abstract class %DeepSee.UserPortal.Utils
extends %RegisteredObject
APIs used by the UserPortal.
parameter DOMAIN = "%DeepSee";
classmethod %ClearDashboardSettings(pDashboard As %String, pUser As %String = "", pSaveLocalDataSource As %Boolean = 0)
as %Status
Clear dashboard settings for the given dashboard (If pUser is "", then for all users).
classmethod %ClearUserIcons()
as %Status
Delete the current user icons for the current namespace.
classmethod %ClearUserSettings()
as %Status
Delete the current user settings for the current namespace.
classmethod %DeleteAlert(pAlertId As %String)
as %Status
Delete the given alert.
classmethod %FindDependencies(pName As %String, Output pList As %String, pVerbose As %Boolean = 0)
as %Status
For the given folder item, pName, return a list of other items it depends upon.
classmethod %FindIsUsedBy(pName As %String, Output pList As %String, pVerbose As %Boolean = 0)
as %Status
For the given folder item, pName, return a list of other items that use it.
This method does a full scan of all dashboard items, so use sparingly.
classmethod %FormatDate(pDate As %String)
as %String
Format a $H value.
classmethod %GetAlertsForUser(Output pAlerts, Output pNewCount As %Integer, pMaxItems As %Integer = 25)
as %Status
Return the current alerts list for the current user:
pAlerts(n) = $LB(alertId,from,subject,date,url,priority,icon,iconTip)
classmethod %GetChartSeriesSchemeInfo(pScheme As %String, Output pSchemeName, Output pColorList)
as %Status
Find info on the given chart series color scheme.
classmethod %GetChartSeriesSchemes(Output pScheme)
as %Status
Return an array of the defined chart series color schemes:
pScheme(n) = $LB(name,caption,[colorList])
classmethod %GetColorSchemeInfo(pScheme As %String, Output pInfo)
as %Status
Find info on the given dashboard color scheme.
classmethod %GetColorSchemes(Output pScheme)
as %Status
Return an array the list of defined dashboard color schemes:
pScheme(n) = $LB(name,caption,jsFile,cssFile)
classmethod %GetColorSets(Output pSet)
as %Status
Return an array of the defined color sets.
A color set is a name list of up to 256 colors used by a color picker.
pSet(n) = $LB(name,caption,;-delimited list of colors)
classmethod %GetErrorPageURL(pError As %String)
as %String
Return the URL for the user portal error page.
classmethod %GetFavoritesForUser(Output pFavorites)
as %Status
Return the current favorites list for the current user:
pItems(n) = $LB(fullName,name,folder,title,type,icon,date,url)
classmethod %GetFolderItemsForUser(Output pItems, pFolderName As %String, pSearchKey As %String = "", pIncludePrivate As %Boolean = 0, pShowAll As %Boolean = 0)
as %Status
Return a list of folder items for the current user:
pItems(n) = $LB(name,type,tip,date,url,icon,keywords,public,title,createdBy,resource)
This list is returned in ID order; the caller will sort it.
If pShowAll is true, list items for all users.
classmethod %GetPreferences(Output pPrefs)
as %Status
Return an array containing the system preferences for the portal.
classmethod %GetRecentItemsForUser(Output pItems)
as %Status
Return the recent items list for the current user:
pItems(n) = $LB(fullName,name,folder,title,type,icon,date,url)
classmethod %GetSettingsFromURL(Output pSettings)
as %Status
Get the values of any SETTINGS parameters within the current URL and pull them apart.
A dashboard URL may contain any number of parameters called SETTINGS. Each takes the form:
Allowed values include:
TARGET:widgetName; ("*" if not specified)
For some items, such as FILTER, there can be multiple values separated by ~
;; is an escape for ";"
~~ is an escape for "~"
A FILTER spec is of the form:
Name.Value or [Name].[Value], [Name].&[Value]
For an MDX-based filter, Name may have multiple pieces:
On return, pSettings will contain:
pSettings(target,parm) = "value"
classmethod %GetUserHomePageURL()
as %String
Return the URL for the user portal home page.
classmethod %GetUserIcon(pName As %String, Output pSC As %Status)
as %String
Get the path of the given user-defined icon.
classmethod %GetUserIconList(Output pData)
as %Status
Return a list of the current user icons in the form:
pData(n) = $LB(name,path)
classmethod %GetUserList(Output pUsers, pSearchKey As %String = "", pAlertsEnabled As %Boolean = 0)
as %Status
Return a list of DeepSee users.
pUsers(n) = $LB(id,name,icon)
If pAlertsEnabled is true, then only return users that have enabled alerts.
classmethod %GetUserName()
as %String
Return the name of the current user.
Return their full name if registered, otherwise return the login name.
classmethod %GetUserSetting(pName As %String, Output pSC As %Status)
as %String
Get the value of the given user-defined setting.
A user-setting is an expression. This method evaluates the expression and returns the result.
classmethod %GetUserSettingsList(Output pData, pContext As %String = "")
as %Status
Return a list of the current user settings in the form:
pData(n) = $LB(name,value,comment,context)
classmethod %GetViewerURL()
as %String
Return the URL for the dashboard viewer.
classmethod %KillAlerts()
as %Status
Delete all alerts in this namespace.
classmethod %ListFolderItems(pSearchKey As %String = "")
as %Status
Print a list of all folder items to the console.
classmethod %LoadDashboardSettings(Output pSettings As %String, pDashboard As %String, pUser As %String = "")
as %String
A dashboard setting is a set of name/value pairs saved for a specific
dashboard and user. This lets the user save filters values, positions, etc.
classmethod %RegisterUser(pUserId As %String, pUserName As %String = "", pEMail As %String = "", pEnabled As %Boolean = 1)
as %Status
Register a DeepSee user.
classmethod %RemoveUserIcon(pName As %String)
as %Status
Delete the given user icon for the current namespace.
classmethod %RemoveUserSetting(pName As %String)
as %Status
Delete the given user setting for the current namespace.
classmethod %ResolveText(pText As %String)
as %String
Resolve a localized text string at run time.
A localized string can take the following forms:
"String" -- not localized.
"$$$String" -- equivalent to $$$Text("String","DeepSeeUser")
"$$$String/Domain" -- equivalent to $$$Text("String","Domain")
classmethod %ResolveTextList(pText As %String)
as %String
Resolve a csv-list of localized text strings at run time.
classmethod %SaveDashboardSettings(ByRef pSettings As %String, pDashboard As %String, pUser As %String = "")
as %Status
A dashboard setting is a set of name/value pairs saved for a specific
dashboard and user. This lets the user save filters values, positions, etc.
classmethod %SendAlert(pAlert As %DeepSee.UserPortal.Data.Alert)
as %Status
Send a new alert.
classmethod %SetUserIcon(pName As %String, pPath As %String)
as %Status
Set the path for the given user-defined icon.
pName is the name of the icon. This must be unique.
pValue is the path for the icon.
classmethod %SetUserSetting(pName As %String, pValue As %String, pComment As %String = "", pContext As %String = "")
as %Status
Set the value and comment for the given user-defined setting.
pName is the name of the setting. This must be unique.
pValue is the value of the setting. This is in ObjectScript expression that is evaluated at run-time.
pComment is a comment.
pContext is the name of the context in which this setting is expected to be used. This allows the user to be presented with a limited set of settings.