using x as an input value).
• classmethod %PrecomputeAggregates(pCubeName As %String, pAsync As %Boolean = 1, pVerbose As %Boolean = 1, pTracking As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Precompute aggregate values for the given cube (if its precompute property is non-zero).
If pAsync is true, then background tasks are used.
If pVerbose is true, then status information is written to the console.
• classmethod %ProcessFact(pCubeName As %String, pSourceId As %String = "", pVerbose As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
For the specified cube, update one fact from the source table (with id of pSourceId). If the fact does not yet exist, it is inserted, if does exist it is updated.
If pVerbose is true, then status information is written to the console.
• classmethod %PurgeDSTIME(pVerbose As %Integer = 0, Output pPurged As %Library.String(MAXLEN="")) as %Status

%PurgeDSTIME purges all nodes in ^OBJ.DSTIME that have already been processed by all cubes. This method checks the DSTIME value for each cube and computes the oldest DSTIME value that has not yet been synchronized. All DSTIME values older than that time are purged from the DSTIME index.

If a class has entries in the DSTIME index and no cubes use that class as a source class then those DSTIME entries are not purged.

If the DSTIME index is used for any purpose other than DeepSee then the user should not use this method to purge the DSTIME index.

pVerbose Input If true then status messages will be displayed on the current device.
pPurged Output An array of DSTIME entries that have been purged. For example:
The array subscript is the class name and the value is the DSTIME value that was purged.

Return value: This method returns a %Status value indicating success or failure.

• classmethod %Reset(pClearCells As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
Stops all DeepSee background agents, clears any pending tasks, and clears the result cache for the current namespace. If pClearCells is true, then the cell cache for the current namespace is also cleared.
This method is provided as a convenience for developers for use on development or test systems. You should not use this method on production systems as it will have immediate effect on the performance of end user operations.
• classmethod %RunServerAuditCode(pDashboardId As %String) as %Status
Run the server audit code.
This gives customer applications a chance to audit viewing of DeepSee dashboard pages. This is called whenever a DeepSee dashaboard is viewed in the user portal.
The server audit code is a valid ObjectScript expression stored in the ^DeepSee.AuditCode global. Server audit code should not write any output to the current device nor should this code kill any % variables required by Zen or DeepSee.
The variable, %dsDashboard, will contain the id (name) of the current dashboard item.
• classmethod %RunServerInitCode() as %Status
Run the server init code.
This gives customer applications a chance to establish environmental settings. This is called whenever a DeepSee session is created or when a background agent starts.
The server init code is a valid ObjectScript expression stored in the ^DeepSee.InitCode global. Server init code should not write any output to the current device nor should this code kill any % variables required by Zen or DeepSee.
• classmethod %SaveNamedFilter(pCube As %String, pFilterName As %String, pTooltip As %String, pSpec As %String) as %Status
Save a named filter.
• classmethod %SetAgentCount(pNumAgents As %Integer = "") as %Integer
Set the default number of background processes used by DeepSee.
DeepSee actually creates double the specified number of processes: one set is used for high priority work, and the other set is used for low priority work.
If set to "", then 4 times the number of cores is used.
Return the current default agent count (which could be "").
This will only take effect after DeepSee is reset.
• classmethod %SetCubeDSTime(pCubeName As %String, pVersion As %Integer = "") as %Status
Update the sync timestamp for the given cube.
• classmethod %SetDSTimeIndex(pClassName As %String, pObjectId As %String, pAction As %Integer)
Set an entry into the DS Time index used to track changes to transactional classes.
This is intended for classes that use DSTIME="manual" and wish to maintain the DSTIME index manually. It should be called whenever an instance of the class is inserted, updated, or deleted.
pClassName is the (case-sensitive) class name of the transactional class.
pObjectId is object id of the affected object instance.
pAction is 0 for updates, 1 for inserts, and 2 for deletes.
• classmethod %Shell()
Invoke the DeepSee command line shell.
• classmethod %SynchronizeCube(pCubeName As %String, pVerbose As %Boolean = 1, Output pFactsUpdated As %Integer, pReadCommitted As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
For the specified cube, find and apply all changes from the source data that have been made since the last call to this method. If pVerbose is true, then status information is written to the console.
On return, pFactsUpdated will return the number of facts updated.
By default, reads from the source table use READ COMMITTED mode, you can turn this off (if you can tolerate reads of values from uncommitted transactions) by setting pReadCommitted to 0.
• classmethod %TestTimeClass(pClassName As %String, pTest As %Integer = 1, pFormat As %String = "") as %Status
This utility method tests a DeepSee time level class to verify that it is implemented correctly.
There are several tests:
Test 1: test the %Convert, %KeyToValue, and %ValueToKey methods.
Test 2: test the %Convert, %KeyToValue, and %ValueToKey methods.
• classmethod %UnformatDate(pValue As %String, pFormat As %String = "") as %Date
Unformat a date value according to the given format and convert to $H (or "").
See %FormatDate for information on formats.
• classmethod %UpdateDimensionProperty(pCubeName As %String, pSpec As %String, pValue As %String, pKey As %String) as %Status
Programmatic API for updating the value of a dimension property after a cube has been built.
Set tSC = ##class(%DeepSee.Utils).%UpdateDimensionProperty(
It takes the following arguments:
pCubeName-name of the cube.
pSpec-specification of member to update as an MDX expression. This must completely specify a level and a single key value within the level. For example: "[Product].[P1].[Product Category].&[Candy]"
You can set the value of a dimension property by adding Properties(propName) to the end of the spec: "[Outlet].[H1].[City].&[23].Properties(""Population"")" pValue-if defined, this is new NAME value for a dimension member or the value to use for a dimension property.
pKey-if defined, this is new KEY value for a dimension member. Ignored for a dimension property.
There a number of restrictions on this method:
You cannot update a time dimension.
You cannot update a member of relationship.
You cannot update a level property whose isReference is true.
• classmethod %WriteDependencyGraph(pCubeName As %String)
Write the cube dependency graph for the given cube.